Plots. All the Plots.

Jordan Harris

Musician- Energetic- Friendly- Cuddly
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Flexible Black Walnut Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
20 (12/7/2041)
Jess again. I have a very long list. Let's get started, yeah?

Tyra Wolf-Gates

Tyra is 31. She studied fashion in Paris before returning home to take over the ownership of the family inn outside of Arrowtown after her parents death. She's married to doctor Jason Gates, and they have eight year old triplets. Tyra is bright, bubbly, and energetic. She needs friends. Need a best friend that is eternally optimistic and full of sunshine? Need a lost soul to have a super bright bartender to take them in? Tyra is your girl. She loves fashion, mixing drinks, and everything that sparkles. She is rose wine, glitter bombs, and fancy, fruity drinks.

Karissa North

Kari is 32, an ancient historian, with degrees and a fascination for ancient texts and manuscripts. She is married to ex-Professor Mitchell North. The two are currently living in Egypt with one young daughter, Ada, and Kari has come a good bit out of her shell. She loves to read, and play classical music. She's soft, very sweet. She needs friends. Perhaps other mom friends?

Kameron Lockwood

Kami is a 38 year old mother. A very stong, sweet one, with two nearly adult stepdaughters, one
mischievous sixteen year old boy, and toddler twins. Her kids are her whole life. She's had a few careers; she went to school for and worked as a nurse for several years, before taking over the family bookstore. Since Kari has moved, Kami has taken over watching the bookstore again, but mostly she works as a stay at home mother. Her husband works for the ministry. Kami would love some other friends.

Killian Taylor

Killian, 38, is Kameron's twin brother. He's a widower with two sons, very protective of both of his sisters. He works as a Sailor for Michaels shipping. I don't have much for Killian. He's intimidating but kind, stubborn but soft. He needs a new romance, but he's clueless when it comes to dating. His wife was a strong, confident, sassy woman that bossed him around and knew what she wanted. He's got a very doting personality, and he could use some friends as well.

Chalcedony Michaels

Chal is 55. He's eccentric, a recluse, but a master at gardening. His greenhouses are lush and bigger than his apartment. He is Ruby Michaels twin brother. While Ruby married and had the extensive Michaels clan, Chal has been perpetually single since leaving school. He's socially awkward and has a hard time really connecting with anyone. That doesn't stop him from trying, on occasion, but very rarely has Chal truly connected with anyone on a deeper level. I'm not looking for a romance for Chal, but he could definitely use a few friends.

Brayden Moriarty

Brayden is 46. He's a retired auror, and the owner of the Hog's head. He has done his best to have a close familial bond with his staff, though if it's succeeded can be up for debate. He's gruff and stubborn, but he has a good heart. Brayden could use more friends, but I am looking for a romance for him. It would take a bit of work; he needs someone stubborn and persistent, because he is generally uninterested in romance. I'm thinking he needs someone who'll show up at the Hog's Head pretty much daily to pester him for information about himself, someone really willing to chase him down and make it work. I'm open to women but I do see him leaning more towards a man.

Lou Prindeou


Lou is 43, and is absolutely a shy farmer boy with no friends. He's in a... complicated relationship with Erik Drage. He was homeschooled, born and raised to work the farm. He's only recently tried to start developing past his 'I'm only good to work the farm' mentality. He's a slow reader, but he loves books, and he loves to play the piano. He's curious, and kind, but socially awkward. He could use a few good friends.

James Michaels

James is 40, and, well, having a bit of a mid life crisis. He's got a great career, a nice house, and he lives with the man he loves. However, his brother's twins are graduated and out in the world, his adopted boy Jordan is at school, and Onyx- sweet, cheerful, clueless Onyx, James' little boy, is engaged. James won't admit he's having a mid-life crisis, but he is absolutely panicking. He's old, getting older, his kids are growing up quickly, and he feels... well, he feels a bit lost. He has a ring, one he's been too chicken to give to his boyfriend. James absolutely needs more friends.

