
In addition to Kiera—I also have her cousin Adelaide if anyone would rather plot with her.

Adelaide Styx-Potter is a first year Ravenclaw. She is a twin, but they are very different. Adelaide wants to do well in school to make her parents proud. She’s brave, compassionate, responsible, ambitious. She cares about doing the right thing. She doesn’t like to let people down but she will stand up for herself if necessary.
I think we can try with adelaide and elijah edogawa. he's also in ravenclaw and a triplet so he's sort of struggling with being away from his siblings (none of them are in his house at all!) but don't ask him about it because he'll get defensive really fast. :p
I think we can try with adelaide and elijah edogawa. he's also in ravenclaw and a triplet so he's sort of struggling with being away from his siblings (none of them are in his house at all!) but don't ask him about it because he'll get defensive really fast. :p
Would love that! I can start something in the common room if you like?

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