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Justin Cliffeton

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Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Dogwood Wand with Veela Hair Core
Hey everyone!

So, you see, I get bored a lot lately. *sigh* So I'm in need of a lot of RPs. :r So I'm going to be offering up pretty much all the characters I use, for any kind of RPs. ;)
Some, we may find a partner for, some friends, some enemies.

First up we haveee the obvious one. Justin Cliffeton
Justin is a Fifth Year, Ravenclaw Prefect. He is kind hearted and welcoming, and likes to help people with their problems.

Then we have Alex Blade Fourth Year Slytherin.
Alex is a nice guy, cross bad person. He's sort of different every day. Some days he'll be completely cool, and others he'll want to kick your ass. xD

Robbie Masters Fourth Year Hufflepuff
Robbie is my favourite character to RP. He's shy, but dynamic. So, when he isn't shy he will run around like a little kid who has just had too much sugar.

Professor Takuya Blaze Potions Professor for Years 1-4.
Takuya is a business kind of guy, with a fun side when it comes to his friends. He's easy to befriend, and fun to be around when he has a reason to be happy.

Claire Blaze Fourth Year Beauxbatons
Claire is my favourite chick. She's a shy kid, but a cool kid when she isn't shy. Like, she's a sweetheart. I don't get much chance to RP with her, but I want to do it more.

Annaleise Evett First Year Beauxbatons
Annaleise is a more outgoing kind of person. She doesn't get shy, and will always try and befriend someone that she meets straight away. She can't stand bad people.

Afanasy Petrokov II
Your typical conceited Death Eater. Quick to anger and not scared of a fight. The only thing is, he is deadly when it comes right down to it. He doesn't really see people as friends, moreso as acquaintances.

Alexis Pettit Unsorted. 11 years old.
Alexis is a new girl of mine. She's a hopeful Gryffindor, and she never knew her parents. She has trust issues, and she doesn't have many friends. I need people who will be able to become people she can trust when she needs them the most.

Pleasepleaseplease tell me if you have anyone who can fit any of these people. =))
I'll give you cookies! :o

- Zach
Hey :D

For Alexis, I have Mimosa, who is also a hopeful Gryffindor, but she's brave, optimistic and oppurtinistic (And would probably do a good job of cheering someone up!). She's trustworthy, and is looking for a few close friends when she starts at Hogwarts.
Let me know ^_^
I think that would work out pretty well for Alexis. She would adore Mimosa ; and would probably quickly become friends with her if she tried hard enough to win her over. xD

Can you start something or should I? ^_^
I have an open topic in obsidian Harbour if she can go there? :D
Why wouldnt she be able to? o_O
<COLOR color="#000">lysandra and alexis
they are both to be sorted in the same year and
while i have no idea which house lysandra will be
in, i feel like she might end up in gryffindor. she
is a very feisty, obnoxious girl who also happens
to be a part goblin through her father which is
also rue undersee's. she doesn't know this and
thinks she is just a midget because she's never
met her father. if it ever came up in conversation
lysandra would probably tell alexis to get over
herself and grow up. so they'll probably dislike
each other, yeah?
So we've mentioned like a million times in spam how we need to roleplay with one another again, guess that is my cue to post in here :r

Auden x Alexis - Okay so Auden is also Eleven years old and will be sorted this upcoming year, so her and Alexis will be sorted the same year. I hope for her to be in Hufflepuff but we'll see, Auden is usually very sweet and always quick to support her friends. So she'd be there to buddy up with her and everything. She does have a quick temper but it's usually never directed at someone she's close with.

I will probably add in more later but I need to check with certain plots before I can be sure if I should bring them out yet or not. Either way, let me know!
Damn right Jessye :r

Okay so. Yes that would work well. But, there'll still come the problem of shyness and trust issues from Alexis. Ya'know the whole no parents thing. :r but let me know if you come up with anyone else as well ^_^

Yes. She would dislike her. But everyone needs enemies. :r

So. If you guys would like. Either start up an RP or I'll do one when I get home tonight. ^_^
<COLOR color="#000">lysandra and alexis
did you just call me summer? xD could you start
one, i owe a major post to britt that is kicking my
My bad =)) I kind of didn't check who it was :r
Yeah sure ; I'll post one up tonight. :)
Justin Cliffeton said:
Why wouldnt she be able to? o_O
Hrm.. Not sure xD But yeah it's there ^_^
Amity Taylor

Amity needs some older friends/ mentors because she needs someone to confine too. Amy needs some friends her age too. I havent figured out her personality yet but she is a hopeful gryffindor, or slytherin. She is generally misunderstood as her father was a death eater, and got killed for trying to leave. Amy has a big brother who hates her and snaps and is very spiteful towards her, so she'll need some older brother figures too.

Let me know

Hey Zach! :hug:

I can offer Milena here for Alex, both are Slytherin and Quidditch Team Players. Milena isn't that outspoken,she likes to be private and just be with herself most of the time. She's pretty much of a loner. Loves to sing and well secretly talented. Friends? or any more Ideas. Hit me up ^_^
Milena(cause I don't know who you are :o ): If she can handle Alex, why not? Can you start something? :)
It's me!! Oh I'll PM You instead. Haha. Why dont' you just join me here. :p
Claire Amelia Johnson

I can offer Claire. She is 16 (just turned 16) and is a peacekeeper. She hates arguments, and wants to find her sister who ra away.

I have an open topic in the borely mansion?!

Just noticed you missed amity Taylor out???? You wet straight to Melina and missed Amity.

Who do you want to match them up with?
You failed to specify.
I could offer Corey here for Claire. Corey is a strong but really sweet girl. They are in the same grade and Corey really needs friends. She is def but can read lips so communication wouldn't be a problem. :)
I think that would work well. Would you like to start something? :)
Alrighty then. ^_^
Rubie & Claire
How about Rubie Lefevre being friends or something with Claire,
and she is a third year. Closer to her age than the first year. Rubie
is very motherly, but she can be rather mean. She is quiet and smart,
and will not stop her mouth if she sees something she does not like.
So, maybe they could be friends, enemies, whatever?
That sounds pretty interesting, to be honest, and I don't know how that would work. xD
Perhaps we could just pair 'em up, and see how it goes?
(Also, thanks for posting. :r )
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