
Vader Hume

class of 2053; nervous; professional photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14" Flexible Spruce Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2034 (27)
Vader found that Hogwarts was turning out to be a fairly lonely place, he hadn't formed the same firm friendships that he'd noted others in his house had made. At the very least he wasn't being bullied by anyone at this school, but the alternative was that he was left so alone that he didn't actually have anyone he could talk to. He had hoped that with time he'd make friends, but people did still make him nervous and the only real conversation he'd had was with that girl at the halloween feast, whose name escaped him, if he'd even got it she certainly hadn't gotten his. Talking about the photography he was doing was good, but he felt that any conversation he had only revolved around that. He didn't have anything else that people wanted to talk about with him, which wasn't particularly good for the boy who'd been looking to reinvent himself in this school. Though perhaps he had actually managed it. Talking only about photography, his place on the yearbook team and the fact he was possibly one of the quiet ones in his year group.

Vader didn't know how to make friends likely that was part of the problem, so long on the sidelines and he'd just forgotten, which was why it seemed despite the fact that he no longer had classes and was supposed to be revising for the games he was going about the school with his camera and tripod and attempting to take portrait pictures of the portraits. With his tasks for the yearbook sure to mount he had to get good at many different aspects of it, one of them was just this. It was an easy thing to practice and he found himself on the third floor having started outside the Gryffindor common room. He set his tripod up in front of a portrait, thinking this was perhaps the wrong place with the amount of people about. He kept having to wait for ages before being able to take a picture free of people, though he assumed this could only be good practice for him.
Though Uno had been at Hogwarts for awhile now, she hadn't actually done too much exploring. Sure - she knew where her classes were, but after having to actually go to the classes, all she felt like doing at the end of the day was chilling in the Common Room with Phineas. The weekends also often lent themselves to hanging around outside, enjoying the summer and swimming in the lake. It was too hot today, though, to go outside. The castle had some sort of (probably magical) air conditioning, so Uno found herself wandering around inside, rather than in the heat. The lower floor and ground floor were places Uno often ventured, so she didn't spend too much time there, but found the First and Second floor rather boring. The Prefects had their own Common Room - that was cool, but Uno didn't think she'd cross a single Professor's mind when they thought about who to upgrade to that esteem. The Abandoned Classroom, she figured, could also come in handy, but held no interest at the moment. The Trophy room on the Third Floor wasn't remotely interesting, it was cool that people got trophies for their Halloween costumes, but other than that it was nothing of interest. It did, however, encourage her to think of a better costume for the following year's Halloween. It was good to know where the Hospital Wing was, but Uno was ready to move on to the next floor, before spotting a familiar face. Uno hadn't seen the boy much other than when she saw him at Halloween, but he was a cool dude. Approaching him, Uno jumped in front of his camera, posing stupidly.
Lining the shots of the portraits was a little more difficult for Vader than he had been anticipating, but at the very least it was a little quieter in the halls that he had thought it would be. People were still wandering in front of his obvious camera, but Vader didn't get too outwardly annoyed with that, just let it happen. He was frustrated by it, but eventually when it all cleared up and he had lined up the shot by looking in the lens of the camera, and right as he'd been about to take the picture itself, someone jumped in the frame and posed. There was little time to stop himself from pressing down on the button and watching frustratedly as the picture was ruined, "You need to move about," he told the girl, whom he now realised was that girl from the halloween feast. He hadn't gotten her name, and she hadn't gotten his, and he wasn't going to give it to her now.

"It takes moving pictures," he rolled his eyes as he looked back at the framing. It wasn't like a muggle camera, he couldn't just check that the picture had come out well, it would depend after he'd gone through a whole process for him to find out if the picture was good. He rolled his eyes frustratedly, "Try again," Vader said to the girl, if she was intending on ruining his pictures, he might as well, take a decent picture of the girl as she moved about. He looked between his camera and then her, "Actually, move a fraction to the left," Vader was after all testing the limitation of the magical camera, and he wondered how many independently moving things he could get in the one picture. The gryffindor didn't even glance up at the girl as he asked her to move, and was looking more through the lens of the camera. He moved the camera back a few steps so he could have both her and the portrait behind her. "Ready?" Vader asked, he was behind the camera, making sure the shot would work, and glancing around to make sure that no one else would think to jump into the frame.
