
Severin Matthias

Well-Known Member
There was not much that could happen to make Severin Beau Matthias in a bad mood, but some rude customers over at Starbucks managed to do just that. Little snobs that needed to have some coffee dunked over their heads was more like it. Severin loved himself some coffee. There was so much more in life he could be doing. He was a poet, a writer, and then there was so much more. Severin was an artist, to say the least. Where he was not very good in sports, he could paint, draw, play acoustic guitar and make songs out of his poems. However where he had the talent, he lacked in humility. Severin thought of himself as the man that would change the world, and he thought that he could with a switch of his nose, and a few poetic words. His cockiness made him somewhat of a joke at school, but he could hold his own battles quiet well. His academics were so-so, and he liked to use magic every now and again. However he did find himself attracted to Valera at one point, before he backed off because she seemed to be a bit more than trouble. He heard some stories about her too. Severin was one of those that believed in rumors to be facts until proven false. There was another person that he did idolize though. That was his older brother, Terence. He had the girls and the guys swooning for him, loving him, worshiping him. Severin wanted that, and claimed to those that asked why he supposed the colors purple, pink and blue was because he liked boys and girls. He even wore a band on his wrist about it, supporting the colors. He couldn't help it, it was just the way he was, and that was not going to be changing anytime soon. He emerged from the coffee shop, and he could hear the sounds of the city. He was glad that he didn't have to go to the emergency room. Again. He was severely allergic to peanuts, and in his line of work, they were always around. He couldn't stand to touch them. He remembered once when he was, and had to be taken to the hospital. He was so swollen, he couldn't write or talk for days. Severin was miserable as hell then. That was one downside to having a best friend like him. One couldn't have peanuts around, ever.

Holding a cup of coffee in his hand, specially designed for one and one only, Severin waited, standing in the grass for his best friend. She had that Valera girl as a best friend too, but Severin tried to stay away from Valera. She didn't seem to be into the same stuff that he and Amara were. He looked around and his amber eyes could see her. He held up the coffee, and he could see that she could not see him. Well, he would change that. Severin took a run and went toward her while shouting, "AMAAAARRRAAAA! CIIIINNNNY! MAARIIIIIII!" Severin took a jump and collided with the girl, tumbling to the grass covered with snow. It wouldn't look good on her clothing, but it was better than nothing. It was cold as could be too. Holidays were amazing for Severin. While he worked extra shifts at Starbucks, he still loved the snow and the bitter cold. He knew that Amara probably wouldn't appreciate him doing this, at all. But Severin could not resist. He looked at his hand at the perfect cup of coffee, and he noticed that he could be pinning her down. "My, this is cozy," purred Severin as he laughed and he rolled away to ensure that Amara could get up on her own. He stood up, and offered his hand to help her back on her feet before he handed her the cup of coffee. "I'd ask how the most beautiful person in Salem was, but I'd need a mirror. So here's your Starbucks made coffee!" His light humor was somewhat arrogant, but he was always like that anyway. Severin made plenty of friends in Salem due to his personality, but his lack of abilities to actually connect with people was astounding. While he had friends, he didn't have anyone to relate to him on the artistic side, one that could read his poems and know all of the hidden meanings. Severin felt that he wouldn't ever connect like that with someone. He doubted that anyone would ever have the chance to see his poems either. He only let others see the easier ones, never the harder ones. Those were the ones that he was saving for someone or something special. He was published in a few books already for some of his writings, but not enough to where he was recognizable.
<COLOR color="#000">Amara Austin was tempted to throw her purse down and collapse into the bank of snow beside her. She was beyond frustrated with herself right now, to the point where she was sure that if she didn't keep walking, she would start to cry hysterically. Amara wondered to herself why she allowed people to screw her over as many times as she did. One would think that after the first or second time of it being done, that Amara would give up. But alas, here she was again, with that familiar feeling of betrayal and hurt was tearing away at her heart. Most of the time it was the same people doing it too. Her father, James, even her brother had taken on the role of killing her feelings. "I'm an idiot." Maybe she was. After all, she kept believing people and getting her heart stomped on when she didn't deserve to. Amara sighed softly. She was thinking about breaking up with James. Her final semester at Salem was going to be starting soon, and Amara knew once she Graduated, she was leaving the United States. Oh she was going to get as far away from here as possibly. James was included in the things she wanted to get away from. He was just awful. What she once saw there when they began to date, wasn't there any longer. A year ago, Amara was naive. Just the thought of a boy flirting with her made her stomach do flip-flops. James knew this. He knew she was new to this. He used it to his advantage too. He took the naive and innocent little girl that Amara was, and used it against her. He was mean. He called her names all the time. Not the teasing kind of names either. He actually went out of his way to make Amara feel like she was stupid. Or like she didn't deserve him. At first, Amara was so scared of being dumped, that she just took it. But now, Amara wasn't that naive little girl anymore. "At least, not when it comes to boys like him." Amara thought to herself bitterly as she brushed a few strands of blonde hair away from her eyes. There were even rumors going around that James had been getting awfully cozy with another girl. It just, it was all too much. Amara refused to spend another day of her vacation moping around about James. Not when she could be out drinking gallons of coffee and shopping. The two most wonderful things in the world. For now, everything else was going to be pushed aside. Thoughts about Graduation, James, her moving away, everything. They could wait until another day. Amara wiggled some freshly fallen snow off of her foot just in time to suddenly feel someone jump on her with great force. Amara had been so out of it with her thoughts that she hadn't even heard one of closet friends call her name. Sharp, bitter coldness greeted her uncovered legs and feet, and Amara was suddenly brought back to reality. Did Severin really just tackle her to the ground. She had invited him to hang out with her today. He usually did a good job at listening and being a friend. But right now he was looking to get hit apparently.