Evelyn Lockwood

Evelyn is 40. She's Lily, Ren, and Rose's mother. She's a doctor, married to a librarian, and even after nearly twenty years they are still the dorky, pizza movie night couple that are just helplessly in love. Evelyn is smart, strong, and confident. She needs a few friends in her life, perhaps other doctors or patients.

Cassielle Bonetti

Cassi is 39. She is strong, independent, and stubborn. She's a martial arts master, having excelled in the fields of Judo, Kung fu, Ju-jitsu, and almost a dozen other forms of self defense and hand to hand combat. I'm not looking for romance for her- she's mostly one night stands and quick flings. She travels pretty consistently, judging competitions around the world, but since taking in her nephew she's been considering settling down, thinking she could be missing more in life. Cassi is haunted with past regrets she's trying to hide right now, she could use a friend or two to help get her through.

Emily Michaels

Emily is 39. She's feisty, stubborn, and opinionated. One of her closest friends in the world is James. She's married to Jayce; her kids are Ember, Amaya, and Jasper. Emily is strongly Irish, and has a fighting spirit. She doesn't like being told she can't do something, and will fight anyone that tries to fight her or her family. She's James' go to babysitter when he needs to go out and travel. She works designing and maintaining the ships at Michaels Shipping. She could definitely use some friends.

Mystic Rain

Mystic is 34. She's very strong willed and opinionated, and she is very kind. She's a bit eccentric, having just sold her shop to strike out to New Zealand to open up a bakery. I can't remember what it's called, but she used to sell a lot of new age-y things, crystals, palm readings, tarot cards, things like that. She is very much a free love kind of person, and is very sentimental and is all about peace, love, and music. She recently took in her nephew Zeke, and has given him the profits from selling her shop so that he can get on his feet in the world. She's taken to catering until she can open her shop. She needs friends.

Asher Beckett, 27

Asher is the lead singer and guitarist of the band Ashes. His best friend is Leo, and he is currently harboring a massive crush on the bubbly blond Archie Renner that he is desperately trying to hide. Asher could always use more friends, more musician buddies, or even a run in with some fans of his work. I may be open to discussing one night stands.

Avery Lavigne, 26

Avery is recently moved to New Zealand from Paris after some untimely circumstances. He's an interior designer just settling into starting his own business and living with his roommate Lip. Avery is available for casual flings, men only, but he is unavailable emotionally. I'm not sure how open he is to friends right now, but I'm up for trying.

Dimitri Korrinov, 25

Dimitri is a runaway Russian heir, disowned for refusing to marry for money. He's currently chasing Quidditch player Ares Jeffreys, and has chosen to settle down near the other man in hopes of a future and putting down roots together. He works at Eeylops, playing his guitar and singing to the birds on his night shifts. He's a musician, but has no interest in fame or money, playing simply because he wants to and he loves the music. He could use some friends. He is very easy going, stubborn, and care free.

Ember Michaels, 23

Ember is an upcoming artist, playing her music mostly in New Zealand, though she has recently branched out upon moving to her cousin's old flat in Paris. She's fairly popular as an underground singer. She's been in a slow building relationship with Morwen Orlando, patient enough to wait through his old fashioned courting and general shyness. She's loyal, family oriented, bold, blunt, and ready for a good time. She would be a good party buddy.

Damien Gates, 23

Damien is happily married to Quidditch Player Danielle Corelli, with twin girls of their own. He works part time as a fashion blogger while spending the rest of his time working at a fashion shop to help support them until Dani decides to go back to work. He's energetic, fun loving, and he loves a good cup of coffee. He is always open for giving makeovers and fashion advice.

Mallory Corrins, 23

Mallory is the current Charms Professor for first through fourth year. She's gentle, caring, and sweet. She's always eager to help students and pays close attention in class to see who might need her help. I'm always keen for student/professor plots, and other professor friendships would be welcome as well.

Celeste Rabson, 22

Celeste is a university student in Scotland, studying astronomy. She acts bold, and is very loud, but she hides insecurities. She's close to her brothers and adores Arcturus' little girlfriend. She likes to travel but doesn't do so often. She isn't looking for romance but could definitely use some friends.

