Plots for mah new charries

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Taylor Rosetti

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hey it's Melissa.
Mah new and revived charries need a life and this is where you come in. Shall we meet the lovelies?​
Taylor Rylan Rosetti;

Well, well, well. Taylor here is my latest new character. He is an English/Italian boy who has recently transferred to Durmstrang. He is a seventeen. Taylor transferred from Beauxbatons in his fourth year because of the discovery of his sexuality and his fondness for cross dressing and the resulting bullying. Since arriving at Durmstrang he has only been known as Taylor the girl there. No one has yet discovered his secret and he hopes no one will. Taylor is kind, a little bit shy, loves to go shopping, and loves to dance. He is cautious about who he let's into his life, especially if they are boys because he is always scared that they are going to find out.

So what I need for him is a few friends, mostly girls a few boys. That will see him as a girl and befriend him. A final has been picked so I'm afraid I don't need any romantic interests at the moment. Some enemies, people probably from his past when he was attending Beaubatons and know of his past as a boy - for any enemies of Taylor there is a plot being planned that you can get in on if you are willing.​

Mylissa Antoinette Mendez;
Mylissa Mendez here is a bit of a troubled child. At eight years old, she has grown up being the unwanted child that was nothing more than an accident to her family. Because of this her childhood was not pretty and has resulted in her having several big phobias, the main two being afraid of talking and being afraid of human touch. Because of how she was treated she left home to live with her older sister Florence when she turned eight. Florence is one of a tiny few that she actually talks to because she trusts her. Mylissa is trying to get better for her sister so she is becoming a little more social and a little less secluded. When you get to know her Mylissa is a bubbly kid that, when in the right environment, is happy-go-lucky and loves to have a good time like any other little girl.

So what I need for her is one or two best friends that she can trust enough to talk around because if she will need some people to translate for her and to have fun with. Not really looking for enemies for her because of her copious amount of fears at the moment but if you have an idea pm me and I am willing to negotiate.​
Florence Clara Mendez;
Florence here is one of my favourite new characters. She is just eighteen years old and is the older sister of troubled kid Mylissa Mendez. Florence is a caring and protective girl who is very family-orientated. She graduated from HNZ (Slytherin) after she transferred Hogwarts Scotland when she was 12. She was the wanted child who was given a great childhood, quite contrast to that of Mylissa's. She is a newspaper journalist, writing an Agony Aunt column for a local muggle newspaper. Between work and looking after her sister, Florence needs a life away from it all, where she can relax and let her hair down. She has grown up a lot in the last year with becoming a caregiver but she still possesses the fun loving spirit that she used to have.

What I need for her are some friends, a few close ones that she can have fun with, and maybe a love interest. Nothing too serious at the moment though, and they can either be accepting of Mylissa’s condition or not - to interesting results.​


Meighan Lynne Darkhart;

Recognise the last name? Meighan is the seven year old cousin of Annalie Darkhart. However, she isn't as evil as her older cousin. Meighan is usually a very sweet and innocent little girl who is always up to mischeif but when she spends time with Annalie she quickly morphs into Annalie's protégé. She can be quite evil at heart but it depends entirely on the company. Meighan is a bit of a girly girl and pays particular care to her clothing and appearance, trying to look as perfect and innocent as possible.

What I need for her is s few friends, whether be good or bad it doesn't matter because Meighan will adapt accordingly.​

Rohana Mae Darkhart;
<SIZE size="50">Rohana is the older sister of Meighan and is 11 years old. Rohana is a sweet music nut. She doesn't like Annalie and never spends more than a minute or two in her company. Rohana is a guitarist and aspiring songwriter/singer. She is pretty shy when it comes to her voice and doesn't ever believe that it's good. She lacks in self-confidence so she loves being praised.

So basically what I need for her is some friends and possibly a few enemies it's up to you.​

Netayna Abramovitz;
Nettie here is my eight year old Israelian girl. She was left in New Zealand by her parents who didn't really want her. She was found by Morgan Le Fey and currently staying with her. Netayna is pretty untrusting when it comes to people and the language barrier doesn't help. She is learning English so it is currently pretty rusty and not all together fluent. Nettie is an inquisitive child and is overly curious about things, usually bringing her a bit of trouble and she loves to have adventures and play outside.