"Maybe for you fatty! Now get off, you're crushing and ruining my new clothes." Amara teased as she thumped him on the shoulder. He wasn't fat. He knew that too. But Amara had to remind him that she was the precious and adorable one here. Not him. Her. Of course they both often argued who was prettier, but hey, if Severin wanted to believe he was prettier or something, fine with her. But every once and awhile she was going to have to set his ego back into place. Most of the time it seemed like his arrogance was humor, so she was never real serious with her comments. Severin knew this too. Amara was sweet and naive most of the time, but could be sassy if she wanted to. When she eyed the coffee that he brought her, Amara snatched it in a heartbeat and brought the warm liquid to her lips. "You brought me coffee, so you're forgiven for almost killing me back there." Amara teased again and took another drink. She loved coffee. Severin knew exactly what kind she liked too. Which she highly appreciated. It was nice of him to think of her and bring her some too. Then again, he must have known that she would be in a better mood if he did. Amara took another drink and motioned for Severin to follow her. "So, my good fellow, what have you been up to on your Holiday break so far? Are you eager for school to start up? Just-please distract me with something going on. I need a distraction. I'm sure you can guess why too." Amara rolled her blue eyes. Severin knew she had been having problems with James. So she was sure she didn't need to inform him of her boy drama. Should she tell Severin that she wanted to break up with James. Or that once she Graduated, she wanted to move out of the country to work with fashion designers? Would he even allow the second one? Amara knew she needed to tell Valera too. But she was worried that they wouldn't accept it. The mall was a couple of blocks away, so they would have some time to talk before the thoughts of new clothes and shoes took over Amara's brain.​
Severin could not help but notice the kind of clothing she was in. It was the dead of winter, and she was not even wearing pants. In Massachusetts. Well, even he knew that Amara was not at all that bright. If she wanted to get sick and get frostbite in the snow with her bare legs, then that was her own fault. Guys would probably take her more seriously if she didn't dress like a harlot. Oh if Sethos were here, he would have a field day with her. Severin made sure to dust the excess snow off of him before he fixed his hair. He looked at Amara with almost disapproving eyes. Oh they were going to go to the mall, and he was going to teach her how to get dressed and not look like someone who spreads around easier than butter spreads on bread. Severin rubbed his neck and he shrugged, "Those clothes needed to be destroyed, darling. This isn't summer. This is winter. It means it is time to bundle up or else you will get frostbite and lose your..." Severin paused for a moment, looking up and down at her legs, "ahem, legs." He smirked a bit, and he truly did think that he was the brains of the two. The things he could write could make any girl fall deeply in love with him. If only it worked on men too. Severin twirled around once in the snow and he continued, "See? I'm bundled, warm, and still look sexy. I'll have to teach you." Severin walked toward her and he wrapped his arm around her to bring her closer to him. Severin was one of those highly affectionate type of friends, and thought that linking arms, holding hands, arm wrapped around the shoulders was all really just for friends. He was now acting like he was teaching her something, as he walked toward the mall. He was not going to voice his thoughts until he got her into a clothing store and let her go nuts. He could pay for it too. He had a mountain load of credit cards. He needed them all for shopping of course. An artist like him needed to look really nice and presentable. He looked around the tall buildings with his amber eyes that looked more like fire as he was getting more and more energy.

