Closed Postponed Dates

Elijah Taylor

Eldest- Independent- Serious
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Elijah couldn't believe his luck. Lavender was the sweetest thing he'd ever met. He stopped in at the coffee shop twice a day, sent her bouquets of Lavender and Roses, texted her every time he had a spare moment. They'd ended up having to postpone Wednesday to Saturday, but he was sure to set aside more time this time. He arrived, dressed nicely in a semi formal suit, with a new bouquet behind his back as he approached her door. He knocked, smiling to himself as he waited for the woman to answer her door.
Lavender felt like she was waiting for the other shoe to drop with Elijah, he was so lovely, he visited her at the coffee shop. He sent her flowers, he texted her. It was just...he was so nice and she felt so seen. She had never been seen before. Moving the date to Saturday had meant her moving her shifts to not be working.

It did mean that she hadn't a moment, since their last date. She'd gotten some sleep between shifts, napping occasionally in her mother's hospital room. But not much. Her diet had been old cakes every so often. She hadn't had time for meals. But now it was the time for the date. Lavender had pulled out an old dress for it. It was a little big on her, with her mother taken unwell, Lavender just hadn't had the time to look after herself. Lavender had made sure her nails were clean and her hair was sitting nicely for once.

Lav heard the knocking at the door and looked herself over again in the mirror. lavender didn't think she looked terrible, but she also spotted at least three things she didn't like. But she went to the door and opened it. lavender was nervous and looking at the ground between them before sneaking a look at him. And god, he was beautiful.
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Elijah was alarmed as Lavender opened the door, noticing how weary and tired she looked. "Lavender," he fretted, stepping forward immediately. "Come here," He took hold of her gently, leading her back inside. He pulled out his phone, calling in a delivery order instead, setting the flowers on the table. Once he was done, he brought her over to the couch and settled her down, slipping off his jacket. "That's it, we're having an at home date today," He told her. "You stay right here, I'll be right back." He leaned down, kissing her temple and pulling over a nearby blanket, tucking her in.

Once she was settled, he moved to the kitchen, conjuring a vase out of her sight and setting the flowers on the kitchen table. He did a quick scan of her cupboards and fridge- it was like he thought, she didn't have anything here. A slight plan forming in his mind, he walked back out, slipping out of his jacket. He sat down beside her, taking her hand in his. "So, Lavender, slight change of plans. I've ordered in dinner, let's just rest and watch a movie, hm?" He offered, brushing her hair back.
Lavender wasn't surprised as Elijah pushed her inside. She had put an effort in, and it hadn't been enough. She let him guide her to the sofa and sat down watching him put the flowers down and then tuck her in a blanket. She wasn't good enough to take out. He was looking after her, and it was sweet to a degree, but it didn't make her feel good at all. He was sweet to want to look after her, but in her mind, all she could think was that he would rather not be seen with someone as ugly as she was.

She had put her hair all nice, she had put on a dress and she just...wasn't worth it. lavender should've known. He was too pretty, and she, she wasn't. She felt her eyes water. God she was pathetic and worthless. She wiped at her eyes and kept her gaze away from him, even as he sat back down and took her hand. Lavender knew he meant well, the logical part of her mind knew it but that part was staying rather quiet. She finally glanced momentarily at him and then away. Moving out of his hold and standing up.
Elijah blinked, following her as she stood. "Lavender." He murmured, moving to stand in front of her, guessing her worries. "You look beautiful," he whispered, cupping her face in his hands. "I just- when was the last time you slept? Truly?" He questioned. "I want to take you out on the town, show you off to everyone I can. But darling, I would never forgive myself if I took you out knowing you needed rest and something happened to you." He brushed his hand over her face, tempted to kiss her. "I've cleared my schedule for the rest of the night and I'm free until noon tomorrow. What do you say to a quiet dinner and cuddling on the couch, then I'll take you out for a lovely breakfast?" He asked, giving her a gentle smile.
Lavender didn't look at him. Just wiped at her eyes and glanced up at him when he took her face. She knew he was right about it, that he was right to not want to take her out, she hadn't slept a lot, her makeup probably didn't hide any of it. She probably looked gross, he wouldn't ever take her out, she felt sure if it wasn't this then it would be something else. There were tears in her eyes and slowly making their way down her cheeks. A quiet dinner and cuddling sounded nice, a good breakfast sounded nice and she was looking at him, with tears on her cheeks and just shook her head. She didn't want to demand anything, he was a doctor and he knew what was best. But it just...she felt ugly. "Let me freshen up," her voice was quiet and she glanced down at their feet, slowly moving out of his hold. "Or dress down,"
Elijah considered her words, before deciding to do something a little more drastic. He stepped in as she stepped away, leaning down and kissing her gently. "Lavender, I adore you," He told her, tucking her hair back. "I'm going to take care of you, okay? And later we'll go out," he promised, pulling her in for a hug.
Lavender was surprised when he kissed her and she had a moment frozen in shock before it being too late to kiss him back. He spoke so warmly and she just wrapped her arms around herself as he spoke. He was going to take care of her? Lavender knew he couldn't mean that. She let herself be pulled into the hug, and she slowly hugged him back. Her emotions felt raw, she still felt gross and ugly, but he had kissed her, and spoke so nicely to her. Lavender pulled out of the hug after a moment, not lingering long in it and looked at him. "I'm still going to go freshen up," Lavender told him, she just needed a moment of time, to change out of this stupid dress and to clean herself up.
Elijah nodded, letting her step back. Once she was out of the room, he conjured up his pajamas, settling in on the couch as he waited for her to return. It was easy enough to explain; he had a to go bag in the car. He waited patiently for her to come back, getting on his phone and ordering a grocery delivery that included a lot of fruit and a brand new, high end blender. He placed the order, smiling to himself.
Lavender was glad that he let her go and she went to her bathroom. She sat down upon closed over toilet, glancing about the small, tight bathroom, that didn't even have a bath. She looked down at herself, to the ill-fitting dress and glanced in the mirror at herself.

