Play Time

OOC First Name
Since Sybil had broken her right foot again, Chyou decided to take Juno to Takarokaro Park. Chyou were going to meet her fellow Scitorari in the park and introduced little Juno to her acquaintance. Once they got into the park Chyou commanded Juno to stay right next to her. But Juno being a little child, she had the temptation to wander around. She ran to the park instead with her little jar in her arms. Little Juno never had friends before hence seeing all these kids running around was odd for her. Juno's older siblings were violent people, they do not smile nor laugh. Little Juno was the only one who has a default disturbing smile on her face. It wasn't like the smile of any other kids. Well she was a disturbing child anyway, her appearance shouldn't matter.
While her mum, sister and aunt were busy talking about school and stuff. She noticed a play ground and a few kids. Ireland looked back at the adults and smiled mischievously. The little girl likes to play with her family and not just any games. Games that can do some serious headaches. Ireland wonder toward a girl with a jar of some kind, "Ello! Whadaya got there?" She asked curiously, trying to take a peek at the contents of jar through the transparent glass.
Juno looked to the side and saw a little blond girl approaching her. She held on her jar of cow's liver tightly and gave the girl a disturbing smile. "I will have w-w-werewoof's liver in t-t-this jar" she caressed her jar that was made of class and eyed the liver closely. Her smile grew bigger as she saw the liquid bubbling up, the little girl shake the glass and saw the liver bumping here and there. "What's y-y-your liver l-like?" Juno stuttered when she spoke, mainly because her family were all very quiet and she didn't get much chance to practice speaking. "Come here" being a predator, Juno pushed the little girl and dig her nails to the little girl's abdomen just because she was curious if perhaps she could grasp on the intestine.
Ireland's eye widen as the girl said that it was a liver in her jar. She was half curious and half scared at the way the girl was looking at the glass jar. Who would like walking around carrying a jar of liver? Surely it's not her. They were too young to have such a passion toward collecting innards of an animal. When the little girl asked what's her liver like, Ireland took a step back from the brunette and said, "I wouldn't know. I'm only 6." She put out her six fingers to indicate she was indeed 6 years old. Ireland was still scared at that moment but when the little girl asked her to come near her, she just took another step forward and next thing she knew, she was on the ground. The brunette little girl was on top of her and clawing her stomach. She screamed real loud, hoping someone would hear her. "Mummy!!! Peyton!!!" The blonde girl was getting traumatized that she called both her mum and sister.
Juno was completely surprised to see the little girl screaming, she had never seen anyone screamed from whatever she had done to them. Her siblings would fight her back so this situation was new to her. She didn't know what to do and sat still on top of the blond haired girl. "W-w-what's wrong?" Juno titled her head and pressed the girl by the stomach. It was just a little push, not too much to hurt her. "Y-y-your mama w-w-will t-t-tell you to b-b-be quiet if y-you s-s-scream" That's what Juno will get if she scream like the other party.

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