Plotting :You don't want to miss!

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Veronica White

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
What time is it?
Summer time, its my vacation!
And with vacation comes Roleplaying and lots of it!! :D

<COLOR color="#650335">Veronica White
Veronica is a seventeen year old who is doing her seventh year at Durmstrang Institute. She is bubbly and easily makes friends. She is very fashionable and is seen to wear the latest fashion. Her hobbies include Qudditch, Reading and Swimming. She has had a steady boyfriend from one year but is soon going to have major problems because of him. As for her family, she has an evil mother who has a dark secret that Veronica is trying to discover.
What I need : Friends, Mentor, A guy to help her through the upcoming rough path ;)

Andrew Bruke
Andrew has recently graduated from Hogwarts NewZealand. He is a death eater in training and is in love with Adira Ater for past three years whom he intends to marry later on in life. He is interested in dark arts and in Qudditch. He hasn't thought of a occupation yet but I intend to make him something soon. He hasn't been very active recently so I need to focus much on him.
What I need: Death Eater friends, people to torture(hurt, kill of course it has to be approved), enemies(loads of them), a few female friends on the dark side whom he can date because his new self is making him betray Adira :D

Kasey Blake
Kasey is a married woman and is just going to have her baby. She was very social back at school but after she got home schooled in her seventh year and got married and has settled in France she is always at home. She is an Auror in France MOM. She loves Qudditch as well but can't play right now.
What I need: Many social friends who can make her social, best friend, best guy friend, enemies.

So people help me plot for these characters :D Any ideas are appreciated. If you think that any of your characters will fit somehow into my character's life then please feel free to reply here or PM into Veronica's account. :D

Well if you want friends, I can offer you up Link Black for Andrew and if you need your first kill, how bout they have a lovely time killing Rafael De La Cruz? I don't do much with Rafael, he has kids; Willow, Esme, and Leonardo but he's a dead beat dad. Tell me what you think :) Nish? :hug:
Heya. :D
I think Andrew and Leah RPed one time, although I am really unsure. She is a Death Eater in training, so I think that they would come across each other during training/meetings and such. We should have them meet up, maybe after a DE meeting and see how they interact. Let me know. Maybe we can have some more uber plotting.
I have Larissa.
'nuff said. :cool:

xD Alright, maybe a little more explanation is required:
I haven't really done the RPs with Larissa that I should have (because I've had a very busy past couple of months) and I would like to get her out more.

Veronica and Larissa have already met. Depending on what age mentor she is seeking, I can volunteer Larissa for the challenge. She can be a bit controlling at times, she loves the Dark Arts and she flirts with pretty much every boy she meets. She is experienced in Quidditch and causing trouble and she is expert at evading capture. She may not let on to anyone, but she does have a heart and she does care.. Alright, most of the time, she doesn't give a monkeys about other people, but she has spells of being caring when it comes to specific subjects. She's not amazing friend material, but she is good at teaching all the wrong things ;) xD

Andrew- this one amused me. Larissa used to have a crush on Andrew (in her first year) and they have spoken on the odd occasion, over the years. They were both on the Quidditch team and they got on well. Larissa is not in any official relationship, although, she is potentially spoken for. The 'love of her life', Mark, is working a lot, so Larissa rarely gets to see him. Larissa loves the dark arts. Always has, always will. She has 'Outstanding' in the subject at Durmstrang. Larissa flirts with almost every boy and a bit of betrayal is always good fun to roleplay.

As for Kasey, I have Alex Corvus. He went to Hogwarts Scotland, where he was a Slytherin. He lived in the UK for all his life until recently when he moved to New Zealand and wed his pregnant girlfriend. They are now moving to France (because Liberty is awkward like that ♥ ) and he has been left jobless and friendless. I do have a rather improvised plan for him (job wise) but he still needs friends.
Oh, I also feel the need to highlight Liberty's plot thread in which she requests friends --> Link

Please let me know if you're interested :)
Link Black & Andrew
I think thats a great idea. We had even tried to RP them once before but due to problems on my side we couldn't work it out. It shall be great if they become friends and then kill Rafael De La Cruz together. Should I start up a topic for their friendship? :)

Leah Winters & Andrew
I think one of my other characters (Ben) met Leah but even I am unsure. Yes, we should RP Leah and Andrew. Do we like wait for an actual DE training meeting or just start a topic ? Sorry am confused on that part :) And Leah could even help Andrew as he is a newbie DE :D

Larissa Sedgwick & Andrew
Super awesome idea. First year crush :wub: Glad that Andrew will have a good impression on her now that he is a DE. Of course he wouldn't reveal that to her straight away. Flirting together with some romance, just the ingredients for perfect betrayal :woot: Should I start the topic? Anywhere specific you would like it to be?

Larissa Sedgwick & Veronica
Well for Veronica, I would like to keep her away from the dark arts because she hates her mother who is loving them. However maybe she could lose her way for her while as she has Larissa for her mentor. She needs someone to guide her on how to discover her mother's wicked ways and expose them. She will even need help in her relationship issues after her break up when she will be pregnant. I want Veronica to abort it so that idea should have some root in her mind. Maybe once Veronica realizes that Larissa isn't the exact mentor she wants and she has been stuffed with a little evil she could drift away or something.

Alex Corvus & Kasey
Cool, they both need friends :D How about they meet in some public place like a mall or something and get chatting? And well Kasey would appreciate a little help in her shopping since she is pregnant in her last week of the 8th month :doh: And they could strike a conversation and become friends. And yes Kasey even knows Liberty of course so later on when he mentions her they could plan a dinner together or something :)

Thanks to everyone who replied. More people are always welcome :D
Andrew: ^_^ Yes please :D If it could be in Germany, or at least Europe, it would be helpful, if not, guess I can work around it.

Veronica: I like the idea of Larissa attempting to lead Veronica astray. Yes, I think the drifting away part would be good- like, they could briefly become very close, almost like friends with Larissa 'helping' Veronica, then Veronica realises that they are two very different people and she avoids contact with Larissa- who isn't disheartened, but a little annoyed at the loss.

Kasey: Brilliant :D Would you like me to start a topic for them or do you want to?
For Link and Andrew- Yeah it could be Andrew first kill, Link will just watched because he's not going to Azkaban any time soon! So Link can be like mentor or something, and than unexpectedly..BAM! We kill Rafael :p you can start the topic. We will do the plot request for the killing in the near future.
Alex Corvus & Kasey
I started a topic for them
Friends In France

Larissa Sedgwick & Andrew
I started the topic in Germany
Flirt and Flings

Link Black& Andrew
I started a topic in the Poison Ater

Friends with the right sort

Larissa Sedgwick and Veronica
Can you please start the topic in Durmstrang? :D
Still LOoKiNg for Plotting with Veronica if anyone is interested
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