🌹 Rose Giving Pink In The Dark

Leah Thorne

7th year 🧨 headstrong 🧨 bossy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 12 Inch Unyielding Reed Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
08/2046 (17)
Pink rose for @Tempest Vero

Leah only had a few roses left to deliver and as much as she loved and as much as she'd miss it once she was gone, she was glad it was almost over. She was exhausted and still had some homework to do before the dance later and she wondered if she'd have any energy left to dance. But at least she recognized the next name on her list and she went right down to the dungeons to try and find her. She didn't know Tempest well but she had to admire the other girl's skill when it came to dueling. Part of her was glad they weren't in the same year so they never had to face off. It took some time before she finally spotted her walking out of the common room. "Hey Tempest!" she called out and waved her over.
Tempest was headed to the library to study when she heard someone call her name. She looked up optimistically. She had sent a rose to Lucy and had yet to receive one herself. All day, she'd been waiting, even after delivering her own roses, and now, she was hoping that the rose was from her Yule Ball date. "Hi, Leah. What are you doing down here?"
Leah let out a friendly laugh when Tempest asked what she was doing down in the dungeons. She was no stranger to the SDA room or the dueling chambers but hanging outside the Slytherin common room wasn't exactly her usual stomping grounds. "Delivering roses of course." she answered with a grin and held up her basket of flowers. "And I've got one for you!" she added excitedly. "Just....just give me a moment...which one, right! Here you are!" Leah dug through her remaining roses to make sure she had the right one before holding up the pink rose. She handed it over along with the note, nosy to see the other girl's reaction.

Dear Tempest,

Yule ball was great! Hope we can continue things? Let me know.


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