"Eager for school to start up? Please, no one in that school really knows how to create poems and stuff, which is what I am into of course. With the things I write, I could make you fall in love with me. But I don't want to tamper with free will." He gave her a wink before he smiled and laughed softly. It was not too long before they approached the mall, and he did not want to really tell her much about James right now. He would wait until they were inside so that it was out of the bitter wind. Once they were inside, Severin led her over to the bench where he sat down with her, and placed both of his hands in his lap. He looked at her with a serious expression, and he shook his head. He knew just what to expect when it came to James. He heard the rumors. He did not know how those rumors managed to come over here since he was supposed to be in Durmstrang, but somehow they managed. Severin started to speak, "Look, Mari, about James, he is a creep. You don't need to be with him. I'm speaking to you about this because I love you. You are amazing. But dump him. Really. You need someone to spoil you. To treasure you, to worship you. Wow I need that too, when I think about it." Severin got side tracked for a second before he shook his head. He could not believe that he was talking to her seriously, and managed to go on what he wanted. "Anyway, here is what you do. Dump him, and then sweep me off my feet," laughed Severin as he said that. "You should just dump him and date me." He was joking by that point, since he knew that their relationship was strictly friendship. He really hoped that she was paying attention to him since he was talking seriously before about dumping him. Because that boy was bad news, much like a lot of people from Durmstrang were bad news.
<COLOR color="#000">Amara raised an eyebrow at Severin's statement. He did this often. But it still bothered her when he did, mostly because she liked the way she dressed, and to hear someone tell her that they hated it, it stung. Amara's lips curled into a frown and she huffed. There was a sense of frustration hidden in her features. "You're also a boy Severin. It's a lot easier for you to dress and look cute, than it is for a female." Amara crossed her arms over her chest and looked at him, as if she were telling him to beat that statement. It was true, because girls had to find a balance. Don't dress like an old grandma, and try not to dress like a harlot. Amara wasn't sure if she was able to find that balance. Especially when so many different opinions were constantly flying at her. How was she supposed to be a fashion designer if she could barely dress herself? Severin walked toward her and he wrapped his arm around her to bring her closer to him, and all Amara could do was huff again. "Severin, you know I adore you, but sometimes I think you use this as an excuse to dress me like a little doll." She felt like barbie. Which wasn't a good thing in Amara's opinion. Barbie's were creepy little muggle dolls that never ceased smiling. It was disturbing at times. Amara walked alongside Severin to the mall, hoping that he wouldn't get carried away this time. He seemed unhappy that school was going to start back up soon. He really seemed to hate Salem. Not that Amara could blame him. "Yeah okay. You haven't written me a poem in awhile though, you bum." Amara felt it was wrong for best friends to be also a couple, Severin knew that too, he was just really friendly though. So Amara played it off as him being friendly, or rather, him being his usual self.

