šŸŒ¹ Rose Giving Pink for Nicole Fisk

Pascal Watties

ā­ Call me 'Chip' | Dance Kid ā­
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 Inch Swishy Hornbeam Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
The next rose on Pascalā€™s list to deliver was to someone he didnā€™t recognize, so at a loss of what else to do, he headed into the great hall and decided to shout their name in an effort to find them. ā€œNicole Fisk! Is Nicole Fisk here!ā€ Pascal called out, uncaring that he was disturbing nearby students from their food and conversations.

@Nicole Fisk
Nicole had always thought getting pink roses was a good thing, but after receiving an unsigned and one from Noel, to whom she'd only sent a yellow rose, she was less sure. Stuck in her head as she got up from lunch and trying not to worry the roses in her hands so much they broke, Nicole nearly missed someone calling out her name again. "Oh, hey, I'm Nicole," she said, coming to a sudden stop and turning around the face the young boy who'd be calling.
Pascal quickly noticed and ran over to the girl who said she was Nicole Fisk. ā€œHey! I have a rose for you!ā€ He said happily, picking up the pink rose from his basket and twirling before offering it to her, making sure the note was attached.​


Iā€™d love to take you to the valentine's day ball, if you were willing to go with me?

Happy Valentines day,
Nicole felt her heart stutter at the sight of another pink rose. She must have woken up in another reality this morning. She didn't think she'd ever gotten one pink rose, and now she had three. "Oh, wow again," she couldn't help but say. Hopefully the deliverer didn't think she was bragging, even if despite the stress of three admirers, it was still kind of exciting. Opening the note, Nicole's entire face flushed, her stomach dropping somewhere down near her ankles at the sudden onslaught of nerves at the message from Ajax. He was out delivering today, she knew, but she'd have to find him to give him an answer. And she'd have to think of an answer too, properly, despite her mind immediately wanting to scream YES. "Oh, right, thanks. Happy Valentine's," Nicole added, shaking herself out her flustered headspace long enough to thank the younger boy who'd delivered her rose.

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