Closed Pickup Time

Lucy Holland

wild child🐥cheerful chook beater & co-captain
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Maple Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
4/2049 (14)
Lucy really enjoyed her scout meetings, she always felt a little giddy and hyper once they ended. It was frustrating having to sit still while she waited for Dad to come pick her up, even moreso since she was pretty sure they were having pizza for dinner tonight. Now that her mum wasn't the Minister anymore there was loads more time for her parents to be at home with her, and treats like pizza night had increased tenfold. But here she was, stuck at the scout den waiting for her dad to arrive, kicking her legs aimlessly where they hung over the edge of the bench she had settled on. It was a relief at least not to be the only kid waiting, and she gave the other boy waiting outside a friendly smile. "Are your parents late too?" She asked, legs kicking back and forth as she spoke. "My dad's probably cooking, he said he was gonna make pizza dough while I was at scouts so we can have pizza tonight."
Rowan did enjoy the scout meetings, but only some of the time. Sometimes he would rather be at home hiding in his dad's little workshop and watching him work on his newest wand. But every single meeting his mother always made sure he attended, wanting him to get out and play with other kids. And Row supposed he didn't mind too much. But one thing he could count on was that his mother was always going to be late coming to pick him up at the end. His mother was always late to things. At least he wasn't the only one waiting like usual. "My mum's always late," he responded quietly, stretching his legs out as he stuck his hands into his lap. Sometimes he did have to wonder what held his mother up so much. His father said it was just because she easily lost track of time. Whatever that was supposed to mean.
Lucy looked curiously at the other boy when he explained, wondering why someone's mum would always be late. "Is she getting your dinner ready?" She asked, since that was the usual reason for it when her dad was late picking her up. "My mum almost never has time to cook, but my dad always does. Does your mum cook your dinner?" She asked, wondering what that would be like. Lucy knew her mum had maybe the most important job in the world, but now that someone else was taking over she didn't really know what to expect home life to be like anymore.
To be honest, Row didn't really know why his mother was late all the time. Sometimes she wasn't even doing anything and she would still not notice the time until someone happened to give her a nudge. Usually his father. "I don't know," he admitted with a soft shrug of his shoulders, "She's just...always late." He didn't really know how else he could explain it properly. But the fact of the matter was that she was late and usually left Rowan sitting here waiting on her for at least a good twenty minutes until she showed up to take him home. Though he did nod his head at the question. "My dad's too busy making wands to cook."

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