"I know. I know I need to ditch him, and I think I'm going to. If I tell you something...will you promise not to tell anyone else? I think....I think I'm going to run away to Paris after Graduation. It's the perfect place to pursue my designing career, and I've heard everyone can forget their troubles in Paris. Plus, James won't know." Amara was waiting for Severin to get mad. Paris was pretty far away, plus it was foreign. Then again, Severin may like the idea, she was unsure. But it was what she wanted to do. Amara knew she wanted to get away from her family, and Salem in general. Plus she wanted to pursue a future in fashion, so why not do it in the way she knew best? To go to the one place she had dreamed of going to. Paris! It was a fashion mecca there apparently, and the industry was strong. So Amara had a better chance there than she possibly did in a place like this. "Date you? Oh my gosh, Severin, we need to find you a man or a woman. Or a hobby." Amara smiled as she brought the cup of coffee he had brought to her and took a small sip. It was still really hot. She was actually surprised he was single at all, he was pretty good at attracting attention. Amara figured he was holding out for a guy more than anything though. Either way, Amara wished he would find someone special, that way he would seem less lonely at times. Everyone needed someone, or something.​
Amber eyes rolled at her words, and Severin pointed his finger at Amara while saying, "Don't give me that 'it is easier because you are a boy' crap. You girls have a larger selection, so you have no excuse to dress like a... Dress like that. Makes you look like you don't have a sense of location, girl." Severin raised his own eyebrow because he doubted that she could top that. Girls had everything cute, and boys, pants and a shirt, that was it. Boys had to learn to layer, girls had it so much easier to dress. 'No wonder James won't take her seriously,' thought Severin with a shake of his head. She was doomed unless she wised up. Severin looked down at the snow before he looked back to the forward where he would have to walk some. Sometimes he was a bit clumsy when he was not looking where he was walking. Severin shrugged when she said that she adored him, and thought that he used this excuse to dress her up like a doll. He smirked a bit, before he knew that it was true. Because it was. He couldn't wear all the stuff she could, so he would have to live through her. "Don't pretend like you don't enjoy it." He thought that she actually enjoyed it, that was almost the sin of it. Only he did not really handle her make up. That was something she should know how to do anyway. Severin looked down at her when she said that he hadn't written her a poem in a while. He laughed, and laughed. What was she talking about? He had never written her a poem. He kept them secret, unless he got them published. "Don't flatter yourself, I've never written you a poem," he laughed for a bit, before he added, "If I had, we would be heading toward a motel." He was joking about that, but sometimes his poems could help him manipulate people.

Severin nodded when she said that she was going to tell him something, and then it was a bombshell. The color drained from his face. Of all places, Paris?! He had to take a few steps from her to see that she was completely serious. Severin stated, his tone drastically changed from happy and joking around, to complete seriousness and almost annoyance, "Of all places, Paris? If you go there, you can kiss our little buddy, everywhere we go is together whatever thing good-bye because you won't see me set foot in a smelly, disgusting place. Not to mention the people are rude and they don't appreciate fine work." He snorted and rolled his eyes. His good mood completely vanished from the mention of Paris, and Amara was going to go there. Was she stupid? No, because she didn't have the experience he had. His wishes to shop were gone, and he was just so aggravated. Severin muttered, "I have a hobby." It was his poetry, and now he just felt like going home. He didn't want to be at the mall anymore. Severin looked down at the ground and he inquired, "Can't you go to some other country? I could tag along then. Just not Paris. Just not France. Otherwise, you will be alone. Unless Valera goes. Don't ask me why, because I just have my reasons. I'm...not going there. Ever." He had not told her what happened to him a couple of years ago. He didn't tell anyone. It was too terrible to relive again. He looked down at the ground before he thought that he could really go for a galleon of ice cream now. His expression was sadness, and anger at the same time. How someone could pull that off, it was incredible but he managed.
Amara sighed. Severin should know by now that she dressed the way she liked to dress. Yes the clothing she chose for today might have shown off more leg than he probably liked, but she thought it was cute. The funny thing about fashion was that it was subjective. The idea of fashion to one person, might be totally different to another person. Perhaps one day, Severin would meet someone who disliked fashion all together. Now that would be funny. "It would give him someone to lecture other than me." Amara thought to herself with a small smile forming upon her lips. Normally, she didn't mind Severin lecturing her. It showed that he cared. But when it came to fashion, she hated it. Their ideas of fashion were similar, yet so different at the same time. Amara glanced down into her lap and sighed. "I don't mind it, but it kind of reminds me of the way that woman my father is having an affair with treats me. She treats me like I'm a baby who can't do a thing for herself. Personally, I think she feels like the more she spoils me the more I'll keep my mouth shut." Severin was the one person who knew about the affair other than Amara. He seemed like the type of guy that was really into the concept of romance so she figured that he would hate the woman as much as Amara did. "I bet you're going to fall for someone who's going to change your perspective on everything...and you're going to hate them for it. They're probably going to hate your poetry too." He was so cocky when it came to his poetry, or how romantic he was. Amara could only guess that one day he as going to mean someone whop flipped his ego upside down. That was the way fate seemed to work sometimes. It liked to prove that it was the superior force in this world.

