Pocketful of sunshine

Nathalie Blanchard

Well-Known Member
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
Nathalie had been lying at her bed for about an hour now. Just simply thinking. She had eventually lost count of how many times she resented her position as a prim and proper lady. Well, it wasn't like she truly hated it, but it was only that she hated what she cannot do. By being known as a proper lady, she was forced to do what she was told to do, be polite, be ladylike, do not run, do not do any reckless things, do not laugh so loud. When ever she thought about these things, all she wanted to do was go out and take out her frustrations on shopping or maybe a little walk through a nice park. Taking in a deep breath, she needed to calm herself. She turned from her lying position on her bed to look at her nightstand drawer, checking the time. It was only 2:00 p.m. Nathalie hadn't gotten much sleep last night and was planning to catch up on that today. She hadn't slept since yesterday morning. To much work to be done for sleep. She could just imagine how neglected her bed must feel from lack of use from it owner. She hadn't fallen asleep until about five this morning and it wasn't even in her own bed. She had fallen asleep at their common room until a female co-student had woken her up and asked if she was alright. So really she only had maybe an hours sleep till six this morning. She was exhausted but she didn't want to sleep. That was one thing about Nathalie; she never did anything she didn't want to unless it couldn't be helped or if it was of her own free will. She never liked taking orders from people if they were unreasonable to her nature or if they were just plain annoying. And of coarse she was a girl who acted on impulse. She did what she felt was right. And right now in her mind what she felt was right, was a little tour on the Academy's garden what she was going to do even if anyone else said otherwise.

Yes, this will help her take her mind off of things. She can forget about the things that she should be doing for a while and be free for a few hours. Quickly walking over to the bathroom, she stripped down to nothing and decided on taking a short warm shower. After stepping out of the steaming bathroom that could be a spa at the moment with all the steam, Nathalie walked over to her very large closet, wrapped up in a white short towel and one on her head. She looked around while using a towel to dry her hair, she then wore her casual clothes. She had no classes so she was not really required to wear the uniform. On her feet she had 2 inch wedged heels with white ribbons that ties in a crossing pattern up her legs and stopped at her midcalf and tied in a little bow at the back. To finish things off she put on two gold bracelets and applied a light pink shine of lip gloss and light pink eye shadow. She pulled her now dry hair up into a high ponytail and let it fall in curls down to the middle of her back. She seriously considered getting a little bit of it cut but was still debating. Going over to look at her reflection, she thought she looked pretty cute and was sure to catch a few eyes and some hearts. She wouldn't deny the fact that some guys saw her as eye candy. Nathalie grabbed her Violin case and a few books and went to her door. She quietly made her way through the hallways and tried to avoid as many people as possible. She was not about to let anyone ruin her fun today.

After a few minutes of walking, she was finally at the garden, it's winter yet the whether was not really that cold, to her at least. Sitting down on elegant garden shed, Nathalie picked a book and started to read, completely engrossed with the loveliness around her.
`Oh boy... This can't be good` Thought Brad Kuang the brother of Vivian. Again, he accidentally broke his sister's snowboard. Well actually, it was a hundred percent his fault because the board was lying anywhere on the floor in his room. And Merlin know who placed it there if it wasn't Vivian herself. The boy kneel down as he tried to stick it with glue. But then remembering that he had a wand near him, he took it and pointed his wand to the board. "Reparo" He said clearly as nothing happen. "Dear Merlin kill me" He said as he stood up and slam himself on the bed.

