Picking a fight

Leonzio Aiello

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ash Wood-13 3/4 inches -- Fire crab jewel core
Leonzio stepped into a bar that had caught his attention as he was walking down the main street of the village. He decided that after a hectic day in the office, it would be nice to visit the village and relax by having a drink. He also wanted to see the setting that surrounded the school, where he hoped that his younger brother would be transfered. From a first impression, he liked the village and the bar. It was the simple shot and a beer joint where everyone knows everyone. The music was loud enough to hear but it didn't drown out conversations. Surprisingly for an all magical bar, there was a pool table and dart boards, in almost constant use by the patrons of the bar. Leonzio approached the bar, nodding in a greeting way at the bartender by the bar who scanned him curiously. He was used to the same customers, residents of the village so seeing a new person around maybe was a rare sight. Leonzio ordered a butterbeer, a common drink for wizards and witches around the world but not from where he was coming from. He took the bottle in his hands and took a sip. Quite interesting the taste of the butterbeer but still he prefered the ordinary beer.

He was looking over his shoulder everytime someone new was entering the bar, greeted by friends that were already there. Most of the patrons looked engaged in their conversations, enjoying their drinks breaking the monotony with their roaring laughs. He was feeling relaxed and familiar with such kind of bars rather than he did in bigger places and clubs. Most of the time when he was visiting the bigger clubs, he used to end up in a fight with some idiot yuppie trying to prove to his friends or girlfriend how tough he was. Fortunately, that bar didn't seem the kind of place that he would meet such kind of friendly company.
He took another sip from his butterbeer when he felt someone approaching him from behind.
Kida need to escape, after Icarus walked out on her and her life returning to its normal chaotic swing, she had to take a break. She sighed as she made her way to a litle bar in Brightstone, Busy day at work, Quidditch Practice, and with Scarlet, it would drive her insane to try keep a normal life, luckily she had Watson.
Kida opened the door and instantly relaxed, the atmosphere was welcoming, warm and friendly and the view... rather tasteful tonight. Kida made a beeline for the bar when she double took on a familiar face, with a mischevious grin on her face she walked up behind Leo and put her hands on his shoulders giving him a light massage 'Now Leo, that Butterbeer isn't going to relax you' she said softly into his ear before looking up at the Bartender 'Two Firewhiskeys please' she ordered and she moved infront of Leo to look at him in the face, she smiled and slid up onto the bar stool and put her hand on his leg closer to his knee. 'What brings you to this part of town, you're very mysterious' she said. The Bartender returned with two Fire Whiskeys and she pushed on infront of Leo and took on herself, taking a gentle sip before putting it down, she felt a burn run through her body and enjoyed the feeling.

The Young Witch smiled at the man infront of her, he was a few years older than her but not much, he didn't look it. Kida remembered meeting him at the Ministry, Leo Looked new and Kida always made an excuse to meet the new people, mainly the guys. Being her flirty self Kida had invited Leo out for a drink to welcome him to the Ministry, Work stuff, ofcourse. Kida had chatted a bit with Leo, he was a nice guy, interesting and different, but she had promised herself she was going to take it slow. After giving in to Ash, Rushing into it with Icarus, she needed to change her strategy, Slow and steady wins the race.

Kida smiled at Leo 'What have you been up to Leo?' she asked curiously.
He felt a pair of female hands, massaging his shoulders. Judging from the way of approach, he guessed that it was someone he already knew and since he didn't have many acquaintances, his mind went straight to the girl that had invited him out for a drink. Younger than him, beautiful with captivating eyes also working for the ministry but in a different department. He smiled and looked at the bottle in his hands.
"I don't remember mentioning that I wanted to relax." he replied to the brunette who was already ordering two firewhiskeys.