Uno looked at the boy for a second, confused, before he continued saying it took moving photos. She didn't miss him rolling his eyes, which she huffed at. "Alright grumpy, keep your pants on!" But she didn't know what to do. Uno had never taken moving photos before, how the heck was she supposed to know? Uno rolled her eyes when he told her to try again. She took a tiny step to her left when he told her to move, folding her arms and waiting for him to be ready. This wasn't the fun photo bomb she was planning. When he asked if she was ready, Uno gave him a huge grin and thumbs up. "Ready!" Uno exclaimed, but changing her thumbs up to her middle finger as he snapped the picture. "Are you always this miffed with your models, or do I just have a special talent to annoy you?" Uno asked as she walked up to him, before remembering she wasn't going to be able to see the photo straight away. "Your turn then." Uno said, gesturing for him to stand in front of the camera.
Vader rolled his eyes at the girl as she called him grumpy, ”That’s mister grumpy to you,” he retorted quietly, as he just got everything ready for her. He ensured that everything was right, that the shot would hopefully come out right. When she said she was ready he held up his own hand to count her down and then took the picture, watching through the lens as she gave a thumbs up and then swore are his camera, ”Perfect,” he said with a slightly sarcastic tone, he wanted something with a little more movement, but it seemed that all he was going to get were a few swears. The boy looked at her as she continued speaking, ”I’m always miffed. Models are difficult to work with at the best of times,” he replied changing a few of the dials on the camera before he glanced back at her. He shook his head, ”Oh no,” Vader shook his head again and kept his gaze on the camera, ”I take the photos, I don’t get in them,” he didn’t look up at the girl, he didn’t want to get forced into a picture, he wasn’t meant to be in the pictures. Vader preferred being in the background, like he did with most of life. The boy worked silently for a moment, just ignoring her and focusing on what he wanted to do next., ”Do you want to try again? This time, maybe do a spin or something, and avoid swearing at my camera,” he looked up at her and gestured in the direction of the portrait, ”Spin a couple of times, I want to see how many spins the camera captures,” he was all for testing the limits of this camera and what it could do.
Uno giggled when the boy responded to her photo. She thought she was very funny and clever. But some people just didn't appreciate the greatness that was around them. Uno shook her head when he said models were difficult to work with. "I don't know what you're talking about, models are amazing, especially models like me, right? Right?" Uno teased, laughing lightly. "I don't remember your name dude - I'm Uno, in case you forgot. What was your name?" She asked again, finding it annoying to just think of him as "that camera boy". Uno rolled her eyes when he said he didn't get in the photos, but didn't get a chance to complain or call him out on being scared when he offered for her to do it again, giving her directions. "Oooh, a real photographer, look at you, giving directions and all. Alright boss, tell me when to stop!" Uno said, going back to the position before beginning to turn around in circles. "I could do this all day!"
Vader found himself smiling as the girl teased and laughed. Maybe this girl, Uno wasn’t too bad. ”You’re not the worst model,” he teased lightly back, still largely focused on his camera and what he was doing. When she said her name again, he nodded, ”Did your parents just really love the Uno game or something?” he decided to focus on her name, try and gather more information about hers rather than lingering upon his. His name didn’t need to be said to more people. She was in his classes, she could get his name from those. He gave her the instructions necessary and watched as she began to twirl, ”Go a little slower,” he instructed before taking the first of a few pictures. It was a pity she didn’t have a more flow-y outfit. He wanted to capture movement, see how far these cameras and their magical properties could be pushed. He let her keep going but eventually said, ”Okay, you can stop now,” Vader wasn’t going to be able to see the pictures yet, but he was fairly certain at least one would come out well. ”Thanks Uno,” he added sincerely, it was rather nice of her to actually do this with him. He didn’t want to ask anyone, and though she’d interrupted him, he could certainly admit she’d made it better.
Uno grinned when the boy told her she wasn't the worst model. She had just been teasing, but it was nice to see him lightening up a bit. The girl snorted when he asked if her parents loved the game Uno. "No, I just have a psychopath for a mother who decided to name her children numbers in Spanish." She knew she had a weird name, but wasn't entirely ashamed of it. Her personality made up for what her crazy mother did.
