🌹 Rose Giving Picturesque Pink

Brooke Townsend

🤍 No Grit No Pearl 🤍
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
10/2039 (22)
Pink Rose for @Aisa Hunter

The arts room was always an interesting place in Brooke's mind. Some art, music and such was beautiful, but in a school like Hogwarts there was always chance you'd run into someone doing something weird or just plain ugly. She supposed at least she could be grateful her parents had assured her she had no future in something like art or music when she'd been young so she didn't waste any time on it like some people.

Still, it was neat to look around at some of the student projects as she poked her head in, pleased when she was able to find Aisa Hunter. The Accio club room could be hard to find, but Brooke had it on good authority the members tended to use the arts room while working, and she wasn't surprised to see Aisa here considering the end of the year would be here before they all blinked. "Hi, Aisa," Brooke said with a friendly smile. "Rose for you if you've got a second," she said, holding up the pink rose and note.
On rose day, Aisa usually hid away for a bit. She didn't enjoy watching everyone go crazy for a few flowers. It was always so busy and over the top. She preferred retreating to the art room and work on Accio around this time of year. She looked up when the door opened and saw a young girl standing there. Aisa frowned a bit, but then shrugged. "I guess I do." She said, though her heart sank at the sight of the pink rose. She knew who had sent it, and she hadn't even considered sending her one. Aisa never sent roses, but her girlfriend was probably expecting at least one.
Brooke could never pull it off herself, but she did admire the cool, aloofness that Aisa projected. "Great, here you go," she said, passing over pink rose and note. "Somebody likes you," she added, somewhat unnecessarily.

So lucky to call you my girlfriend. Happy Valentine's Day.
- Adorah
Aisa smiled weakly at the young girl, but it dropped pretty quickly. "Thanks." She said, taking the rose and taking off the note. She dreaded opening it a bit, but she knew she had to. She did so, wincing inwardly at the note. She really had to apologize to Adorah tonight.

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