Portable Rainbow

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Theo Delancey

Well-Known Member
Ebony *15* Phoenix Talon
Hi! So, Delancey is someone I'd describe as happy, spastic, carefree, insanely energetic, and like a rainbow streak of lightning. I have an idea for her to randomly pop up around people at school, maybe accidentally bumping into them and giggling about it even while apologizing (because she was probably running and for her it would've been fun, like riding bumper cars), or asking a random question (maybe related to Hogwarts, maybe about the character, she's kinda blurtatious), or maybe she's climbing the staircase like a monkey and ends up in their presences that way, or she just randomly defends someone from some injustice she's seeing, or whatever else you think might be interesting, and generally being an infectious, bubbly thing that endears herself to people just by her very nature (she can also be kinda feisty and scrappy, both out of a protective impulse and being very competitive, if that gives anyone ideas).

Would anyone be open to (and is it allowed) letting her just kinda blaze into their RPs for one or two posts then dash out? I'd like her to get as much mileage around the school as possible in this way. Some people may hate her and groan at seeing that hyper muggle born with the crazy hair flying at them, others may smile at the sight of her...I dunno, it's up to you how your characters react, though I'd like it if at least some would be willing to even grudgingly like her in spite of themselves because her general thing is being ridiculously lovable even when you wanna smack her or put tape over her mouth. She's just apt to be kinda random and energetic and impulsive...she hugged Kailie Styx, for instance, in excitement over finding the right wand.

Thoughts are welcome. I haven't sought approval for this, not sure if I need to. At the moment, just wanna see what people think.

*I'll leave it out there as a general thing that you can PM me anytime you decide you might want her to just pop up once school starts. You can feel free to suggest a general idea for how, if you have anything specific in mind. The plan isn't to disrupt RPs and I won't go into any uninvited, it's just to add a random and very temporary element to them in line with her character.
Heyy, Delancey,

I have an idea for this. My character Tybalt Archer would probably get a little freaked out by her. If she was that crazy muggleborn who did crazy type things. He would not be used to a girl like her.
I was thinking they could meet in the Common room, like just in passing. Like he's heading up to the dorm, and she's heading out. They introduce themselves but say nothing else. Then every so often she would pop up as you said. I wouldn't mind it. Plus, he's colourblind and so would not actually see the colour in her hair, so he would just find it annoying, but eventually just get used to it. Accept it as a thing that happens. If that's the kind of thing you are thinking of?

We could have a thread with her running by my character Georgiana Night, 6th year Prefect. Georgie could yell at her and take a point away for running in the hall when you wish for Theo to learn her ways and stop running a muck about the school :) Plus I'd finally get the chance to exericise her rights as a Prefect in taking points from someone in her house :)
Those both work! I'm really open to anything where she can pop in and out. She'll have some more extended RPs, but I think it's true to character to be randomly there for a moment then gone, as a general thing with people. She'll definitely be learning to calm down and control her energy, it's part of why I gave her the wand I did, big energy needing to be harnessed and used responsibly. I'm also planning for her to get into some trouble, so that could mean some more prefecting for Georgiana (and other prefects - hint, hint - if they want her to pop in doing something they can scold her for, whether or not they take points, it could give them a chance to be bossy/responsible/authoritative, at any rate). With Tybalt, it might even make her frown to learn that he's colorblind since she lives in a whirl of color, so she might (fruitlessly, I'm sure) pester him about finding a spell to fix it.
That sounds good just PM me on here or Georgiana whenever you need to be a Prefect :) Indiana and Tybalt are supposed to have a thread once Emzies isn't busy packing and going home :p I'd be okay with Theo walking past them at somepoint and stiring up the thread with randomness Emzies is okay with it, it may be an easy way for their differences to appear and come out like we've talked about in plotline thread.
Sounds good. And either of you can PM me if you think there's a particular thread with Indiana and Tybalt that you think she should blaze into or any particular ideas you might have about how to do it (if you want her to physically knock down one of them or pester one in particular with a question, anything). And if you wanna see a more negative reaction, lol, call her "Theo"! She hates being called that because it's like a weight of responsibility to her. (She'll learn responsibility eventually, but it'll take awhile before she's ready to accept what goes along with that as she's intensely freedom-loving and Peter Pan-esque.)
I don't really mind what thread she'd run into. With the Indiana thread that I will start soon. I think it would work best if she actually bumped into Tybalt since, he's small and it wouldn't make him like her much at all. What would be best is if one of us was to PM you at the time when it would be best for her to enter.
I do think it would be good at any time.
So, once I get it started we can have her at one point interrupt.
Will do. :) Yep, PM me whenever you're ready for her.
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