Yes, he can always tell his father to buy a new one for his sister. The young boy jumped off the bed and took the board and the junks in his room and was planning on putting it in the tower where no one really go. Brad was struggling bringing all those things, he kicked the door as he walk down the stairs, exiting the common room as he walk to the corridor and then the garden. Yes, the tower was somewhere around the lake and to go there he had to pass the garden. Sadly, he dropped the other piece of the board. He tried to kneel down and grab it but he couldn't since he had everything on his hand right now. His eyes started to roam around trying to find someone to help him. Well at least this is Beauxbaton not Durmstrang, so asking a help from someone he barely know wont hurt him. The brown eyed boy then spotted on a girl who was reading. "Excuse me, can you please help me?" He asked as he smiled at the girl. "Can you pick that up and give it to me?" He said hoping that she would grab it and handed it to him.
Nathalie lifted her eyes from the book that she was reading when she heard a voice call out to him. It was unfamiliar yet, being her, she placed her book at her side and stood up to went to the place where the boy was currently in. Bending down to pick the fallen piece of what seemed like a board, Nathalie's wavy blond hair came cascading and framing her delicate and pretty face. She then straightened with the proper posture of a very elegant English lady and she gracefully handed the broken board to the said boy. "Here...", she said, but even before the boy had taken the piece from her, she retracted her hand back. "I think you'll need help.." She said, hugging the piece closer to herself as she took some from the said boy. "Where are you headed to?" she then inquired, tilting her head in a rather adorable manner as she did so.
Brad smiled as he saw the girl brought it to him, but then she wouldn't give it to him. Instead of giving it, she held. Brad widen his eyes in a confusion and smile after that knowing that she wanted to help him. "Are you sure? I don't want to bother you" He said as he try to not loose his balance from bringing those junks. "I'm heading to the tower, there's a classroom that is not in used anymore and no one really go there" He said, the place wasn't dirty even though it was abandoned.
"Yes I am sure, I did offer to help, didn't I?" Nathalie said with a smile laughing gently as the boy tried to balance himself. "See, you really need my help." She added, her eyes twinkling in amusement. Walking towards the place that the boy had just said, Nathalie began to wonder why he had these broken pieces with him or why he was heading to the said tower. "What are these? I mean, are are these pieces supposed to be before they had been broken?" She inquired.
"Alright then" Brad said as he took a few steps forward. "Coming?" He asked and looked back smiling, he hope that he wasn't being impolite to the lady after all he didn't want to have a bad impression to the pretty girls in the school. "I'm Brad by the way, Brad Kuang. My twin sister's Vivian, I don't know if you've met her but beware of her. She is the owner of this stupid board" He laughed. "Yes that one over there, you're holding the other piece." Brad's parents were a big fan of muggle gadgets, sports, etc. This explained why Brad knew so much about muggles. "Have you ever heard what snowboarding is? It's a winter sport, where you have to stand on a board and then slide down from the mountain or from your sister. Oops I didn't mean that" Obviously, Brad was joking, he loved Vivian to death why would he do that? He hope that this girl wasn't one of those sensitive girly girl.
"Of course I'm coming.. I'm not about to run away from you specially since I am carrying your stuffs..." Nathalie said, laughing slightly in a very ladylike manner. The boy seemed nice and al, though it was just the first time that she had ever met him. "Nice to meet you Brad, my name's Nathalie...and well, about your sister, if you had said that she's like that, I'm really looking forward to meeting her..." She added with another laugh.

Nathalie listened in amazement as the Brad talked about snowboarding, she had heard of that activity before but she had never really tried it. "Oh Brad, you surely LOVE your sister eh?" She said giggling as she knew that Brad was only kidding. Nathalie's not that sensitive no matter how she looks like. Though she appears prim and proper, she's actually not like that, she's one who always looks forward to have fun and adventure.
Brad liked the girl already, of course as friends. There were a lot of them who had been acting as if they were perfect and that they would die from germs if they touch anything on the grown. "Well I've warned you, if you ended up crying and killing your self, then it's not my fault" He shrugged and laughed. "Kidding. I'm sorry I do that a lot. I can stop and start being serious if that's what you want" Again, he laughed. This boy was full of spirit, he loved joking around, he never mean to hurt anyone but sometimes no matter how hard he tried to not offend other people, people misunderstood him, especially those who were raised by parents who were strict and never joke around like him.