His deep blue eyes followed her hand that was placed on his leg and he chuckled, jerking an eyebrow but he didn't say anything until she asked him. "I wasn't expecting that I was giving out that impression." he said with a cheeky grin and took the glass of firewhiskey in front of him. "Cheers!" he raised his glass to a toast, casting her an intense look and took a sip. He clenched his teeth as the alcohol was too strong, burning his throat and his nostrils. "Nothing really. I've heard about this village so I wanted to check it out since I moved here and got the job. What about you? You seem to be in a really good mood." he pointed at her, slightly nodding. In a flirtatious mood I would say, he thought, casting on her an irresistable glance with his deep, blue eyes.
Kida chuckeled 'Your shoulers are tense you need to relax' she said with a smile, Kida studied Leo with her rich Hazel eyes, he was one of the few guys who didnt throw themselves at her and it was a refreshing change. Kida toasted her fire whiskey and chuckeled lightly when she watched Leo's jaw muscles tighten.
'Good enough reason to go out i guess' she said with a kind smile as she traced her finger along the top of her Fire Whiskey Glass 'I'm always in a good Mood Leo' she said with a cheeky grin 'I don't go out often because i'm always piled with stuff to do, but when do go out i make the most of it' she added.

Kida studied Leo for a moment, his eyes were captivating, she didn't know many people with bright blue eyes it was a refreshing change. The Brunette ran one hand through her long brown hair and shook it out. Kida rolled one shoulder to test the pain from a bludger earlier that week but decided it was nothing to worry about before taking another sip of her fire whiskey 'You have to look around this place Leo, its beautiful' she said as she crossed her long legs and ran one along the side of his pretending it was an accident. 'Wait untill it snows' she added her Hazels eyes studying his expression closely trying to read anything from him, he seemed hard to read but she was determind.
Kida gave a little chuckle to herself as she listened to some music in the background and tapped her foot lightly, she wondered if she could get Leo to loosen up enough to have a dance, she smiled at herself and took another sip of her Fire Whiskey 'Made many friends while you've been here' she asked wondering if there was someone else.
He glanced at his shoulder and smiled. "I guess even an auror has the right to relax now and then." he replied as he studied the place closer, still his body facing the charming girl. He could sense that her hazel eyes were trying to see more than they could meet, studying him, making him cast awkward glances across the room. His eyes rested back at her when she mentioned that she was always in a good mood. That statement made the auror smirk widely but he didn't speak. Contrary to that, he decided to have another sip from his fire whiskey. "That's the right spirit!" he agreed as he placed his glass again on the counter. Although he wasn't really going out because of his hectic job, he tried to enjoy every moment when he did so.

"As far as I have seen I must say you are right. Nice location...interesting people..." he said, his voice carrying mystery as he ws including Kida into the interesting people he was refering. "So it snows around here..." he said as he looked out of the window the busy street, imagining it white from the touch of a blizzard. He had seen snow only a few times in his lifetime. It would be a rare sight for him. His attention was drawn back to Kida whn she 'accidentally' tapped her foot on his calf. "Friends?" he repeated after her.
"I'm not the most open person that could make friends easily." he admitted. He wasn't antisocial, he could socialize easily when he was given the chance. He just wasn't dedicating enough time on meeting new people. He was content with his old but few friends and he colleagues. "I bet you are far more sociable than me and you have many friends surrounding you. I might say that the majority of your friends would be guys." he was sure about that, he wasn't really guessing there. As for his statement that the majority of her friends could be guys, he could guess from her flirtatious personality. As a guy he liked spending time around such kind of girls.
Kida laughed when he asked if it snows around here 'Beautiful blankets of soft white snow' she said with a smile, Kida being born in Australia didn't see snow often, when she came over here she spent every second she could in the snow, she loved it so much. The Brunette pursed her lips when Leo mentioned that he couldn't make friends easily 'Oh C'mon Leo i'm sure you have quite a few friends' she said not knowing why he wouldn't, he seemed like a nice enough guy.. she hoped.
'Oh Leo, the only guys who want to be friends with me don't want...' she paused breifly looking for the right word 'Well lets just say that their version of friends isn't what we're talking about. Allthough some have good at heart and they want to talk to me about Quidditch and get to know me.' she said with a smile and took another sip of her Fire Whiskey, she was running on empty but the buzz would keep her going for the next half hour to an hour. Kida shook her head slightly 'I hardly had any guy friends back in school, mainly girls, the only guys i knew were on my Quidditch team and my cousins' she said with a small laugh.
'You have to come to one of my Games one day Leo, you'll meet plenty of sociable people there' she said with a smile. Kida wasn't a famous Quidditch player yet, she was just the Holyhead Harpies Beater, but one day she hoped to be "Kida Frost, The Beater"