Annika Corrins, 21

Annika is a wedding planner that is currently living like there's no tomorrow, taking home anyone she deems pretty enough. She's spoiled, a bit pompous, and used to getting her way. She's open for brief flings but she has no real need for romantic relationships. She could use a few friends.

Dreya Monet, 21

Dreya is soft, shy, and socially inept, but she is an amazing baker. She dreams of owning her own bakery, but for now she's working as a bank teller and selling pastries and other baked goods on the side while caring for her ailing mother. She's an absolute sweetheart, and could use a few friends.

Sapphire Michaels, 19

Sapphire is traveling right now and is very mobile, so she can meet anyone anywhere. She's open for pretty much any plots, flings or friends alike. She's confident, stubborn, and closed off. She loves her brother dearly, and has only recently come to accept his fiancé as a good guy. She's moved into her brothers old New Zealand apartment, mostly just wanting to be closer to her uncle James. Sapphire will never admit it, but she's a softie at heart and very family oriented.

Onyx Michaels, 19

Onyx is probably the happiest he's ever been. His memories are pretty much completely returned, he's moving into a new home with the love of his life, he's started looking into going to university. He is absolutely looking to make more long time friends, he's living in France and his French, while accented, is becoming very fluent. He's still working as a performer at a higher end lounge right now. Onyx is friendly, happy, and kind, always humming the music in his head. Onyx is engaged to Jamie Derouin, a chaser on the French National team.

Cooper Gates, 19

Cooper is currently studying to be a chef at a school in Japan, though he often visits New Zealand. He's close to his brothers and cousins, but is very focused on his work right now. He could use some friends, perhaps some other chefs, and he's open for flings of any gender. Cooper is determined, stylish, and very much a workaholic obsessed with food and fine dining.

Kira Wolf, 19

Kira is currently living at the Inn in New Zealand, studying to be a doctor. She's in a committed long distance relationship with Arcturus, but she's always available to catch up with old friends or make new ones. Kira is soft, sweet, and intelligent.

Amethyst Michaels, 18

Amaya is currently living in Arizona, rooming with Dominic Torres. She's working as a dance instructor, writing in her free time and taking a few creative classes. She's open for friends and flings right now. Amaya is bold, loyal, and free spirited.

Zeke Carnahan, 18

Zeke is easy going and fun loving. Having just gotten away from his father's strict military training, Zeke is jumping back into life with the nest egg his aunt Mystic gave to him after taking him in. He's looking into going to school to become a nutritionist, and is offering yoga classes to help make ends meet while he's working. He's working things out with Dominic right now, and he lives in Colorado, but he could definitely use some friends.

Avaria Lockwood, 18

Ava has been travelling around the world for the past year with her best friend Vader Hume. When a one night stand left her pregnant, however, the two decided to return home to New Zealand so that they could settle in the apartment above the book store while they work things out. Ava is scared, but is as bubbly, optimistic, and happy-go-lucky as ever, though she is pouting a bit that she can't have her pretty mixed drinks for the next few years. Ava can always use some friends but isn't interested in romance of any sort.

Jasper Michaels, 17

Jasper is a seventh year Gryffindor. He's very serious, studious, and he loves physical sports. Running, basketball, football, soccer. He loves being outside. His girlfriend, Arinna Desai, graduated the year before. Jasper is set to take over his grandmothers company and has private tutoring over the summers to insure he's ready. His life is pretty much set, but he could use some friends.

Lillian Lockwood, 17

Lily is my other seventh year, a Hufflepuff baker soon to graduate. She has a lot of friends, and her love life is really complicated right now. She has an affinity with younger students, and tends to pass out muffins and treats to anyone who comes near enough and looks like they need food. She's a great big sister type. She can use friends, maybe some pen pals she can write and send treats to after she graduates.

Ren Lockwood, 16

Ren is sixteen. He's very lazy, spending most of his time working on his art, sleeping, or lazing about somewhere. He's very sweet and easy going. He's not looking for romance, but he could use a few friends.

