Please RP with me

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Charlotte Owens

holyhead harpies chaser | mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Dan ♡
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Unyielding Dogwood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core

I am looking to RP more with my characters so if any of them interest you please let me know :wub:
First there's Charlotte. She's a fifth year Slytherin prefect and I'd like her to get to know more people in other years. She talks a lot and isn't shy so she could definitely start up a conversation if needed. However, I'm also open for any enemies as well as friends. She gets angry very easily if you do something she doesn't like but can be hard to annoy as she thinks everything is a joke. I would also like to get Charlotte to play a prank on someone if anyone is up for that too.
Next is Lilyanna. She is one of my favourites. She has Asperger's Syndrome which basically means she cannot do social interaction. However, she is not afraid to say what she thinks. One good thing about her is that she cannot lie as she doesn't really see the point in it. She's also very intelligent and once you get to know her she never stops talking about her favourite things like muggles, books and Astronomy. It's really hard to befriend her but I would like her to get more friends if anyone is up for it. I also really want someone to bully her because I think that's what would start happening now that she knows what's wrong with her magic.
Eleanor is Lilyanna's twin. She is the leader of the Wild Patch Club and is in love with nature. Usually you'd find her outside doing all sorts of things like admiring the garden or playing in the mud near the lake. Even though she's getting older, she's definitely not getting any more mature xD She can be very loud when she's excited and loves eating food. Overall, she's just a really fun person to be around and won't hesitate to play a game or anything. I need some more friends for her that are in other houses that are just as fun and possibly some more enemies. She doesn't really like conflicts though and tends to stay away from them so I'm not sure how well an interaction would go if anyone were to try to tease her about something.
My newest student Isabelle Vernier is a sixth year Ravenclaw and has recently transferred to HNZ from Beauxbatons. She's getting much better at speaking English and so I think she'd be able to uphold a decent conversation. However, she's extremely shy and hates social interaction, but she's in desperate need for friends in her own year who she can attend classes with and hang out with on a regular basis.
My next character to attend HNZ next IC year is Patrick Vernier who is Isabelle's brother. He too is getting much better at speaking English and lives in New Zealand so we can start a RP there if you have a character. I would love it if he could meet people who are going to the same school as him so he can feel comfortable when he gets there. His biggest ambition in life is to 'save the world'. He is a very brave individual who will definitely want to stand up for his friends if he does end up making any but can also be quite clumsy and clingy. He does not like being alone and will always want someone to come with him wherever he goes. He is also attention-seeking and can get hot-headed when situations get tough. Enemies are also welcome!
Cadell is a fourth year Ravenclaw at Hogwarts Scotland. He doesn't have any friends at the moment and I would really like if he could get some because I need to RP with him more. He lives in Wales currently but does frequently go to North America where his adoptive grandparents are for visits. Unfortunately though, I don't have much of a personality for him yet but I would imagine he would be quite a reserved person considering he was adopted out of his family at a young age due to the fact that his magic took a while to show. I hope to RP with him more often to develop him a bit more.
And finally, Calum. Ever since Calum graduated last year I haven't really had the chance to RP with him. He is a former Slytherin who used to go to HNZ and before that Hogwarts Scotland. I would really like if he could get some male friends as most of them are female right now. Ideally, they should have the same kind of hobbies as him like dueling, but that doesn't really matter. He thinks he is the best out of everyone and doesn't care what anyone else says otherwise. However, if there's going to be any social interaction he will definitely not initiate it unless it's a girl and he thinks she's cute xD

So yeah, those are my characters! Please let me know if you wish to RP with any of them.

Charlotte x Zara possibly? Zara is notoriously anti-Quidditch but has been sort of inactive in the protests so she doesn't attract attention but she still thinks it's disgusting and maybe they could somehow end up talking and Charlotte brings Quidditch up and Zara goes on a rant about it? I'm not sure how Charlotte would react to that obviously but it could create a big of a dislike. Could be fun to thread? Then later maybe Charlotte pranks her whoopsies.

Lilyanna x Zara I want more of them sooo bad!
So, I had a few options for you!