Kida took the final gulp of her fire whiskey, 'Want something less strong' she said with a hint of mock in her tone 'Can't handle the heat?' she said with a smile as she put her hand back on his knee and gave his leg a little Squeeze 'Most of the Guys in your deparment drink far more than needed after a days work, I'm glad i only work in the Quidditch League Headquarters' she added as she took her hand off his leg and flicked her hair behind her shoulder.
Kida pointed at her drink to the bartender and he refilled it for her and smiled with thanks to him.
Leo nodded as Kida used some good words to give him the pretty picture of the snowed village.
"I can't wait for winter then." he said, missing a nice stroll with a good company while it was snowing.
His fingers traced the water ring that was created on the bar from his whiskey glass. He marred the round geometry, creating small line with his index finger. "I have my partner. I'm working with her for two months now but I can't say that we are good friends. I also have my seventeen years old neighbour. I must admit that she spends a lot of time at my appartment, asking for goods that she doesn't have like sugar or flour. Still I can't count her as a friend. I'm not sure if she keeps knocking my door because she likes my apartment or something else that stays in it." he chuckled as he could swear that his new neighbour was grasping any opportunity available to visit him. If his brother was older he was going to believe that she was doing it to see his brother but he was too young. "So not really friends around New Zealand. Back in Italy I have many acquaintances but again I trust only a few." he revealed. He was trusting Maya as well and she was the person that was closer to him as he was spending whole hours everyday with her in the same office. They hadn't manage to get to know each other really well. He could tell that his partner was busy with other more important things.

Leonzio got the impression that many guys had a crush on Kida and that would make her guy friends really a few. "You can't blame them though." he said, pointing out at her and her elegant appearance. "I believe I have a good heart as well. I'm afraid I might disappoint you about Quidditch. I play sometimes but I'm not that good and it's not my favourite sport." he confessed, not sure if Kida was going to accept his words. He had many bad experiences on a broom. That plus the fact that he was rarely picked by his quidditch team, had allienated him from the sport. "I must say though, is quite attractive, a girl on a broom." he added with a cheeky grin and took one more sip from the whiskey. "Let me know when you are playing next time." he accepted her invitation. He pulled his shirt's collar a little bit as the drink was warming him up and rolled up his sleeves up to his elbow. "It's just I'm not used to alcohol. I'm not used to drink really often." he explained. "Sometimes however, in occassions when I have good company, I socially drink." he stated that this was an occassion like those he was refering to. "I don't blame them. You can't imagine what we encounter each day." he said and gulped the rest of his drink, pointing his empty glass to the barman for a second one.
'Sounds like you've got yourself a little stalker' Kida said wih a small grin when Leo described his 17 year old neighbour 'That or she hasn't shopped for a while and is using your supplies' she added with a chuckle, Kida rested her hand on her chin and smiled, she gave up on trying to read Leo, he wasn't giving away any signals. 'I don't have many friends of Acquanitances' she said with a small pout 'Not since Scarlet' she said with a sad smile, Kida loved her daughter with all her life, but sometimes she wished she would have been born in a few years from now. Kida sat up slightly when the topic changed into Quidditch. 'Quidditch is great once you get into it' she said 'I'm sure you would be good if you gave it a try' Kida blushed lightly and looked down when he mentioned a girl on a broom was attractive 'Just be careful around me with a bat, i've got a solid swing, knocked quite a few people out, broken bones' she said as she looked up with a cheeky grin.

