Open Playing Around

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Valerius Bianchi

Spoiled- Entitled- Valerius- Too Good For You
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curved 17 Inch Unyielding Birch Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
4/15/2044 (18)
Valerius had decided to head down to the ball, grabbing a pink suit. It wasn't the best costume, but he thought it was clever. He walked down to the party and hummed softly, looking around at the decor. He saw Margo talking with a few others, so he gave her space. He didn't see Aine or Dahlia right away so he decided to approach someone else, smiling softly and offering out a quickly conjured rose. "Hey, you look like you could use some company."
Aika usually didn't attend the events since her brother had dates but she decided to do it this time. She had no reason, she just randomly thought that it could be nice to maybe have a little chat with someone. So she decided to go as a fairy as she made wings on the break by herself. And she was standing by a table, enjoying same snacks there when she heard a voice and a rose was put her way. "Hey Valerius, thank you," she politely accepted the rose and smiled sweetly. She knew he had excellent manners so she was quite sure that she was gonna enjoy his company. "I could use a company, indeed," she gave a little nod and then watched his costume. "Is there any meaning behind the suit?"
Valerius smiled at Aika, straightening and offering out his arm. "Oh, I'm romantic," He teased. "You make a lovely fairy, Aika. Would you like a stroll around to look at the Hall?" He offered, pleased to keep her company. They weren't friends, by any means, but her and her brother were proper enough. Or at least, they were in how they carried themselves. He'd been around enough to notice those sorts of things.
Aika gently accepted his hand, feeling honoured. She loved when guys were polite, gentle and with good manners. "A real knight," she laughed a little, it felt nice to feel it. "Thank you. Pink is your color," she complimented him back. "Oh, for sure. I would love it," she accepted his offer politely. "Do you always come to these events?"
Valerius walked slowly, just wondering along. "Well, thank you," He offered easily. He chuckled at her question. "I haven't for a while, honestly, usually I study, but I thought I might swing by for a change." He offered. "Are you usually on your own to these events?" He asked her, conversationally.
It was a little bit of a challenge to walk in heels but only at some moments, pretty much she felt comfortable on her feet. "Then I have to say I'm lucky," she giggled a little. It was probably the biggest conversation she had with anyone in this school, except for her brother. "I usually just don't attend these events," she admitted. She preferred her own company to being surrounded by a big crowd of people that she didn't really talk to or more specifically, didn't talk at all.
Valerius chuckled. "Well then, I'm just going to have to make tonight a good night, aren't I?" He teased her. "What would you like to do then? As long as you're still blessing me with your company, that is," He added, placing his hand over hers. "We could grab some snacks, dance a bit, check out some of the games?"
"I hope you are, don't make me regret coming to this event," Aika lightly teased him putting a strand of her hair behind her ear with a little flirty smile. She couldn't help it but feel nice around him. Funny, gentle, polite. A perfect combination, a perfect man. "I like the plan, it sounds nice. Can you show me your favorite snack here?" she asked, she never really tried the snacks there. And she knew she was probably going to be a little judgy with them, quite sure that her dad could make them all way better.
Valerius chuckled, leaning her over to the snacks table. "Well, I've always liked these bite sized cupcakes," He offered, picking one up with some orange swirled frosting and offering it out to her. "Of course, your dad is a well known chef, isn't he? So I don't know if this would compare," He teased, smiling impishly. "My father loves his work."
Aika took the cupcake from Valerius and put it in her mouth, taking a moment to enjoy the snack. It was amazing but she decided to tease a little. "The frosting needs a little bit more work on it," she made a little joke, while she knew that the bit was absolutely tasting. "You know about my father? I did not expect that, but I feel flattered," Aika smiled at him with a little chuckle. She knew her dad was well known but she didn't expect anyone from the school to know him. "Right, Stefan Bianchi. I've been following his work, it's impressive. Do you want to follow in his footsteps?" She offered a question, she knew she was probably getting where she wasn't supposed to but it just happened. After that she took a look at some pumpkin pastry. "Is it worth it or you wouldn't suggest it?'
Valerius chuckled. He listened to the girls words, and she nodded. "I do. My father follows the culinary world rather closely; he's a major foodie." He told her with an easy smile. He shrugged at her question. "I've been thinking about that a lot, really. I'm set to inherit his company; despite my sister coming into our lives, she has no interest in taking over." He took a cupcake for himself. He eyed the pumpkin pastry. "I'm not a good judge of pumpkin based confections," He chuckled. "I hate pumpkin."
Aika chuckled and nodded. "Well, it makes sense. Who's not a foodie? But yeah, dad has always been chef, it was his dream since childhood," she easily told him. It felt nice that he knew. "Not always the oldest siblings are set to get in the way. So what's more important that is that you want it and you do what you like," she spoke as she took another cupcake. She didn't really mean anything, it was more like a wrap up to parents theme. "Then I guess I won't mess up my breath with pumpkins as well," she made a little joke as she ate the little cupcake. "I swear, those are the best little cupcakes ever, they are excellent," Aika admitted. She knew that her dad could probably make them way better but at this point, they were amazing.
Valerius chuckled, pouring them both a drink. "Well, I think it's really great your dad got to pursue his dreams like that." He told her. "Is it true he's dating the uncle of the CEO to Michaels Shipping Incorporated?" He asked, curious.

When she commented on her breath and the treats, he couldn't help but smile. "Would you like to grab a plate of treats and find somewhere to sit?" He asked her. "We could sit and get to know each other better."
"Thank you," Aika accepted the drink with a smile. "It's absolutely awesome," she agreed with him on that. Dad pursuing his dream and gettin' everything sorted out left Aika and Akihiro with a choice to do what they actually wanted to rather than what they were expected to. "Well, it sort of is. They haven't sorted it out yet," Aika usually didn't interfere with dad's relationship, she liked Mr.Michaels, so she hoped that they will soon make it official. "And your dad? He's been a desired bachelor for years, does it look like it's going to change?" She sipped her drink after the question, absolutely curious.

"Sounds intriguing. So the plate first,"
she agreed after a little thought or at least acting like she was deciding with a teasing smile. She enjoyed his company so she wanted to continue it. "Pumpkin pastry left out. Do you like spider brownies?" She picked one up and instantly regretted it as the spider started to run and Aika was extremely scared of spiders. Her eyes filled with fear but she didn't move or react, she just froze, trying to wait until the spider was gone. She probably had to expect that, it was Halloween after all. She just didn't expect anyone to ruin brownies that way.
Valerius chuckled. "Well, rumor is, they have quite the love story. If the rumors are true, I'm sure they'll sort it out." He offered easily, sipping his drink. "You're okay with him dating?" He asked. "My dad is actually courting himself, I think, this soft preschool teacher or kindergarten teacher or something," He told her.

He nodded as she suggested plates, moving to gather one himself. He saw how she froze with the brownie, so he reached over, gently taking away the spider crawling up her arm and the brownie. "Perhaps not," He offered gently. He shooed the spider away, setting the plain brownie onto her plate before stepping a touch closer, his hands hovering a little above her arms. "Are you alright, Aika?" He asked her gently.
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