One, for Isabelle, I have Tholomyes Fontaine whose the year below her, but who speaks french, he's already introduced himself to her, so maybe we could do some him teaching her some english/helping with homework? Just some background friendship stuff.

For Calum, he could become friends with Isaiah, they were in the same year, and could end up meeting out of school, getting drinks occasionally? Just some light friendship?

That's all I can really think of, but if you come up with anything let me know, I'll be game for it probably :hug:
Patrick x Alexis. She is also starting IC next year. I still haven't gotten to building her character but would love to get her know some people. She is friendly but when provoked, she knows how to defend herself. She already got a thread going with Yvette Maxwell. You can check it out. Alexis seems to be getting head on with the Maxwell girl although Alexis was really trying to just prove a point.

Charlotte x Danielle. I have Dani here,a Sixth Year Hufflepuff. She may be a year older but she can be childish at times. She is smart if she wants to be and crazy if she doesn’t feel like being the good girl. I still haven’t gotten to building her character yet so I am open to anything. I guess they can both try to get along and we will see how it goes.

Lilyanna x Danielle. Since Lilyanna is younger than her, then I guess I can have Dani bully her at first because she mistook her for Eleanor. When Eleanor saw them together, that is when Dani realize her mistake and tried to gain the latter’s friendship. Dani also loved books, so I guess she can use that to charm Lilyanna. I am not sure though, what do you think of it?

Eleanor x Danielle. Can I make them close friends? They may have different ages but I think their personalities match. Considering that Dani mistook Lilyanna for Eleanor because she actually don’t know that she has a twin, this could somehow put a rough patch on their friendship.

Callum x Irene. Callum is younger than Irene but if you want to give them a go, I am okay with it. She is not really into dueling but had the chance to train to be an auror so I guess, unless someone already thought of this, this may find Callum interesting to find a girl who is not that girly girl.
Charlotte & Zara: This could be interesting! Charlotte would try to convince Zara that quidditch isn't that bad and this could possibly turn into an argument. Charlotte would be sure to avoid her afterwards too. I can start this if you like?

Lilyanna & Zara: Yes, I want more of this too! Lilyanna doesn't mind the Cohen-Knight twins and her and Zara haven't spoken for a long time so a catch up could work. Did you want to start this?

Isabelle and Tholomyes: Yes, I love this! Isabelle has seen Theo around and stuff but she's never actually had the courage to talk to him xD These two could definitely get along. Would you mind starting it?

Isaiah & Calum: These two could work! Calum has seen Isaiah around before and so he wouldn't mind starting up a conversation with him. I can start this :D

Patrick & Alexis: I love this! Would you mind starting it and we can see where it goes? ^_^

Danielle & Charlotte: I also really like this! They should be able to get along just fine and then perhaps the pair of them can play a prank on someone later? I can start this :D

Dani & Lilyanna/Eleanor: I think we could have an RP with all three of them. Danielle can go up to Lily whilst she's reading or whatever and start bullying her and then Ellie can be walking past and confront Danielle but then she realises her mistake and apologises? I can start this too!

Calum & Irene: This could work, although I'm not sure how well Calum would get along with someone who is so much older. I guess that's the fun of it though! Would you mind starting this?
I'm gonna Skype you later :r
Charlotte Owens said:
Isabelle and Tholomyes: Yes, I love this! Isabelle has seen Theo around and stuff but she's never actually had the courage to talk to him xD These two could definitely get along. Would you mind starting it?

Isaiah & Calum: These two could work! Calum has seen Isaiah around before and so he wouldn't mind starting up a conversation with him. I can start this :D
Yes to both! I can start the one with Tholomyes and Isabelle at the end of this week probably!
Charlotte Owens said:
Patrick & Alexis: I love this! Would you mind starting it and we can see where it goes? ^_^

Danielle & Charlotte: I also really like this! They should be able to get along just fine and then perhaps the pair of them can play a prank on someone later? I can start this :D

Dani & Lilyanna/Eleanor: I think we could have an RP with all three of them. Danielle can go up to Lily whilst she's reading or whatever and start bullying her and then Ellie can be walking past and confront Danielle but then she realises her mistake and apologises? I can start this too!