Emily Hastings, 16

Emily is sixteen, a skeptical loner that loves horror movies and novels. She plans to take over her stepmothers bookstore when she graduates. Emily is very organized and straight forward, and a bit serious. She's seeing Sydney Townsend currently. Emily has very few friends, only talking to maybe three other students. She's hard to befriend, but I'm open to trying.

Arthurian Taylor, 15

Arthur is sort of going through a redemption arc right now. He's recently started dating Kiara Wood, and is trying to find something he's better at than pranks and just being a better person in general. I'm keen for him to make more friends, but he's very quiet and a little awkward so he's not sure how to be normal.

Rosalind Lockwood, 15

Rose is my fifth year. Unlike her super open and friendly older sister, Rose has a temper and struggles to connect with people. She mostly just hangs out playing her guitar in the towers. She currently has a crush on Iris Van Houten, but isn't sure what to do about it after the disaster of her attempt to be with Apollo. Rose is struggling, but she's trying to be better, more open, and friendlier to those around her. It's not uncommon for Rose to punch people, so anyone wanting to be in her life should be careful- Rose is confident and unafraid to use force to get her points across.

Lucas Ames, 15


Lucas is a fifteen year old Horned Serpent at Ilvermony. He's soft, sweet, and he has a thing for cute things and pretty things. He's recently moved out of his house in Maine and to an apartment in Alaska to live with his aunts, and since his brothers have both graduated, Lucas feels like he's finally able to be himself. He's only just know learning about himself. He's a chaser on the Quidditch team, and has only recently started dating his best friend Einar Hanes. He's also gone on a growth recently and is now a good two feet taller than he used to be, he was a small child. He's tall, muscular, and he likes to wear pastels, cuddle with his teddy bear, and have flowers tucked behind his ears. He's shy, but open to new friends.

Kia Sorens, 14

Kia is one of my only Slytherins left. She's amoral, distant, and doesn't trust anyone. She's an orphan, and has spent her entire life taking care of herself. She could use some friends, but it would take a lot of time and effort to really get through her tough outer shell. I'm not sure how she would be with friends. Kia feels very lost and lonely.

Addison Beckett, 14


Addy is a very bright child. She doesn't pay attention to her schooling, much more interested in her random facts. She's intelligent, but she's very soft and very awkward around people. Her first response is to spout random facts about the situations she's in. "Did you know?" She's currently suffering from a broken heart, but is doing her best to get over it and move on. Open for flings and friendships.

Allison Beckett, 14

Unlike her twin sister, Allie is loud, bold, and brash. Her best friend is Stanislaw Kurek, though he changed his name to Stan Beckett when her father adopted him. Allie still calls him Stanis. He's a werewolf, and Allie is the only other student at school that knows this secret. She will do anything to protect him. She's currently interested in a Gryffindor Prefect, Thomas Jusentrea, which is surprising considering her troublemaker nature. She's been sent to the Professors many times before and she's lost count of how many points she's lost her house in the interests of protecting Stanis. She could use a few more friends, but she's just as likely to make new enemies, as well.

Casper Beckett, 14

Casper is very angsty right now, feeling alone and depressed after his adoptive parents kicked him out of the house for being an artist. He lives with his uncle and cousins for the time being, though he often feels like he's just in the way. Cas is gay, and has finally come to terms with it, and has even started to crush a bit on his pen pal, though he won't admit that, not even to himself. Casper is quiet, but he's recently discovered that he's taking over the Conglomerated Arts Club next year with Kiara Wood. Casper is good at what he does, with an affinity for fantasy landscapes. He's nervous, shy, and a bit awkward, but he's also passionate and sweet. He could use a few more friends.

Amelie Derouin, 14


Amelie is the alternate seeker for the Beauxbatons team, the younger cousin of Jamie Derouin. She's fairly talented as a seeker- at least, in practices. She has a crush on another girl on her team, Gaby, though she hasn't managed to capture the older girls attention yet. She's penpals with Jordan Harris, and she writes to him every Friday. She talks a little bit with the others on her team, but more often than not she still feels like the outsider. Amelie is confident, care free, and gentle, liking flowers and puzzles. She could use a bit of everything, really, but mostly just friends right now.

