Plots and People Pretty Pulease

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Reisha Messier

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
11 ¾ inch Birch wand with a Phoenix Feather core, inflexible
Hi everyone,

I would dearly love some interaction for both these characters -

Reisha Messier --> Biography
her uncle Leon Messier --> Biography
Leon is in New Zealand and a published dragon researcher and well known dragon restrainer. Currently working for the NZ Beast Division but has worked a considerable amount of time in the ministry in England. He has only moved to New Zealand since September 2043 after his brother died and his niece went back for her fifth term at Hogwarts Scotland. He's getting everything ready for when she moves during the summer of 2044 and wants her to transfer to HNZ for the new school year. He is single - bisexual - a bit of a charmer when he wants to be, a pain in the derriere when he wants to be --- a basic sinner and saint rolled into one.

Colleagues at the ministry
A friend, a Fling, A flirt
he's not looking to settle down just yet but if it happens - it happens!

Reisha is a fifth year prefect of Gryffindor house at Hogwarts Scotland, she lost her mom during childbirth and recently lost her father. She has grown up with her uncle as he lived in the same house with them after her mom died, so he's like a second father to her but she does not want to move to NZ ... even though she knows that she will have to. There is no family back in England who can take her in during the holidays but there is in NZ.

A friend in England perhaps - someone she can miss when she moves and can write to and perhaps visit during some holiday time.
Someone to bump into in NZ when she moves during the summer

and ... for some hilarious reason I suddenly had an image of Grease pop into my head ... the starstruck summer romance and they both go their own ways. He thinks she's going back to England and she just thinks it was a summer thing but bang ... day one ... ZOMG!! =)) ok, it genuinely looked better in my head.

Thanks for the considerations ^_^
I have 3 for Reisha :cyndi: (I know, them are a lot xD )


Keagan Maxwell
16 years old | RAVENCLAW | Hogwarts Scotland
Out of all Maxwell children, he's the only one who's studying at Hogwarts Scotland. Keagan is a patient, kind, understand and romantic guy. He's fairly opposite than his distant cousins who are violent most of the time. He also kind of moved away from the Quidditch tradition the Maxwell family had since the dawn of time. Keagan is part of the school choir and Gobstone club (Yes, he's a nerd), he also loves to play wizarding chess and is fairly good at it. He's not judgemental or anything but one thing that gets him is lying, once you lie to him he'll keep that grudge as long as possible. Keagan's not a fighter but he will if you try to hurt his nieces and nephews. He'd proven that in a duel.

Kassandra Eindhoven
14 years old | RAVENCLAW | Hogwarts Scotland
The girl with a 190 IQ xD yes, that's why she's in Ravenclaw. Although, with all those brain power on her, she's flirtatious and like the attention of boys. Beauty and brains if you put it that way. And with that, she doesn't really have that much girl friends and would like to have one just to feel what's like to be not always with her best friend. Kass can be manipulative if she wanted something from you but sometimes she can be friendly and helpful. Of course, the manipulative part doesn't work on her best friend and crush. Kass just wanted to have some friends to have fun and know that she's still normal despite having such a vast knowledge on everything.

Mason Woodlock (idk if you want someone old for her)
20 years old | Ilvermorny Graduate | College Student
So, okay, Mason is from USA and moved to New Zealand after graduating Ilvermorny. He's currently a college student at a local state college in New Plymouth. He didn't want to work at the wizarding government that's why he thought of studying again but with the help of muggle knowledge. He moved to New Zealand to take care of his niece while his uncle is gone working in the US as an auror and to also help his aunt. Mason is hardworking, patient, fair and kind. He's pretty much the perfect father figure to his niece but that he's too young, he's afraid that he'll not meet her expectations. Mason is fairly new in New Zealand and would love to have a friend (I would love for them to be a summer fling but I don't think the age will go through).

If you want more you can always click my account tracker ;)
Thank you so very much :hug:

So ...
[li] Keagan - is there a possibility that they could actually be dating before she leaves England? That just seems like the sweetest thing ever. He definitely sounds like he is someone that she would get on with and I'm sure that because of his brain :p she'd consider him worthy of dating for sure :woot: Ok, am sure she'd have many other reasons but wizarding chess, non-judgemental, intelligent, patient, kind, understanding, romantic ... what's not to like here ;)

Perhaps they had begun dating the year before or during that summer before her father died, so that Keagan is connected to her on a deeper level as a result and this can come back to play later in their lives when school is all over and done with- if they ever meet up again of course :D</LI>

[li]Kassandra - friends for sure, perhaps she met her through being friends with Keagan and them being of Ravenclaw (keagan and kassandra)it was only natural that the two (kass and reisha) would find their paths then inter-crossed or is Kass in fifth year and just a bit younger than Reisha as that happens too and then we can say that they are friends through study groups and classes???

<LI>[li]Mason - I think he may be a little bit on the older side for Reisha - I've rattled my cranium and couldn't find any plausible reason why she would know a 20 year old :cry: :cry:
I'm game with Keagan and Reisha dating. Maybe the year before, so, it's much longer (he's, after all, a stick to one girl) and like you said 'had much deeper level' because he would have known her dad. Are we breaking them up now? xD I have never plotted with any of my characters that has an instant break up. Although when they meet again, he might have someone else (i.e his final) :(

As for Kass, I like the idea where she meets her through Keagan. Kass's friends are purely older boys and that Keagan being two years older would just go great. But, I'm sorry, I can't up her year. It has been plotted and changing it I have to go through someone. But I'm okay with the idea.

I'm sorry, I don't have any male IC's that lives in NZ but I have a female who goes to HNZ, same age and year too.
Thanks Alex ~
All good with me, Reisha and Keagan date since 2042 - her father dies August 2043 - they break up end of school year 2044 or just before it xD
yeah, I don't think I've ever done a break up post straight off the cuff like that either.
Not to worry about him having a final - Reisha will be delighted for him by then - I haven't organised a final for her as yet so that's just wide open =))

No, no you misunderstood about upping a year - I didn't know what class she was actually in and was just wondering if she was a fifth year as well but just younger - she has an incredible iQ after all :p

That's awesome about the female - perhaps they can meet during the summer when she's getting her supplies ... holy moly I just hope her transfer goes through =)) after all this =))

And then there was ... me!
who wants to be my friend :p
fellow pub crawler after a hard days work xD
work colleague o_O
fling :r
final :wub:
whatevs :woot:
So, you want me to start something for the two love birds? Finally I'm free tomorrow evening to do all these. Kass is a fourth year, I don't think the wizarding world does an advance schooling for people who are very intelligent xD I wish though.

Crossing fingers for her transfer ...

And for Leo, okay, I'll throw Ainslee Maxwell. She works for the Magical law enforcement side. I can only give her as a friend because I don't think her boyfriend would like to share her xD
hey Alex,

missed you by a day :doh: sorry about that.
My timing stinks xD

but if you can still start and link me that would be great - no rush, all in your own time ^_^

That would be brill, Leon would like a friend - no strings. His perfect cup of tea ... if he drank tea :woot:
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