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Johanna Murray

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Well I've kind of ignored my charrie here while I was focusing on my main.I'd like some plots and rps for her.
If you don't know anything about her hers some info:

Johanna Murray is a seventh year Beauxbaton.She lives in France and is an only child.She is very musical and very studious.But she is kind and caring and does like to have a good time.She is recently coming out of her little shell that she lived in.

I was looking for some friends and maybe a boyfriend?

I have Teddy here, for either a friend or a boyfriend, up to you.

He's generally sweet and kind, extremely loyal, and very relaxed. He's experiencing a new sense of freedom at the moment so he's slightly more out there than he would be normally but that won't affect much.
Sounds good.Maybe we can just rp for a while and see how things go??
Would you like to start the topic or will I??
Valerie here could be a friend.
She is very shy, and quiet and won't start a conversation herself. She'll just normally stand back and let events happen as they pass her by. She doesn't want a life of Excitement. The biggest excitement she wants is a cup of coffee or tea. She is a tough cookie to crack, but once you do, she'll trust you, and open up.
Perhaps they could meet at some Tea Shop? She won't really say miuch but after awhile, she'll come around. :)

Wrong Account.
Valerie here could be a friend.
She is very shy, and quiet and won't start a conversation herself. She'll just normally stand back and let events happen as they pass her by. She doesn't want a life of Excitement. The biggest excitement she wants is a cup of coffee or tea. She is a tough cookie to crack, but once you do, she'll trust you, and open up.
Perhaps they could meet at some Tea Shop? She won't really say miuch but after awhile, she'll come around.
(Sorry used wrong account.)
Teddy and Johanna
Yup..Will start one tomorrow..

Valerie and Johanna
Sure..Could you start please?
I can offer Taylor. She's a little rich girl from America who doesn't fit in all that we'll.. CD in sig.
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