Kida smiled warmly when he told her to let him know next time she was playing 'I shall, I'll get you the best seat in the house to watch the Sport you don't like' she said with a cheeky tone.
The Brunette smiled when he said he wasn't used to alcohol 'Well its not for everyone i guess' Kida smiled when he rolled up his sleeves and pulled at his collar. Kida leaned forward and easily undid his top button and swiftly leaned back again 'It'll burn you, excellent stuff though' she said as she raised her glass with a smiled and took a sip, putting it back on the bench as she enjoyed the flush course through her body. 'Well i must get you started on social drinking, that way you can handle Firewhiskey' she said 'The after effects leave some people with a Longing chill' she said remembering her first time drinking Fire Whiskey 'Well thats what happened to me' she said and laughed to herself 'When i was 15 i was staying at my God Fathers house, which is my house now. I snuck into his Office and found some Fire Whiskey and had some, He figured it out when i was wearing hardly any clothes in winter from the warmth of the drink and was slightly over the top happy' she chuckeled to herself 'The Rotten man made me keep on drinking untill i learned my lesson' Kida traced the lip of her glass again before leaning back and shrugging off her Jacket and lay it across her lap feeling the effects of the whiskey now. 'You never speak of your job, is there some kind of unspoken rule in which you can't tell us meer Quidditch players about what you do?' she asked with a flirtacious grin.
He tilted his head back and laughed heartily when she refered to his seventeen years old neighbour.
"I hope she won't feel comfortable enough to start checking my cupboards. I don't know how I could explain my potion collection." he said and his lips spread into a warm smile. He couldn't believe that she didn't have many friends. She was really social and communicative that it would be impossible to not be surrounded by other people. "And Scarlet would be?" he asked as he moved the glass in his hands to stir his whiskey's ice cubes. He was used to listening to people that enjoyed quidditch. It wasn't bad but he didn't have a natural talent. Playing sometimes with friends was alright but he didn't use to do that often. "I promise I won't cross you." he grinned and raised his hands when she stated that she was quite unforgiving with her beater's bat.

"No, it's alright. I like watching the game rather than being part of it." he shook his head as it wasn't true that he disliked quidditch. He was usually too busy to spend time and support a particular quidditch team, Maybe from now on he was going to support Kida's team. "I used to drink more when I was younger. I just quit it later." he revealed as she leaned towards him and undid the button of his shirt. Leonzio found difficult to shallow and he just smiled a little bit awkwardly. He rested his elbow on the bench and leaned his cheek in his hand as he was listening to her first try of alcohol. He cracked a smile when she said that her godfather let her learn her lesson. "Sometimes you have to learn the hard way." he shrugged as he had really experienced life in that way. He wasn't expecting that a quidditch player would be interested in the work of an auror. "I'm not an unspeakable so I guess I can talk freely about the general nature of my job. There's nothing you don't know. We have a lot of paperwork but I'm living for our operations. You know. Dark arts pactitioners, obsessed killers, schizophrenic abductors, illegal dealers and death eaters for our routine. You know, stuff that a girl like you shouldn't bother her mind." he pinched softly her smooth cheek.
"How about quidditch players. Are you supposed to keep secret the team's strategy?" he asked and took his glass back into his hands.
Kida giggeled 'Oh yeah i'm sure she would think they were some form of Alcohol and probably nd up posioning herself' she said shaking her head to herself 'Better put a lock on that cupboard' she added with a firm nod before taking another sip of her fire whiskey. Kida smirked when he said that he was a drinker when he was younger 'Oh, Party Boy hey?' she said with a cheeky grin.
'Well i guess some of the stuff you see if a bit nasty though' he pinched her cheek and she cringed her nose. Leo mentioned Team strategys and she smirked 'Ahhh where as you can tell me about your job, The teams strategys are to be kept secret or death by Bludger' she said with a smile as she nudged him lightly and took another sip of her fire whiskey, Kida decided that she couldn't put off avoiding the question about Scarlet forever Kida put her head down again 'My Daughter' she said as she bit her lip and waited for Leo to excuse him self and leave.

