Plots needed!!!

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Kate Archer

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cherry Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Okay so I don't have a lot of topics going inside the school for my character Kate so I was hoping to get some. It doesn't matter if you already know Kate I just would like some topics!

So for the new people here is a bit of information on Kate

[/color]]Okay so Kate is a nice sweet girl who likes making other people happy.Even though she is a Hufflepuff she likes to break the rules sometimes and she likes adventure.She is quite funny and makes people laugh.She is fun to be around and is quite easy going!She loves music and sport but she is more into music!
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So I was kind of hoping for her to have a best girl friend (she already has a best boy friend) and maybe a small group of friends?

I can offer up Heidi Longbottom as a best friend. She a 2nd Year Gryffindor and if you look her up she already have a development and biography set up. Let me know what you think?
Ya she seems nice!Do you want me to start the topic or will I?

I'm still open to other people! :)
Can you? Thanks :)
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