What I need for her are some more friends, so she can improve both her social skills and her English.​
Well that's them. So if you have anything for my lovelies post here or if you have plot ideas or if you really want to PM me and we can work something out. Thanks in advance, Melissa. xx​
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Hello Fiance :wub: I have a few people for you, since apparently I still find free time with them, yet I'm busy... :erm: I don't quite get it, but anywho ^_^

Michelle James: Mitchie is a sixth year Durmstrang who has been through a lot (And I mean a lot she's had three different roleplayers, and collectively I think we've made her insane.) anyway, I have made it my mission to get herself some self-esteem. She's an erractic girl, and is ruled by her emotions, which are totally out of whack. She was abused by her mother, abandoned by her father, and left alone by the rest of her seemingly heartless family, however, she has resently discovered that she has an uncle, who is willing to take her in. But now she's faced with a new problem, since she has abandonment issues, she feels that her uncle will drop her at any given chance when he finds out she's a lesbian and that she seems to attract trouble, and she thinks that she crazy. All of this does not help her low self-esteem at all and she's trying to make new friends at Durmstrang, since all of her old ones have left her because of her mood swings and troubled past.

I'm willing to put her up as friend to Taylor, maybe crush if he's a good enough girl (which judging by his appearence, earns him a tick in that catagory) ^_^

Xavier Grimm: This guy has had a completely character change because a plot fell through and an application I can't be bothered re-doing failed ( :p ) anyway Xavier really has no point at the moment, I just kind of made him to be a specific person, but it didn't work out, so he's a little... empty. But I just resently cooked up a crazy scheme as to why he exists and yeah.

Xavier is a fifth year Durmstrang (Bit of an age gap I know), but is a decent kind of guy, he's fun loving and loves adventure, he can't stand being stuck indoors and has to be out and about at all times. He's carefree and a little reckless, he's a chatterbox and seems to have endless amounts of confidence. He recently transferred to Durmstrang, from the original Hogwarts (He was a Hufflepuff) and decided that he'd transfer to Durmstrang because he could, he doesn't think things through (obviously, since he switched schools because he could) and has a hard skin that enables him to ignore insults that are shot his way.

Xavier lives on his own terms, since he was thrown out by his family and basically does not exist because he was a result of an affair his father had with some strange woman. That strange woman then had him and took care of him, occasionally, so he basically raised himself, which accounts for his self relience and crazy attitude towards responsibility.

With Xavier, I'm not sure how he would react with Taylor, in all honesty. I think he would be shocked if he ever found out (Which is your decision) but I don't think he'd attack him or anything, just be super confused as to why he'd want to be a girl and yeah. If it ever happens, I'll just figure it out then xD but I think they could be friends, because Xavier's confident personality would probably help get Taylor out of his shell and get him to have some fun :r

For little Miss Meighan Darkhart, I have Dexter Lesley.

Dexter is a part-veela, and knows that he grabs attention easily, but he is more worried about his enjoyment ratings than anything else. He is dramatic, and loves ice-cream and mischief. He runs away regularly because he can and likes to do Muggle things because it's fun. He knows how to get what he wants, but is a nice kid when not annoyed. He's currently nine, so there is a little bit of an age difference, but if you're willing to overlook it, I am too. Dexter is a chatterbox and loves to cook up crazy schemes that sound fun and exciting, but usually end up being gigantic quests to take over the world and they never seem to end well for him. He's a funny kid and overreats to nearly everything and I just find him additive to roleplay, so yeah ^_^

I think that's about it, don't want to overwork myself ^_^
Fiance :wub:

Michelle James&Taylor
Well, as Taylor has pretty much been left to his own devices and kicked out because of his lifestyle choices (dressing as a girl, being gay etc) he can easily sympathise with her about that. Taylor is a little bit of a trouble maker too but more because it finds him and he takes the opportunity. Her crushing on Tay would provide some entertainment and if this did happen I think that Tay would probably trust her enough to probably tell her, her reaction is up to you.
Xavier Grimm&Taylor
Again, as Taylor was kicked out this also works. I think that if Tay trusted Xavier enough he would tell him, he is very wary of boys as the tend to be a lot less accepting so it would probably take a lot longer for Tay to tell him. I think that Xavier's confidence would help Tay to open up so yeah.
Dexter Lesley&Meighan
Yay adventures to be had. Who really cares about age difference when they are this young? It sounds like Meighan and Dexter would get up to some pretty crazy adventures and all and all have a pretty fun time.

So yeah.
Okay Fiance ^_^

Okay, I just got the thought in my head and thought why not throw it out in the air? She's never crushed on a dude before :p She'd probably be even more confused if he told her that he was a guy and she thought that she was a lesbian and then turns out to be a guy and yeah, it would be quite interesting. But she has yet to come out, or accept her sexuality, so her revealing her crush in itself would be something that would come later, rather than sooner. She'd probably be all embarrassed and stuff. Who doesn't love an embarrassing thead?! :p

He doesn't have to ever tell him if you don't want him to. So yeah, just tell me when you want something started and I'll get on it ;)

Adventure time! :woot: I'm sure we can think of crazy things for these kiddies to do.