Aubrey Miller, 13

Aubrey is my third year Gryffindor. She's struggling to find herself, and is a bit of a late bloomer. She feels isolated from her family, and she worries often that she's a let down. She tries to come across as put together, and rarely lowers her guard for anyone. The only real friend she has at the moment is Nikko Blackwood. She's open for everything, looking for flings, crushes, and friendships. Anything, really. Aubrey is cool and composed, and she likes flowers and cats.

Jordan Harris, 12

Jordie is... well, Jordie. He's outgoing, friendly, and very cuddly. He's loud and bold. He has a million best friends and he loves them all soooo very much. Even if you don't like him, he'll love you. He's optimistic, an eternal ray of sunshine. Jordie likes people, and he likes them as more than friends very easily. He either gets his heart broken or dates someone or both pretty much every semester. Jordie is a very loyal person, and he just sees the beauty in everything and everyone. He's an alternate chaser on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, he runs every morning and every night, and he's in a band of sorts with Weston Stirling, they've both learned and taught each other guitar and the drums. If you need a friend, someone to think they're your friend, or perhaps a future fling (open to discussion but no promises) then Jordie is your boy.

Jia Warren, 12


Jia is a second year Wampus at Ilvermorny. She is very studious and serious, determined to be a lawyer when she's older like her mother was. Her family holds high expectations, and she expects to meet them. She has a plan, and she sticks to it. She takes extra studies onto herself. While she could use friends, she wouldn't be the greatest friend as she would often choose her studying over her social life. Jia is very health conscious, and is very careful about her appearance. She is a neat and tidy person, knowing that everything must be so so.

Charlie Helkovaara, 11


Charlie is my current first year. He's soft and sweet. He loves sports, but is terrible at actually playing them. Charlie is a writer, with a hidden love for the violin. He's very nervous and shy around girls, having never spent much time with the opposite sex growing up. He's slowly adjusting to being away from his dad, but Charlie is always a bit homesick. He's just getting better at hiding it. He's too young to really care about romance right now (other than trying to set his dad up on dates that never seem to work out) but Charlie is a very friendly boy that could certainly expand his social circle.

Hamish Reid, 10


Hamish is practically inseparable from his brother Seamus. Not in the sense that they're always together, perhaps, but more in the sense that they are always a team. If you want anything to do with Hamish, he will first speak to Seamus and odds are if Seamus isn't for it then Hamish won't be, either. He is protective of his brother, often acting more like a parent than a brother. Hamish is oddly serious for a boy his age, often worried about dinner and the diet he and his brother are on, and how the house will be cleaned over other activities. Hamish has a passion for cooking and reading but not much else. He could use a few friends, perhaps someone more fun loving to drag him on adventures.

Xinyi Huang, 10


Xinyi is Jingyi's twin brother. He's the elder twin, but he hardly feels like it. He is soft, an artist, but he has been bullied fairly heavily and his twin has always protected him. Fed up with feeling worthless, like he was a burden unworthy of his siblings, Xinyi took up self defense classes and has done his best to become stronger, pushing aside his softer tendencies and trying his best to lock it away. He tries very hard to be tough in the hopes maybe one day he might be able to earn his brothers love. He could use some friends, or a strong jock he can try to follow and emulate.

Akihiro Chen, 10


Akihiro.... Aki is a jerk. He cares mostly about his image, his aesthetic, and he will befriend only those that fit his idea of pretty and desirable. He is shut off to mostly everyone, and is carefully collected and composed. He can be very cold and cruel. The only person in the world he truly cares for and loves is his little sister Aika. Aki is absolutely charming, manipulative, and cunning. He could use a few 'friends', but he will most likely gain a few enemies as well.