Brad laughed at Nathalie's sarcastic joke. "Well what can I say? She's irresistable, I mean I am irresistable, she end up crawling back up to me asking for forgiveness for blocking my way." He exaggerated, of course Vivian never did that, he was the one who begged for her forgvieness, she was scary whenever she felt like kicking other people's butt. "Dear Merlin that's her!" He said with a tone full of surprise after seeing Vivian not too far from where he was standing. He grabbed Nathalie's wrist and pulled her and ran "Ruuuuunnnnn!! Don't let her see us holding her board or she'll kill me." He said while running. "I'm not kidding" He laughed as he ran trying to not drop the whole thing that he was holding. He stopped right in front of the tower and let go of Nathalie's wrist. "Sorry for making you run like a maniac" He said.
Nathalie shook her head when Brad asked whether he should start being serious. Actually, she likes that she's not like those any other guy that she had met. "No Brad, It's actually fun to have a change of things for a while, I'm having fun talking with you, it's alright really.." She said, Brad's words where like refreshers for her, growing up with rather strict parents, it was the first time that she was able to interact with a very happy go luck fellow like Brad.

"Oh sure Brad I believe you.." Nathalie then said, rolling her eyes dramatically with a laugh, she's already forgetting how to act like a real lady in front of him now, she's becoming more like her usual self.

Nathalie was snapped out of her thoughts when she felt a grab on her wrist, supposedly, Brad's twin, who is the owner of the board, was there, and so they needed to run. Feeling the gust of wind as they run too fast, Nathalie cannot help but to feel really free. It was the first time that she did that after all. So when they stopped she had had to catch her breath. "That feels good Brad, and about your sister, I think you should tell her already.. you cannot hide a secret forever.." She said with that smile of hers, sitting down on the tower's steps to take a little rest.
Brad was glad that Nathalie didn't mind that he was being crazy. He missed being crazy in front of other people except his family. He used to have a pall who he could goof around at all time, but sadly he moved back to Hogwarts. He missed him dearly, he could rarely pull pranks lately because Vivian had been busy and he had no crazy friends. "Well that's good then, watch out for my crazy acts, stop me anytime you like" He smiled trying to be nice.

Brad felt bad for pulling Nathalie and ran, he hoped that she was okay. He lean on the wall behind him and looked at her who was sitting down. "Yeah I'll tell her. Later tho... After my dad buy a new one for her and I can pretend that I bought that for her" He laughed, this wasn't the first time he broke the board. "Have you ever snowboard? I'm planning on going on winter" He offered her trying to see if she wanted to come with him and Viv to snowboard on winter.
"I think you're perfectly capable of knowing when to stop Brad, but if ever I see that you are already crossing a line that you should not cross, I'll happily stop you from getting into any big trouble." Nathalie said, smiling at the boy. She didn't really mind if the boy loves to do crazy things, so long as he's not hurting anyone, it's fine.

Nathalie smiled once more as she looked up at Brad from her sitting position, she was actually glad that he'll eventually tell his sister about what he had done. "Snowboarding? No, I haven't done that yet.." She said, placing a hand at her chin in a deep thought, sure enough, she had heard about the said sport, but never in her life had she ever tried to do it.
Brad frowned after knowing that the girl had never snowboard before. Perhaps she didn't know it, after all it was a muggle sport and Brad was a muggle lover, his whole family are. He even had the gadgets, the electronics back home and people who visit the manor were usually surprised seeing the whole house filled with muggle gadgets. "Oh... Have ou ever heard that before?" He had met a lot of wizards who had no idea what a snowboard was. They thought snowboarding was odd. "I'm planning on going snowboarding this winter, here in Europe. Probably Swiss. Where do you live again?" If she live in Europe then going to Swiss shouldn't take a lot of effort.
Nathalie laughed silently when Brad asked whether she had heard of the said sport. "Of course I had heard of that already Brad, and besides, just earlier, a guy who was escaping from her sister because he broke her board had told me that it was a winter sport, where you have to stand on a board and then slide down from the mountain", She said, using the exact words that the boy had said before. She actually found it to be rather funny how he had forgotten that he had already told her about snowboarding just a few minutes after they met. "France, our house is situated there." She then said when the boy asked where she live. Actually, her house cannot be really considered as a home, her school was, after all, the only times where she stayed at her house was during holidays and when she have no school.