Calum & Irene: This could work, although I'm not sure how well Calum would get along with someone who is so much older. I guess that's the fun of it though! Would you mind starting this?
Sure. I will shoot you a PM with the links when I am done with them.
Hi! :)
I can offer my upcoming firstie Frankie Tillington for Patrick if you like. She's pretty out-going and personable, and I like to imagine that she's always dragging people off into doing exciting/over-the-top things with her. She's also a 'save the world' type (I see her being the activist/protesting type as a young adult). Frankie is highly independent, so Patrick's clinginess could be fun to play with in a friendship between them too. Coincidentally ( :r ), she's visiting New Zealand at the moment to scope it out in preparation for attending Hogwarts next year, so if you're interested maybe they could meet in Obsidian Harbor and we could get a feel for them together?
I'll Skype you when I get back off holiday and we can properly plot jazzy and Patrick!! They could be so fun together and have sooooo much potential since they are both so similar!
Aurora Night said:
Hi! :)
I can offer my upcoming firstie Frankie Tillington for Patrick if you like. She's pretty out-going and personable, and I like to imagine that she's always dragging people off into doing exciting/over-the-top things with her. She's also a 'save the world' type (I see her being the activist/protesting type as a young adult). Frankie is highly independent, so Patrick's clinginess could be fun to play with in a friendship between them too. Coincidentally ( :r ), she's visiting New Zealand at the moment to scope it out in preparation for attending Hogwarts next year, so if you're interested maybe they could meet in Obsidian Harbor and we could get a feel for them together?
Yes! They could even potentially be best friends! I'm a bit busy at the moment so would you mind starting this one?
I got Lenore for Patrick? She is a really small and giggly girl =)
Elizabeth Chatwin said:
I got Lenore for Patrick? She is a really small and giggly girl =)
Aww giggly is cute and it would be interesting to see how they get along :wub: Did you want to start this or shall I?
Charlotte Owens said:
Elizabeth Chatwin said:
I got Lenore for Patrick? She is a really small and giggly girl =)
Aww giggly is cute and it would be interesting to see how they get along :wub: Did you want to start this or shall I?
Could you do it? I am currently relatively busy.
Kaye my boo :hug:

I'm always game to rp Xavier and Eleanor if you wanted to have them catch up! Xavier's been a little behind on classes, and I don't know if Eleanor is behind or not, but if she isn't it could be fun for him to ask her for help. I'm just happy to rp Xavier with any members of the Hufflesquad so let me know if you want me to start something.

I also think that my soon to be firstie Nixon could make a good friend for Patrick! Nixon is always happy to make new friends and I think it could be interesting for them if they became close friends, since Nixon is also afraid to be alone and can be clingy to the people he cares about. We could have them be co-dependent friends which would be fun to rp (at least in my opinion) so let me know what you think!

I'll also start that new Pia and Calum thread eventually, sorry I haven't gotten to it yet :hug:
Samuel Phillips said:
Kaye my boo :hug:

I'm always game to rp Xavier and Eleanor if you wanted to have them catch up! Xavier's been a little behind on classes, and I don't know if Eleanor is behind or not, but if she isn't it could be fun for him to ask her for help. I'm just happy to rp Xavier with any members of the Hufflesquad so let me know if you want me to start something.

I also think that my soon to be firstie Nixon could make a good friend for Patrick! Nixon is always happy to make new friends and I think it could be interesting for them if they became close friends, since Nixon is also afraid to be alone and can be clingy to the people he cares about. We could have them be co-dependent friends which would be fun to rp (at least in my opinion) so let me know what you think!

I'll also start that new Pia and Calum thread eventually, sorry I haven't gotten to it yet :hug:
Annaaaa!!! :wub:

Yes, I've been wanting to RP Xavier and Ellie for a long time so that would be great! I can start something for them if you like :D

Patrick and Nixon sound like they could get along. They could even become close friends, especially if both of them are extremely clingy and stuff. I can start this too!

Also, there's no need to rush with the Pia and Calum one. Real life comes first :hug:
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