'Sorry i didn't tell you right away Leo, but you can see why right?' she said as she looked up and wondered if he was still there or he had just walked off. Kida sighed with feeling and flicked her long brown hair over her shoulder.
Leonzio chuckled "Interesting muggles but extremely curious as well." her advice of locking his cupboards was going to raise suspicions to his little, persistant neighbour. He used to associate with many muggles during the period he was struggling in the streets to survive. He knew a lot of things about them and the way they were thinking. He laughed once more when Kida called him a party boy. "No, I'm the exact opposite of that. However, my best friends back in Italy are closer to what you can call, party animals." he stated about himself and his old friends. The saying, tell me about your friends to find out who you are, wasn't really applying to Leonzio. He used to hang around with a variety of people, who were mostly different from him.
Kida was a glaring example. She was social and quite open to her interlocutor. Leonzio on the other hand, lacked such social skills. He usually wasn't the type of person that would begin a conversetion but if he was dragged into it, he was capable of keeping it going.

"Fair enough." he smiled when she refused to share her teams's strategy. It was something similar of him, revealing their next operations in details. That was out of the question. Such conversations were allowed only in the headquarters and usually during specific meetings with their chiefs. Their nice conversation lost some of its cheerfulness when Kida confessed that she was actually a mother and she had a daughter.
His blue eyes filled with surprise which slowly turned into admiration and melted into a wide smile.
"Aren't you too young for life's sufferings?" he said at first but then he felt the need to praise her for choosing to face the consequences of her actions. Her daughter didn't arrive on her own.
"You have guts! I'll give you credit for that." he said and took a sip from his second fire whiskey.
"Most girls would just find a way to get rid of it. Your choice proves what a strong young woman you are." he told her with respect. He knew how difficult it was to be bringing up alone a child. He was experiencing that when he watching his mother, alone, struggling to bring up him and his younger brother. Now he had taken her role. His brother was still young and he was depended on him.

"Why you apologise?" he asked her as he couldn't see the reason why she was so apologetic. "You are a kick @ss, working mother. There is nothing in that, that could make you ashame of. You should be proud." he was starting feeling like he was comforting a younger sister all of a sudden. Kida looked like embittered and that was the reason why she felt like apologizing. Maybe she had a tough time with the father of her child or the rest of her boyfriends. Most young man wouldn't like to date a woman who was already a mother. "I sense there's more in that. What about the jerk that I reckon you call your daughter's father?" he asked. He was pretty sure that this part of her story wasn't that pleasant. She wouldn't be hanging around bars if her husband was with her, supporting her.
Kida sniggered when Leo mentioned that muggles were curious, Being a muggle born herself she knew exactly what he was talking about 'Curiosity killed the cat' she said as she shook her head. Leo said he was the opposite of a party boy and she smiled 'My Mother is italian, i've only been to italy once, I'm sorry but if you're Italian you are a party boy' she said with a smile. Kida moved her fire whiskey glass and made a flower out of hte shape left by the condensed water. 'I'll make you a pure party boy' she added almost to herself. Kida brushed her long deep brown hair oer her shoulder again, no matter how many times she moved it, it would fall back to where it was originally, drove her insane.

Kida looked at Leo with shock when he gave her credit, he was complimenting her on her desicion, it was a great feeling but she didn't know if he was faking it or not. 'Actually to be correct i'm a Ministry member, Professional Quidditch Player, Animagus almost finished training and a Mother...' she said with a small smile. Not many people knew exactly what she did, most people just thought she was a Quidditch Ministry player. She looked down at her hands when Leo asked about the daughters father. 'I met him in london, he just finished a concert with his band and was drunk out of his mind, i thought he was a normal muggle, His fans came and he lead me to the waters edge far away and i don't know why i let him, he hit on me and i stupidly thought i could change him from being drunk, He ended up pissing me off so i pushed him in the water and he hit me with a spell, we had a little duel and then went back to his house... He changed to be with me and then i found out about Scarlet.. He ran off' Kida stopped for a moment and took a deep breath 'he came back promising he would be a perfect father and proposed to me, and i said yes.' she stopped again, and shook her head before taking another sip of her firewhiskey to help her 'But he was spending alot of time overseas with gigs and came home occasionally, he started drinking again and i ould smell other women on him. I confronted him and he hasnt come back, Then Scarlet was born and has never met him and i have raised her' Kida looked at Leo 'However i did get reunited with my God Father's Brother and Father who have helped me, My GodGrandfather continuted my Animagus training and my God Uncle helps me take care of Scarlet, so its not that bad' she said with a smile.
Kida wondered if Leo would question her about her story, it was a moment of her life she wished never happened but it did and now she just had to make the best out of the Situation.