Uno started twirling a bit slower as was instructed, and was grateful when he said she could stop. She shook her head, leaning against the wall for a second. "I lied, I definitely can not do that all day." Uno spun herself the other way a couple of times to get herself un-dizzied. She grinned when he thanked her and did a small curtsy before walking towards him. "No problem dude - hey, why can't you just tell me your name? I mean, it can't be much worse than Uno can it?" She laughed, but genuinely curious as to why she still didn't know who he was. Was he some sort of famous dude that she should know about? Or maybe his parents were mass murderers? She found it bizarre that he didn't introduce himself, most people did when they first meet.
Vader listened to the girl talk about her mother, his parents had given him his name, but he would never call them psychopaths, they were perhaps a bit deluded and a little crazed but not psychopaths. His name wasn't great largely because of who it was attributed by and the fact the series had come back into fashion when he was at school, though it largely hadn't fallen out of it either. The young gryffindor could also sympathise with the fact that she had siblings with equally frustrating names. His was the only one of his family that was that bad, but he knew that his sisters would still be a little frustrated by their names. So he knew what it would feel like to have a name and for siblings to have difficult names, "What are there names?" the boy asked with a curious expression, he might not have given her his name yet, but he was curious about how bad their names got. Vader could tell that she was happy to stop and did hope that the pictures came out okay.
Vader was adjusting a few of the settings on the camera as the girl pushed for his name. He didn't look at her, he knew that with a name like hers, she would understand why his name was so frustrating, and she had been so helpful so maybe he owed her a name. The gryffindor could agree that maybe it wasn't as bad, at least his name was unknown to most magical people, but she wasn't from a magical family, she was muggleborn like him, she might just know it. Vader didn't look up from what he was doing, keeping his gaze on the camera, mindless toying with the buttons, "My names Vader," the boy visible tensed as he said it, expecting the laughter to follow, his cheeks had blushed deeply and he could feel a nervousness build as he waited for her reaction, he needed to stick to being a better more confident version of himself even if it was difficult, getting over the hang ups he had about his name was certainly a more difficult task. But perhaps Uno wouldn't even know who that was and he would have nothing to worry about.
"Well, since I was the first, I got Uno. Then we also have Dos, Tres and Tres the second, because mother dearest wanted to know what it was like to have twins, but felt like they didn't even deserve their own identity." Uno rolled her eyes in reply. She never kept it a secret about her disdain for her mother. Getting sent to Hogwarts was the best thing in the world. "Do you have siblings?" She asked. She was slightly pleased that her siblings wouldn't be going to the same school as her - she hoped. They were adopted, but she assumed they were all muggles. Uno didn't know what she'd do with herself if Tres ended up at Hogwarts - even worse, in the same house.
The boy finally gave Uno his name and she stared at him for a second. "Vader, like Darth Vader? Because then I totally understand why you didn't want to tell me." Uno replied, a small smile on her face. "I mean, I can't really make fun of you for it though, right? Because my name is f***ing Uno, so I guess I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. Don't worry though kid, I doubt many magical folk even know who Luke's father is."
The more that Vader listened to Uno talk about her family, he figured that while his name was poor and just awful, leading to a world of annoyance, it probably paled in comparison to this girl and her family, that just seemed even more warped, though it could be just how it was being described by Uno. She wasn’t the sort that appeared to much of a liar, and he had no reason to not trust her, so why not. The question being returned to him was fairly normal, but he just nodded opting to not give her the names of his siblings or anything more about them. Why their names were like his, from one movie film franchise of the muggle world. The Gryffindor was more bracing himself for her reaction and was glad when she appeared to understand, he nodded, ”Yeah, like him,” he listened as she continued and didn’t particularly like the last part of what she said, but she did appear to be relatively normal with it, ”My sisters are called Padme and Leia,” he thought that now she knew his name, he could add in his siblings. ”I don’t think that magical people know what my name is from, but, it’s more the muggleborns who do and then you know make jokes and magical kids just join in and then everyone whether they understand or not are making fun of my name,” the boy explained in a long breath, essentially both explaining his worry about telling his name to people and how the old bullying from his school before had taken place, substituted the other magical people for just other muggle kids who didn’t know it. With that told to her, Vader began to pack up his camera and the stand, clearly intending to leave as soon as he could, as if still worried she might start making fun of him.

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