Brad widen his eyes and hit his head with a hand of his, feeling slightly embarrassed "Dear Merlin I'm so stupid" hit his head a few more. "Sorry I have a short memory syndrome." He laughed. `How can I repeat the same question twice? Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!!` He thought as he looked at whatever was in front of him, blankly. "Oh alright then.... My family lives in Beijing but my twin sister and I live in Paris and sometimes we go back to Beijing when we're on a long break" He said hoping that he hadn't told her that before. "Have I said that before? If I had then I beg you to kill me" He laughed and took a step toward the tower. "Coming?" He looked at Nathalie and smiled before walking to the tower.
Nathalie laughed once again as she saw Brad hit his head, it was really funny, how he had reacted to what it is that she had just said. "It's fine Brad, stop hitting yourself, I don't want to bring you to the infirmary because of a cracked skull.." She said, smiling at the boy, she was just kidding of course, but she does hope that the boy wouldn't take it personally. "Asian country, that's really cool Brad, I have a cousin, he's Asian too." She said, happy that she have something in common with the boy. "No, you haven't said that yet, and please Brad, don't tell me to kill you, I don't want to be put into jail." She said with another laugh as she followed Brad towards the tower. "Of course I'm coming, if I won't who'll help you with that board?"
Brad laughed after hearing that hitting his head would crack his skull. "Well if you really wanna see a cracked skull then you'd better use your wand." He took the wand out and threw it to the air and caught it again. "Trust me it's faster" He winked and laughed. "Really? Where's he from? Asia is huge" He said while walking, trying to keep the balance. He then opened the door to the tower for Nathalie, waiting for her to enter. "Ladies first" He smirked and waited for her to come in.
"I wouldn't want to stain my wand with blood though, and I'm not really that good with hexes." Nathalie said with a laugh, bringing out her own wand in the process as she showed it to him. "Japan.. that's why I rarely see him and his brother." she remarked with a wistful smile as she remembered how close she was to her cousin whom she had not seen for quite a long time. "He'll probably be transferring here though, after all, my aunt was planning to send him to the same as me." she then walked along with Brad towards the tower's opening, "you're quite a gentleman Brad, but that's not really how it works nowadays right, but nevertheless, I should head in first."
OOCOut of Character:
Sorry for the late reply
"Japan? My mama is half Japanese" Brad said, he was actually looking forward to meet Nathalie's cousin, not because he was Japanese but because he was her cousin. So he should be as nice as her, not one of those odd people who would ignore him for no reason. Well at least hopefully he was nice. "That's awesome! You should really introduce this awesome Brad to that guy" He laughed at him self for being too confident. Right after Nathalie stepped into the tower, he blocked her way with his left feet. "So it doesn't work like that eh?" He smirked and quickly gave her the things that he was holding and step away and stretched himself "Glad that the rule had changed" He then walk back toward Nathalie and took the items from her. "I was just joking, please don't murder me here" He smiled innocently hoping that she wasn't offended.
"One day Brad, I'll introduce him to you, he's very stubborn though, but he's really kind... I think that the two of you will really get along." Nathalie said with a laugh, reminded instantly about her little cousin, like Brad, he just seemed to be really jolly and all, but can be really vain at times. She was a bit taken back when Brad had actually blocked her way and put all the things that he was holding together with the things that she was already holding, it was quite heavy, but instead of really complaining, she cannot help but laugh. "Mou, Brad, now I know that you're not a gentleman, are you a girl then?" She said with a pout as he took back his things. She was only kidding of course. "Now that you've done that, I could probably get a revenge here, we're the only ones here after all, and once you have gone missing, I could just pretend to not know anything at all, I'm sure they wouldn't suspect the innocent me.." She then said as she put a finger on her chin, a playful smile appearing on her face. "How do you prefer to be murdered Brad? I'm being kind now so you can have your request." She added, an eyebrow raised as she waited to how the boy would react.
Brad nodded and agreed about meeting Nathalie's cousin. He didn't mind being around stubborn people, Vivian too was stubborn and could be a real pain to him but still, he didn't mind having her around. She was a lot of fun, stubborn people are fun. "Don't worry, he sounds like my sister, except the kind part" He smirked and laughed. Obviously he was joking, if Vivian wasn't kind, he wouldn't like her at all. "Uh oh... The lady's mad, what about you arrange me a date with the prettiest centaur in the forest and yeah she can kill me if she wants but later on, after the date is over" He laughed and placed his things on the ground on the corner and tidy it up. Even though Brad was a guy, he was tidy. He dislike having a messy bedroom, he never like being in other people's room in the school, especially the guys. Usually he could see everything hanging everywhere like a mad jungle. "Trust me I'm straight" He said still tidying, not looking at Nathalie. This was a girl's job, not a guy's but Brad was addicted to tidying.
Nathalie laughed,morel like giggled when she had heard what Brad had just said, seriously, he wasn't really thinking about dating a centaur right? " You know Brad, you're starting to freak me out, not in a bad way of course, but really, you could have asked for me to arrange a date for you with a veela rather than a centaur, that one would be easier." She said with a pout, thinking about a friend that she had who was pretty much a year older than her. "And why would you look for a centaur to kill you, I'm offering to do the job now, right?" She then added innocently, watching as Brad tidied up the room. It was rather funny to watch really, seeing how a guy had actually the one who was doing all the cleaning. "Should I really believe that?" She said, approaching him to help him in the cleaning, she didn't like being surrounded by messy things after all.
"A veela eh? Well I can't reject that offer. But then if you have a date with a centaur, you get to sneak out to the forest and probably discover the deepest part of it without being killed by other centaurs" Brad laughed, he really had a high imagination. Of course he didn't want to be with centaurs, they scares him alive. He couldn't even stand a mad veela and centaurs were just worse. "I don't want you to be locked up in Azkaban, so that's why I want the centaurs to kill me instead of you silly" He poked her nose playfully and continued cleaning. "Well yeah! Of course! I like girls, not guys so I'm pretty sure I'm straight" He laughed and stood up right after he had finished tidying.
"Sneaking out in the forest is actually easy to do Brad." Nathalie said before she had actually caught herself for saying such thing. Really, one would expect that she would always follow the rules, but actually, there were times when she would somehow go out there just to have some free time to herself. "I don't think that they're scary anyways, as long as you don't do anything to give a reason for them to be mad.." She then added thoughtfully, knowing how really morbid and scary it is to meet a very furious centaur.

