Open Playing Football Inside

Louis Alcott

⚽ QQS assistant | Confident | Funny | French😎
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking) (Bisexual)
Sexual Orientation
Curved 16 1/2 Inch Unyielding Maple Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
8/2042 (20)
Open after Lexi posts with Zachariah

Louis had been looking forward to hanging out outside all day and was glad when he finally had some free time. As usual, he took his football out with him. He was hoping that by kicking it around on the lawn he might tempt a few other kids to play a game with him. He had been playing a lot of Quidditch at home lately, but sometimes he missed the more simple muggle games he also liked to play. Louis started heading down to the stairs, carrying the ball under his arm. But that soon became boring, and he started kicking it ahead as he ran through the corridor, dodging students left and right without looking their way. He could tell a few were annoyed by him, but he ran past them before they could say much.
Zachariah had been wandering around. He was bored and didn't know what to do. So he just walked around the corridors. He hadn't been expecting to almost trip over what looked like a bludger except it wasn't enchanted. He picked the ball up and frowned at it. "The hell?" Zachariah mumbled to himself.
Louis kicked the ball ahead of himself a bit too far and tried to run faster to catch up to it. But before he could, someone had picked it up. "Hey! That's mine!" Louis called ahead before the boy could walk off with the ball thinking he'd found it or something. But then he came to a stop and noticed who it was. "Oh, it's you." He said, frowning at Zachariah.
Zachariah turned after hearing someone scream. He raised his eyebrow when he noticed the person. "Ha. Of course, it's you, Louis." Zachariah shook his head slightly. He looked down at the ball in his hand and held it out to Louis. He wasn't sure he wanted to remain in contact with it. "A muggle invention I suppose. Since it belongs to you." Zachariah said off-handedly with a shrug.
Louis frowned a bit at Zachariah's words and the way he shook his head. "What is that supposed to mean?" He asked him, grabbing the ball from him. His frown deepened as the boy opened his mouth again to say some nonsense. "First of all, I knowwizards use balls, Quidditch has like three different kinds." He said. "Don't be stupid."Second of all, I'm not even muggleborn. I'm just as much of a wizard as you." He said, bouncing the ball onto the ground near Zachariah's feet before catching it again. "So why are you being such a jerk?"
Zachariah raised an eyebrow at Louis. He was amused that Louis always felt the need to defend himself. He supposed that he was being a bit unreasonable. He wasn't bothered by it much though. Zachariah rolled his eyes. He ignored half of Louis' rant, catching only part of his last statement and the question. "I never said you weren't a wizard. As for why I'm being a jerk. You haven't given me much reason to not be a jerk. You were kicking a ball inside and I almost tripped over it." Zachariah shrugged.
Louis rolled his eyes in response to Zachariah rolling his eyes. The boy was absolutely insufferable. "No but you implied it." He snapped. Then he actually laughed at Zachariah's next words. "Like you actually care. You're just looking for an excuse." He said, then grinned. "Besides, a real wizard like you could probably easily dodge a ball if you really wanted to." He said, bouncing the ball on the ground again, aiming for a spot near his feet again in hopes of making him jump a bit.

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