"Oh come on Severin! It has one of the greatest fashion industries! Plus, my dad is always collecting art there, he can help me get started!" Amara had forgotten that Severin hated France. He never explained why, but it was definitely a deep hatred. One that could even stick a knife through their friendship. Amara would love to have her best friend come with her. They could share an apartment together, he could be her coffee slave. It would have been perfect if Severin would just learn to accept the fact that France wasn't as bad as he thought it was. Amara took a sip of her coffee and shifted uncomfortably. Now she felt like an idiot for even bringing it up. Amara didn't want to be alone in France, but she couldn't force him to come. Why wouldn't he talk about it either? Perhaps he could get some help if he actually shared what went on back then. Was he hurt by someone? Perhaps he even had a bad experience there? "Come on Severin! What if your soulmate is from France?! What if he or she is freaking waiting for you...right now. Someone you can write poems for! Please come with!" Amara figured that if he had a good enough reason to go to France, he would. He really wanted to find his true love, and what if that person was in France? He would never know unless he went looking for him or her. Plus Amara really didn't want to be alone. What if there were thugs in France? They would break her in half like a toothpick! Severin wouldn't really just leave Amara by herself....would he?
Severin simply wanted to smack Amara upside the head for wearing something so trashy in the middle of winter. Now if she wore it in the summer, then he would be complimenting her to the end of time, but wearing something like this in winter was a cry for attention, shouting to the world that she was a harlot when she actually was not. Not that she would be wise enough to take his advice. Severin just wanted to protect her from the predators out there. He was sure that anyone of them would love to have their hands all over a lot of girls at Salem. He knew that they had some easy ones, and some ones that looked amazing. When she went over that woman, and how she treats Amara, Severin shook his head. He knew all about that woman, but what he did not understand was that why she did not go to her mom about the affair. Obviously her dad was an ass and did not deserve someone like her mom. "You should totally just tell your mom what is going on. It is not fair for her to live that lie. And she probably will not appreciate it if she found out about the affair, and you knew about it." Severin was really hoping that she would end up fessing up about this whole mess. If something like that happened to him, and one person that meant a lot to him did not tell him immediately, he would be really mad. Severin shook his head and he shrugged, "No thank you. I want a girl that will be just as romantic as me, or a boy. I do not mind either way, just someone that gives me the muse to write some of the most amazing things." Severin was one amazing artist. He was really good at just about anything. Well, except drawing. He did not perform that as well. Even if he practiced.

Then Amara started on about how it had one of the greatest fashion industries, which he rolled his amber eyes to. Then her dad collected art there, so he had no idea how art and fashion connected into it, and how she could possibly get started on fashion because her dad collected some paintings or something. "How in the world can you possibly get connected in any city, with someone who collects art? Art and fashion are two totally different careers so as far as I can see, it would be a waste of time." Severin was definitely expressing how angry he was. He was going to lose his friend because she was going to the one place that he hated more than anything in the world. He just refused to go into the reason why he did not want to go to France. That woman did a real number on him, and he did not ever want to associate anyone from France. She stole some of his work, became famous and used him. He could never forgive France for producing the devil. It was not fair for him to hold a whole country responsible but he did. "My soulmate is definitely not from France, and they would not be waiting on me in a place like that. So I am not going, period. Nope. Not in a million years." Severin folded his arms across his chest, looking down at her with his piercing amber eyes. He was dead set against going. He never wanted to go, and did not see why Amara would even want to go to that place, of all places! There was nothing there good for her!

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