Open Pink, Heart-Shaped Atmosphere

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Marley Owens-Lee

adopted 👨‍👧 | wild child 🤪 creative 🎨
OOC First Name
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Knotted 14 Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
14 (05/2048)
Marley always enjoyed the school dances. She liked to dance at the events, even though she was a terrible dancer. She just wanted to have the best time and make the most of it while she was at school. The Hufflepuff made her way to the Valentine's Dance. Once Marley reached the great hall for the event, she looked around the great hall with amazement, impressed with how everything turned out. She thought the floating heart shaped balloons in the air was a fun and cute idea. The Hufflepuff wasn't really sure what she wanted to do first, did she want to go towards the snack table or the dance floor to dance the night away? Marley wasn't really sure, so the girl stood to the side of the great hall, looking around the great hall to see if there was a possibility to see any familiar faces around.
Teddy didn’t have a date for the Valentine's dance, and to be honest, he didn't want one. The whole event was far too lovey dovey, and there wasn’t anyone he liked like that. He still dressed up for it and circled the hall, searching for something fun to do. That’s when he spotted Marley standing by herself. Grinning, he made his way over, "Hey!” he said, stopping in front of her. “Would you like to dance?" He offered out a hand and felt very gentlemanly doing so.
Marley watched as the night went on for a little, enjoying the great hall's atmosphere and whatnot. She smiled at her friend as she noticed him make his way to her, glad that there was someone she knew who had also come to the event. "Hiya!" Marley says happily with a small smile, as she greets her friend back. "Oh yes! Sounds like fun! Let's go!" Marley says happily with a giggle as she takes her friend's hand, ready to make their way towards the dance floor.
Teddy found Marley different to his other friends. With Amodeus, there was that sense of responsibility, like he had to keep an eye out for him all the time. With Audrey it could feel like a race to outdo one another. And different even from Lucy, who Teddy was pretty sure was still mad at him. But with Marley, there was none of that. No tension, no pressure. Just this easygoing person Teddy knew he could count on for a fun time. "Let's go!" he repeated, letting her pull him toward the dance floor. Once there and dancing, Teddy raised his arm to twirl Marley.
Marley laughed happily as they made their way to the dance floor, the Hufflepuff wasn't the best dancer, but she knew she wanted to have a great time at the school event. She twirled underneath their raised arms as Teddy twirled her around. Marley liked spending time with Teddy and she was glad to call him a friend. It was always a good time whenever she hung out with her friend.
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