Kida waited for a moment and skulled the last lot of her FireWhiskey before standing up, she was rather tall standing at a healthy 5 foot 9 inches, making 5 foot 10 with her heels which she didn't mind. Kida held her hand out to Leo 'Come on lets dance' she said, if Leo wanted to ask her any questions she rather she was preocupied by doing something so she would handle it better. For some reason Kida found it easier to deal with situations if she was doing something at the same time, it calmed her.
The Young witch waited for Leo's response.
Leonzio bit his lower lip and raised his eye brows. Apparently, Kida understood pretty good what he had said about muggles. Maybe she had a similar experience with him. However, you didn't have to be a muggle to be a curious or a nosy person. "I think the cat has every right to be curious when it has to spare nine lives." he pointed out with a smug. He liked answering other people's quotes with one of his own. He tilted his chin when Kida refered to her italian blood and smiled. He wasn't really surprised, she was acting like a confident italian woman that knew how to drive a man crazy. "I haven't been a lot of times myself either. You see I was born in Sicily, the big island south to Italy." he explained, believing that as soon as she had visited at least once Italy, she would know a little bit of the country's geography. "I'm sorry. Not this italian." he replied with a grin to her stereotypical statement about italians. It was true that people around mediterranean were a little bit louder, enjoying their lives a little bit more to the extreme but that didn't mean that there weren't people that were keeping a low key.

He nodded to her correction where she added more to her profession with closed eyes. She was confirming what he was trying to say. "See? And you apologise? I think others should apologise to you." he said, guessing that most guys wouldn't understand her. She might haven't acted maturily when she met the father of her child but she had made up for it by becoming a dedicate mother. Her story was quite interesting. Young people were all the same around the globe, no matter where they came from.
"At least you have some help." he nodded when she refered to her godfather and his brother. He didn't ask about her parents. It was something he didn't like being asked so he wasn't asking it as well.
"My mother had to bring me and my brother up all alone." he mentioned only that to show her that there were even worse situations. His mother's dedication and hard time to raise them, had made easier for him to understand Kida and respect the way she decided to bring up her daughter, despite her young age.
His blue eyes widened when she reached for his hand and stood up. He blushed as he imitated her mechanically and stood up. He was a horrible dancer and being under the spotlights was also making him nervous. However, he gave in to her initiative. "Beware of my dancing moves!" he sarcasted as he followed her to the little dance floor where some people were already dancing. His uncomfortableness was quite evident on his smile but he decided to lose himself in the moment and have fun.
'But can a cat with nine lives afford to be curious' she added with a mystical tone. Kida smiled when Leo said he was born in Sicily 'Thats the Ball of the boot right?' she said trying to remember a map of Italy in her mind, Her mother never spoke of Italy and she hardly saw her Nonna so her Italian culture wasn't that great, the only way to direct her to her Italian heritge was through her darker skin tone.
Kida smiled at Leo when he praised her on what she was doing 'I was never going to get rid of her, she was created, it would be murder' Kida said softly almost to herself, Kida smiled when Leo said that they brought up his younger brother 'Oh you have a Brother? I didn't know' she said with a smile 'How old is he?' she asked curiously as she lead Leo to the dance floor 'The reason i ask is i have a 7 year old Half-Brother my mother dumped on me, So i am trying to bring him up aswell, maybe they could be friends?' she said at the edge of the dance floor.

Kida dropped his hand and moved onto the dance floor and slowly got lost in the music, She knew she got attention of guys when she danced but she tried to just ignore them, When she used to go out alot she used to enjoy teasing groups of guys who wanted to get close to her, lead them on all night and dissapear and not see them again, it was cruel but in her own opinion they would jump on anything that moved so they deserved what they would get.
Kida waited for Leo to join her, she wouldn't force him to dance with her, they could dance together seperately if he wanted, she could take it as slow as needed.