Lavender trusted that Elijah was being genuine, that he actually meant what he said, that he adored her, that he wanted her to rest, that they would go out the next day, but her confidence was a knife edge. Lavender looked at herself in the mirror, she touched at her lips, knowing that kiss had been her first ever, she looked at the dress that she had for a moment liked and before she knew it she was in tears. Crying as silently as she could in her bathroom.

She trusted him, but it didn't stop her feeling awful about herself.
Elijah spent a bit of time lost in thought, thinking over everything he knew and everything that had happened. He waited for a bit, wondering about with hands in his pockets and just lost in thought, but when :avender wasn't out before the food arrived, he went looking. Setting the food on the coffee table, he left the room and approached the bathroom door, knocking gently. "Lavender?" He asked softly. "Sweetness, are you alright?"
Lavender didn't know how much time had passed, she just cried, feeling pretty terrible. She heard Elijah at the door and she glanced up at the door. She stood up, her eyes were red and puffy, looking worse than she had upon coming in. She quickly splashed her face with water and then went to the door. She knew he was would see through it. lavender opened the door, avoided his gaze. "Yeah, sorry, the dress is stuck," she said softly, trying to move past him to get to the bedroom.
Elijahs brow furrowed. He could tell something was wrong, that something was bothering her, but he wasn't sure how much he could push in that moment. "May I help?" He asked instead, walking after her-careful not to be too close but trying not to be too far, either. "I'm sorry if I'm being overbearing, sweet." He bit his lip, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Its in my nature to fret..."
Lavender wasn't sure she wanted Elijah to see her body but knowing that she was trying to hide the fact she'd been crying. She went to the bedroom, which was small, with a thin mattress. Lavender moved her hair to give Elijah the access to unzip the dress. The negative part of her brain said this was a mistake that he'd see her and find her gross. "It's okay, you're very sweet, no one is sweet to me,"
-godmods approved-

Elijah followed after her, smiling softly. 'It's alright," He murmured, undoing her dress. He saw how skinny she was, and he hid his worry. Instead, he slipped his hands over her shoulders. "You're beautiful," He murmured, kissing her cheek. "Shall I go to the living room?" He asked, wanting to see what it was she wanted him to do.
Lavender could feel his hands on her shoulders. She closed her eyes as he called her beautiful, she couldn't let herself believe it. She wasn't but it was nice to have someone say it. Even if her mind was being a bit unkind about it. "Please, I promise I'll be a second,"
Elijah nodded, kissing her cheek again before moving back to the living room. He set up dinner, lighting a few candles and moving the vase to the living room with them. He knew he'd asked to stay here, but he wanted it to be romantic all the same. His mind was racing as he tried to think of ways to salvage the evening for her.
Lavender tried to not lean into his kiss, but she did. lavender put on some old jeans and then an oversized jumper. She wiped at her eyes, and cleaned up the makeup. She still kept a little on and kept her hair down. Lavender rejoined him in the living room and glanced. She could smell the food and her stomach rumbled loudly. "This is nice," Lavender said, trying to hide her embarrassment.
Elijah could tell she was hiding, but he didn't want to upset her again. His breath caught a little as she walked out again- how was she still so beautiful? He tried not to upset her again, just smiling and patting the couch to summon her over. "Thank you... I really want this to go well," he admitted shyly. "I know I've upset you... won't you let me make it up to you?" He pleaded gently.
Lavender moved and sat down on her couch next to her. She glanced at him and shook her head lightly. "You didn't," she said, She very slowly almost reached for his hand, though she didn't immediately take it. It hovered, still unsure. Not quite wanting to take it so boldly. "I upset myself by overthinking it," Lavender told him softly. She glanced away. "I'm sorry I'm being difficult, you're being so kind. I don't mean to be ungrateful. Please, let's eat,"
Elijah smiled, giving her a moment before gently taking her hand in his. "Sweetheart..." He reached up, brushing his thumb against her cheek. "Will you send me your schedule? I'd like to rearrange mine a bit more. I want to spend all the time I can with you." He told her, before offering her the lobster mac and cheese. "What would you like to drink?"

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