Playing in the snow

Briar Rowan-Cullen

Strength in diversity
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Briars rowan, 15", with centaur (aspens) tail hair and my werewolf fur
49 (2/2013)
it was snowing, briar had known this from the moment she had woken up and her dorm had been filed with a strange white light. she dressed quickly. her clothes were not particularly thick and warm the only addition was her fur shawl which she carried. she went down to breakfast and had her large bowl of porridge. before opening the oak doors and running outside pulling the fur around he neck. the grounds were still quite empty but a couple of snowball fights had already started up. she went for a run at her extremely fast full speed around the lawn, collecting hand fulls of snow and randomly throwing them at the backs of the fighters and then speeding off as they turned around.
Snow was walking along the Great Lawn, watching snow fights and laughing at the losers. It was cold and snowy, Snow really liked it. In her home country, it was still summer and the snow won't be coming after a few months. But New Zealand sure has a weird climate. She smiled at the thought of it.

As she was still walking, she saw a girl running really fast across the place, throwing snowballs. Snow was about to ignore her when suddenly, the girl ran onto her and bumped her. Snow fell to the ground. "Ouch." she muttered and looked up.
briar stopped suddenly as she ran into someone and knocked her over. hoping that she would be a lot nicer than the last person she knocked into she stopped and helped her up. "Sorry, i wasn't looking. Im Briar by the way" she apologized as she made sure the girl was alright.
Snow stood up, rubbing her back. She listened as the girl introduced herself. "I'm--ugh--I'm Snow. You're not a Ravenclaw, are you?" she asked the girl as she finally looked straight at her. "I never saw you in our party,"
briar thought that snow was a rather good name for this wether. "no, I'm a gryffindor, but i know quite a few Ravenclaws. she said only being able to think of two off hand, Keira and sin. but she was sure that she had met more. she wasn't sure why but she felt seriously tempted to dump a huge pile of snow over her head but decided against it as she had made a promise to herself that she shouldn't hit snow again. instead she just started laughing.
Snow watched as the girl laughed. Snow smiled at her. The girl seemed friendly enough to talk with. "Oh? I don't know any Gryffindor though, only Slytherins." Snow told the girl. But then she remembered something. "Oh, and a girl named Sui Chin too. She's Gryffindor."
briar smiled as she took a handful of snow and through it hard at another group of people on the other side of the lawn. quickly she turned away and nodded at snow who had just said that she knew someone called sui chin. " I haven't really met many gryffindors except in class, i know sinella, and keira from ravenclaw" she enjoyed talking to snow but what she really wanted was for someone to throw a snowball back at her so that they could have a proper snowball fight.

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