Nathalie then laughed as she shrugged her shoulder at Brad's statement. "oh, that's so kind of you then.." She said, stopping him from poking her once again. "Hm.. . I'll believe you then, if that's what you say." She said, having this unbelieving tone in her voice, of course, she did believe him, she was just trying to tease him that's all.
Brad was pretty surprised that Nathalie would want to sneak out to the forest. "Well of course it's not hard but it's hard once you go deeper into the forest, and it's dangerous if you pass an angry centaur. Honestly, mermaids scares me more than centaurs. Angry merpeople are really scary. And I'll tell you what's funny... Muggles thinks that mermaids are beautiful and they're so weak, but I find them far from weak! They're beast!" He pretended to shiver. He wasn't a big fan of the lake near the school or even the sea. He was afraid of mermaids and everything in there. After all he couldn't see what was in there and he could get hurt. So he had some sort of phobia.

"Awww Come one, just because I don't want to go out with vicious mermaids, doesn't mean I'm not straight" Brad laughed, of course no one would want to go out with vicious mermaids, they were dangerous. He'd rather go out with an angry veela. "But hey if you want to find your self a merman like Plunkett, then I can't stop you" He shrugged and laughed.

OOCOut of Character:
mermaids in hp scares me o_O
Nathalie had had to laugh when she heard what it was that Brad had said, really, it was pretty funny for her. "Now come on Brad, don't make them sound so horrible, maybe they're not as bad as they look." Nathalie said, giggling still as she finds Brad's reaction to be quite funny yet adorable at the same time.

"Oh, I'm no saying that you're not straight Brad, don't be too defensive." She said, placing her hands on the either side of her hips, "Who's Plunkett?" She then asked, her head tilted to the side as she had no real idea as to what it was that he was talking about.

OOCOut of Character:
haha.. yes, they are quite scary. :cyndi:

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