Embarrassing plots are win so I am definetly up for it. Timing doesn't matter though so it's all good.

Well if they become good enough friends I think Taylor would tell him, because he wouldn't want to lie through an entire friendship.

I'm sure we can adventures are awesome and fun!
Okay, so which ones would you like to start? ^_^

I shotgun starting Grimmy's one though, because I've never roleplayed with him, want to see how I go :r :wub:
Well, I'll start the other two then. ^_^

This is still open for people so keep it coming!

Thanks ^_^
This is still open to all you lovelies.

Mel :hug:

I have two possible people for Taylor. I have Yvonne Ramirez. She is aggressive, and it is hard for her to trust people. She likes to shop, but she has very little confidence in her appearance. I think the two could be enemies or friends. I can imagine Yvonne being able to tell Taylor as a boy and make fun of him or feel sorry for him. Yvonne has gotten nicer since she started staying Kamaria, so maybe the two will end up being friends? What do you think?

I also created a new charrie, Bobby Sanchez, and he is Yvonne's cousin. The two hate each other though. Once his group change form is processed he will hopefully be in Durmstrang, and the same age as Taylor. I think maybe Bobby can flirt with Taylor. He is very confident, and has a thick Spanish accent. Bobby could probably end up being a bully to Taylor if he finds out that he is a boy. It's up to you. :)

Tell me what you think Melly! :)
Yvonne Ramirez and Taylor
I'm think the 'Yvinne being able to tell Taylor was a boy' thing would be quite interesting to roleplay. As no one has ever questioned him not being a girl. So I think that it could be an interesting learning curve to see how he would react given the situation of being found out.
Bobby Sanchez and Taylor
Well as Taylor has a final, flirting is all I can offer. So yes. I think it would be quite fun to have them flirt and some how, maybe, Bobby could find out and become a bully.
I can start the topic for these two. I think this one will be pretty fun.

Would you like to start this one? I can start it if you want me to.
Yvonne and Taylor
Thank you.
Bobby and Taylor
I'll get onto that.</SIZE>
I would just like to add Mikey to this list.
<SIZE size="100">Mikey Rosetti
Mikey is fifteen year old Beauxbatons student. He is the younger brother of Taylor but his personality differs a lot. Mikey is loud, confident, and a big flirt. He thinks Taylor being a transgender is a disgrace to the family and helped to influence the decision to send Taylor away. Mikey doesn't think very much of girls at the moment and doesn't want to get his feelings involved, so his flirting and his short relationships are meaningless to him.

What I need for him are some friends that he can chill out with. Some girls that he could flirt with/date. Though it would be lovely if one of the girls he gets into a relationship with actually morphed into something more that just a fling. But it's up to you if you want them to get into a long term relationship. And maybe an enemy or two. Maybe someone that caught wind of what Mikey did to Taylor and isn't impressed. Or just hate his arrogant attitude.

I don't know it's up to you.


Okay, so now it's time to bring out me Beauxbaton kiddies that have been in the box far too much :p
Daniel Hydran:
Daniel is my most energetic character (I think you may have heard of him from Arty) anyway, Daniel is an energetic boy, he just recently started schooling in Beauxbatons because his family moved to France recently, he misses his friends and family back in New Zealand, but he has managed to make some new friends, he is a bit of a trouble maker, and loves making new friends and just being talkative, he is a generally a really happy person, some find this trait really annoying, but others find it refreshing. When insulted, he becomes quite sarcastic and cheeky, and will happily flip something back onto someone, or just simply ignore them and go onto something else.
He's in Fourth year, but I have been wanting to roleplay with him more because I love his character :wub: anyway, I could see him being all :woot: Future friend! and then get to know Mikey a little bit and be like: :glare: Why don't you get a life?
So yeah, it would be interesting to get the other side of his personality out, the not so positive one :)
(Sorry I had to get that out :r )

Daniel and Taylor
As we discussed in shouty I think this will work. So we have epic friends turn :glare: who do you think you are? This is going to be rather entertaining and I can't wait ^_^
Great, Daniel needs to get out more, and start hating people, because currently he doesn't hate anyone, not even his annoyingly insane cousins :r Or his parents for dragging him halfway across the world :lol:

I have an Open thread with him, if you like I can close it for Mikey? ^_^
Consider it done ^_^
Here is the thread for Yvonne and Taylor. Sorry it took a bit.
That's okay
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