Maisie Morvay, 10


Maisie... I am very excited for Maisie. She is bright, happy, and absolutely a little bit out there. She's an old school witch, with crystals and herbs and spell books, always filling her Grimoires with potion ideas and theories. She is chaotic, wild, and carefree. She's adopted, and proud, because after all, her parents chose her. She is confident and bubbly. She needs friends, followers, and probably a rival or two.
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Seeing as many of the characters are either family or finals for mine, I am set. :teehee: Although, we can have more Killian x Avarian. I can also have Talitha Courage for casual flings for Zeke, she is a cousin of Alexis, a year younger than my Ravenclaw.
Seeing as many of the characters are either family or finals for mine, I am set. :teehee: Although, we can have more Killian x Avarian. I can also have Talitha Courage for casual flings for Zeke, she is a cousin of Alexis, a year younger than my Ravenclaw.
Killian and Avarian could be fun. Zeke is seeing someone tho?
Think you can try Hamish and Robina. They could find a common language.
And Maisie Gola and in some ways the same, because they are invited by the mother and grandmother practiced the ancient tradition.
Soo... Tiffaney... She's quiet, kind, and a bit of a pushover. She doesn't question others' motives. Since she was raised in the muggle world she doesn't know much about the magic world. If you would like to do a thread with her I'm open to anything really. She gets sorted in the next year.

Alexis and Kia. Although Kia is a year older maybe Alexis could be like a silent friend? Alexis could just be there and maybe they could start talking since they're in the same house. (IDK just an idea)
Aubrey and Alexis... They could bond over Kaiba (Alexis' cat)

Edit: We can start different threads with Asher & Leya, and Annika & Leya if you like
Think you can try Hamish and Robina. They could find a common language.
And Maisie Gola and in some ways the same, because they are invited by the mother and grandmother practiced the ancient tradition.
I like both of these ideas, can you explain them a bit more?
Soo... Tiffaney... She's quiet, kind, and a bit of a pushover. She doesn't question others' motives. Since she was raised in the muggle world she doesn't know much about the magic world. If you would like to do a thread with her I'm open to anything really. She gets sorted in the next year.

Alexis and Kia. Although Kia is a year older maybe Alexis could be like a silent friend? Alexis could just be there and maybe they could start talking since they're in the same house. (IDK just an idea)
Aubrey and Alexis... They could bond over Kaiba (Alexis' cat)

Edit: We can start different threads with Asher & Leya, and Annika & Leya if you like
I'm thinking Tiffany and Hamish could be friends. Alexis and Kia may or may not work, she's pretty shut off. We can probably do new threads with Ash and Annika, yeah.
Cool beans... I understand the thing with Alexis... Would you like me to start a thread with Hamish and Tiffany?
Think you can try Hamish and Robina. They could find a common language.
And Maisie Gola and in some ways the same, because they are invited by the mother and grandmother practiced the ancient tradition.
What did you have in mind for Hamish and Robina?

And Maisie and Gola, are you thinking they're both into more old school magic?
Robin can drag Hamishu into adventures. And she, too, is that she wants to protect her brother, although sometimes she is more cautious. She likes to cook something sometimes.
Maisie and Gola could be united by the fact that they are both old school witches.
Robin can drag Hamishu into adventures. And she, too, is that she wants to protect her brother, although sometimes she is more cautious. She likes to cook something sometimes.
Maisie and Gola could be united by the fact that they are both old school witches.
I like both of these ideas, really. Where does Robin and Gola live?
Hamish lives in New Zealand, I hadn't decided about Maisie yet. Maybe Ireland?
Ok I have several ideas I'd like to try but I'm only putting one forward since I have exams right now and there's only so much I can handle. Charlie and Grayson are both puffs, plus Grayson plays violin which matches Charlie's interest too! Maybe they can have a thread over it. No promises on Grayson letting Charlie touch his violin tho:pat::pat::pat:
Ok I have several ideas I'd like to try but I'm only putting one forward since I have exams right now and there's only so much I can handle. Charlie and Grayson are both puffs, plus Grayson plays violin which matches Charlie's interest too! Maybe they can have a thread over it. No promises on Grayson letting Charlie touch his violin tho:pat::pat::pat:
Ooooh sure, Grayson could catch Charlie practicing maybe
Seems good to me. Name the time and the place and Grayson will be there 😜
Do you want to start it or should I? And jot down those other ideas if you will, lol, and we can revisit them when you have more time.
Do you want to start it or should I? And jot down those other ideas if you will, lol, and we can revisit them when you have more time.
You can start if you want:claire:

