Plastic Bag

Sladen Stark

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Currently perched in a tree, Sladen observed his surroundings with keen eyes, searching for his brother and sister. He had just arrived in New Zealand, having literally flown over from the end of his pilgrimage back in Spain. It had taken a little longer than he had originally planned, but he had met a companion on the road and the two of them went on a few detours before reaching Spain - and they had met just in Saint Jean Pier de Port, which was only a few kilometres from the Spanish border. He did not, however, miss Henri. He was nice, lots of fun, but Sladen felt it was time to leave, and fortunately Henri had thought the same. It was much easier than having to sneak away, people could hold such grudges.

He spotted a blonde in the crowd, and flew towards her. However, with his feathered back being warmed by the sunlight and the woman under him, he realised that it was not Sloane. Just a stranger that happened to look like her from afar. The wizard quickly soared upwards and pivoted to the left, where shade could be found. He was an arctic tern, so cold weather was much easier on him when in this form. Once in the shade, he perched on the railing to return to his search. Obsidian was all-but deserted, so he had assumed that Speed and Sloane would be simple to spot. He had obviously thought incorrectly and began to wonder whether he could just blow this off and go to Africa or something - he hadn't been there yet, not really.

With a blond male now in his line of sight, the animagus returned to the air once more and flew towards him to further examine the Speed look-alike. He found that it was not Speed and, mildly frustrated, began to fly back to where he had previously been perched. Perhaps the source of the problem was not the fact that a lot of people looked like Speed and Sloane, but the fact that Sladen had not seen any of his siblings in about five years, as they were older and ran off with their own lives when he was still in school. They probably didn't even know his animagus form.

With a squawk of surprise, Sladen found himself flying dangerously towards a plastic bag that had been let loose to fly in the wind, and ducked out of the way, only to fly into the chest of a stranger. Falling to the ground, the arctic tern flinched and fluttered, righting himself, before transforming back to his human self, a little bruised was on the side of his face, and some scraps on his arms, but aside from a quick beating heart, Sladen Stark was completely fine. As were the sunglasses perched atop his head. "Merlin, sorry 'bout that," he said, running his hand through his blond hair to try and neaten it up. "I nearly flew right into a plastic bag. Didn't mean to hit you." It was either getting this, or being stuck in that plastic bag. The crash could have been worse had that have happened.

Hezekiah Mowry was adjusting to his new life. He had a kid now. A baby girl that he adored more then everything in the world. It was sad that she was born under such circumstances. The product of a one night stand. He owed a lot to his little girl. He can't believe Phoebe almost gave her away. He'd named her Rama Jaslinn Mowry. His parents didn't like it, but she wasn't their child.

Hez had left her with his older brother. Derek loved the little girl probably more than he loved Helen. It was going to be Rama's birthday soon. She was turning five (ooc: this may change. I haven't done the math.), and she wanted a big party. Sadly, she was going to get disappointed. Working at his father's shop wasn't making him enough money. Reluctantly, he was going to apply for a job within the Ministry. If it hadn't been for his daughter's birth, he would probably still be sleeping around and babysitting occasionally.

He had gotten some decorations and party favors. She had invited three friends, and plus all the family is going to be there, even his witch sister Henrietta. He still did not get along with her. They still didn't get along with each other to be exact. Their relationship had always been bitter. Hezekiah didn't mind. He was still keeping his condition a secret from his family. After Rama, being a werewolf was the last thing on his mind. It was easy to get family to take her.

Hezekiah was pulled from his thoughts by a bird flying into his chest. His eyes widened with shock. What a bad omen! The bird's smell started to change drastically. He sighed. This had happened before. An animagus. He had ran into a few on the full moon. He wished he was an animagus.He had no choice but to transform on a full moon. "How tragic," he rolled his eyes. He couldn't help but be sarcastic. "Is anything broken?" he asked, but he hardly cared. The questioned reminded him of the mysterious scar on his left cheek. He wished that he knew how he had gotten.
Sladen noted the sarcasm in the man's voice, and assumed that he was probably annoyed by being flown into. It was understandable, but the blond had already offered an apology, and that was that. There was little else he could give him to make this up. "I'm fine, thank you." The man had rolled his eyes, and probably was not that eager to have a conversation with anyone, least of all the man that had just flown into him. It had been a little careless, but really, the only person at risk here had been Sladen. He could have broken his neck or something. "You're not injured yourself, are you?" he asked, knowing that sometimes during panic his claws and beak would flail, and could cause at least some discomfort. Not too much, as he was merely a sea bird, but enough at times.
The well being of this man did not concern Hezekiah. In his culture, dead birds or falling birds meant the falling of a dynasty. This made him worry. He was very superstitious, and he did not want his daughter to lose him. Hezekiah shook his head. He was fine. It took a lot to break him. But, how would this man know that? The man really wanted to get back to his daughter. He wanted to see her smile at the fact that he was home safe. Hez also wanted her to feel him. Rama was such a generous girl. She would give away her clothes if she could. Once, she had given a homeless man her favorite toy. She did not miss the thing at all, like most children would. His daughter was the reason his heart beat. "I'm going to leave now, because you're just bad luck." he told the man before he stepped around him so that he could be on his way.
Sladen nodded, happy to hear that the man had not been injured. However, his face quickly became that of confusion as the man continued speaking. He had travelled to many places. Mainly, the Americas, most of Oceania and virtually all of Europe. From Argentina to Greenland, across to Russia, touching Mongolia and Kazakhstan, walking through Iran, to Turkey and then Syria. He stayed in Egypt for several months, before crossing the water to Crete and hitting the Greek Mainland, lurking around there for quite some time before roaming through the European countries, eventually finding himself taking the iconic Pilgrimage walk from France to Spain, and then back to Australia, and then later here to see his siblings after his parents. He had never quite reached the Asian countries, and so had no idea what the man meant when he said that Sladen was 'bad luck'. He had been called many things in his life that were less than positive, but 'bad luck' was not one of them. In fact, he was pretty lucky.

"Bad luck?" He took a few steps to find himself in front of the man once more. "I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you mean." It was something that the young man had to have answered. He was, whether he allowed himself to accept it or not, superstitious to some regard, and found the rather blunt statement intriguing. In fact, he found the man intriguing. "How am I bad luck?"
Hezekiah felt like throwing a fit. He wanted to go home and get to his daughter. He was sure the girl was just waiting for him to come pick her up. The man's superstitions always gave him unnecessary anxiety. Rama was the only way his woes could be washed away. If he could only control when he phased, then, he would be able to rip this kid to shreds so that he would be out of his way. But, if he did that, Rama wouldn't be proud of him. Hezekiah looked stressed, and he could feel his palms start to get sweaty. "Does it really matter? Just get out of my way!" he yelled at the man. Hezekiah saw no fault in saying that the other man was bad luck. Birds were the most elegant of creatures, and it was horrible when their death or failure was at your feet. Hezekiah was in a rish now. This man was making him very angry, he did not like getting angry.

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