Cyzarine Haden

charming!; class of 2054; hostess
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Aspen Wand 12 1/2" Dragon Heartstring Core
4/2036 (25)
Pink rose for @Tres Bear II
Cyzarine loved the pink roses, so she was pleased that she. was at least delivering one to one person. The gryffindor headed over to the slytherin table where she'd been informed she would find the girl she was looking for, "Tres Bear?". she called out with a warmth in her tone, a giggle on her lips, just truly loving how exciting this was. Rose giving was always so much fun for her!
Tres was sat up straight eagerly waiting to hear or receive a rose from Daintree. It wasn't like she was asking for much, the quidditch player had after all shown interest in her recently which meant that it was likely, and plus she'd sent one to him so if she didn't get one in return it would just be embarrassing. "I'm Tres! It's me!" she said with a big smile on her face, looking down to the pink rose in the girls hand. "That's mine, right?"
Cyzarine nodded and held out the pink rose to the girl, "it is!" She then got the note and held that out too. "it comes with this note,"

You're really pretty


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