So, we need an Addison/Beckett thread for good old times and a Casper/Hunter too

Now, my ideas would be with the upcoming ones
Maisie/Jackson- This can be fun considering Jackson is a prankster and is always up to no good, she kinda seems to fit his whole vibe maybe? I like the idea of them being chaotic together hahahah plus the whole Maisie being nerdy with potions and herbs and crystals can also make Jackson a bit more into school xD

Akihiro/Asteria - I feel like his personality would clash with Asteria's a lot and that could get interesting both in a good way and bad. I feel like Asteria would eventually learn to respect him even thought she would probably dislike him, and she could use the fashion improvement over the years ahahhaa

I am supposing all of your upcoming students will be in Hogwarts tho so if they are not it's totally fine
You can start if you want:claire:

So, we need an Addison/Beckett thread for good old times and a Casper/Hunter too

Now, my ideas would be with the upcoming ones
Maisie/Jackson- This can be fun considering Jackson is a prankster and is always up to no good, she kinda seems to fit his whole vibe maybe? I like the idea of them being chaotic together hahahah plus the whole Maisie being nerdy with potions and herbs and crystals can also make Jackson a bit more into school xD

Akihiro/Asteria - I feel like his personality would clash with Asteria's a lot and that could get interesting both in a good way and bad. I feel like Asteria would eventually learn to respect him even thought she would probably dislike him, and she could use the fashion improvement over the years ahahhaa

I am supposing all of your upcoming students will be in Hogwarts tho so if they are not it's totally fine
*shifts to discord for deeper discussions* I will start charlie and grayson soonish and link you then lol
For your unsorteds!
I have Andi Hart; she loves to have fun and go on adventures. She can be pretty competitive and quite blunt and sassy. She is also an orphan, but I can see her being a rival for Maisie (freaking love the name!), but they might actually get along!
I can also see her being an 'adventurous' friend for Hamish/Xinyi if you want to chuck them together and see how they go! But also would love to see the interactions between her and Akihiro!

For your students!
I have Bea Sparkles (12) and Riley King (11).
They're both Gryffindors, but quite different. Bea is very friendly, she likes pranks and playing and loves friends. Riley is bitter and grumpy but trying to be better. If either of these would work for you, let me know ^_^
For your unsorteds!
I have Andi Hart; she loves to have fun and go on adventures. She can be pretty competitive and quite blunt and sassy. She is also an orphan, but I can see her being a rival for Maisie (freaking love the name!), but they might actually get along!
I can also see her being an 'adventurous' friend for Hamish/Xinyi if you want to chuck them together and see how they go! But also would love to see the interactions between her and Akihiro!

For your students!
I have Bea Sparkles (12) and Riley King (11).
They're both Gryffindors, but quite different. Bea is very friendly, she likes pranks and playing and loves friends. Riley is bitter and grumpy but trying to be better. If either of these would work for you, let me know ^_^
For Andi: Why pick just one? If you're up for it, we could try all four.

It might be a little backwards, lol, but what about Jordie for Riley and Charlie for Bea? Jordie is the popular, friendly older brother type and he could take grumpy Riley under his wing, and Charlie is suuuuper awkward and unsure around most girls, so Bea could be like an older sister type maybe?
For Andi: Why pick just one? If you're up for it, we could try all four.

It might be a little backwards, lol, but what about Jordie for Riley and Charlie for Bea? Jordie is the popular, friendly older brother type and he could take grumpy Riley under his wing, and Charlie is suuuuper awkward and unsure around most girls, so Bea could be like an older sister type maybe?
Of course I'm up for it :r
I just have to finish up a RP with her first, and then will be keen to do some!

And yessss those sound amazing haha I'd so be down for that!
Hamish lives in New Zealand, I hadn't decided about Maisie yet. Maybe Ireland?
Then can with Robina and Hamish. But about Maisie giving me the message that something will change with her place of residence.

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