Plot Plotty Plots With Me!

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Tenarus Latoundji

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Curved 16 Inch Sturdy Cedar Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
Hello all! So, my main character is Jameson Marcus Abshire, and in a way I have figured out where I want to take him through RP'ing. BUT, I have two brand new adult characters that I'm very excited to RP.

The first of these is Cameron Henderson, a nearly 30 year veteran Curse-Breaker for Gringott's. 49, a widower, and jaded with life, I'd like to find some people around his age to RP with him. Possibly other widows or widowers? People on the verge of retirement? He's applying to the Ministry as well, so if anyone has any older Ministry characters I'm looking to RP with them.

The second of these is Tenarus Latoundji, a 22 year old freelance journalist who is both charming and reckless. A slight hothead with a passion for astronomy and journalism, I'm mainly interested in finding a possible female romance for him.

If anyone might be interested in RP'ing with these two, post here or send me a message! :D
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