OOCOut of Character:
Maybe K&L could dance close for a bit and then Icarus comes in and see's them, up to you :)
Sorry about the late Reply, went clubbing last night. Couldn't bring myself to reply for today i just needed to relax haha
"It can. As soon as it won't spend all nine lives." he replied to her comment, trying to add also some mystery in his voice. Leonzio burst laughing. "I've never though about it like that but yes, you are right." he said, his eyes smiling along with his lips as he was discovering that she was quite right about her comparison.
"He's thirteen. I just managed to transfer him at Hogwarts. I couldn't keep teaching him while I have my job. I'm having some trouble with him, I guess that's the problem with adolescents but you don't have to worry for now. I believe you have enough time until your daughter will turn thirteen." he said as he was having hard time to communicate with his brother who didn't approve their moving in New Zealand.

He followed her to the dance floor, casting a restless glance around them. He always felt the other people's eyes on him in similar situations but as always, it was just him. He came closer to Kida, letting himself be guided by the music. He started bobbing his head to the rhythm while shifting his weight between his feet. He let his body move naturally to the rhythm. He wanted it to look smooth rather than jerky and stiff. As he relax and got into the music, he found his feet moving a little further, his head swinging a little wider, while his eyes met hers. Small distance between them.

OOCOut of Character:
liam is informed. he'll reply as soon as he can. :)
Kida shook her head 'Please don't wish that on me, i just hope she wasn't like me when i was thirteen' she said before shaking her head again 'No no not like that' she added realising what she said 'I used to be too adventurous for my own good, i was always hurting myself' she said as she smacked her head lightly. Kida just took Leo's hand and pulled it closer to her and placed it on her waist 'I mean..' she said as she moved closer to Leo and wrapped her arms around his neck 'I used to go out climbing trees in the forest and swimming in the lake at Hogwarts and would either almost get dragged under by the blasted grindylows or miss a branch and fall out of a fairly tall tree' she said as she slowed with the music.

Kida smiled at Leo 'I would love to meet your brother, might teach him how to fly a broom' she said as she pressed herself closer to Leo, she let her long hair fall over her face but didn't bother to move it with her hands, she was happy just where she was.

OOCOut of Character:
Just to give Icarus something to be grumpy about tehe
Tonight, Icarus was lost once again in the same bar he was visiting night over night. It have been over a month since that incident at Kida's house. He felt so betrayed for some reason. He wanted her to tell him the truth since they had started dating and not find the opportunity when he was hurt by those bludgers. Now it wasn't his body that was hurting but something else that he couldn't explain. It seemed that something had cracked inside him and was bothering him. Why? She was just another girl, another woman yet he couldn't stop thinking of her ever since he stormed out of her house confused and furious. If only he had a second chance. He would give everyhting for afew minutes with her, to apologise and have a civilized conversation with her.

It seemed he had lost his chance. He had no news from her and he was too damn proud to come first in contact with her, although he really wanted to do so. He was staring at the empty beer bottles in front of him, as he was trying to distinguish her in their dry bottoms. He didn't know how much he had drunk that night. The smoke from the nearby tables were making him dizzy while the music sounded distant to his ears. He took his final sip from one of the bottles and tried to focus on the crowd that seemed to be enjoying themselves, unlike him. He decided not to drink anymore. He had reached his limits. His eyes stopped at the dancing floor. It was a blurred vision but there was a girl there that was reminding him of Kida, dancing with a good-looking guy. "You're losing it." he murmured to himself and leaned his forehead in his hand, trying to cast away the false images. He looked again towards them. Focusing on her, he was convinced that it was her.

She looked happy, dancing with that guy is if he had never existed. His blood boiled when she pressed herself closer to him and the bottle his was holding in his hands smashed, broken glasses scattered on his table, leaving his hand bleeding. He could hear his heartbeat as he stood up, shoving the standing people in his way as he was approaching them. "Are we having fun?" he said with a large, sarcastic smile as he interrupted the couple from their tender dance. His grey eyes were filled with jealousy. If it could be materialized, it would be shot straight at the older guy. "Who's this? Your father?" he asked, nodding at the guy who looked older than them and raised an eyebrow as he came closer to him, his fists itching him to land on his pretty face.

OOCOut of Character:
I would say that he's more than grumpy :p Sorry if I have slowed down this thread. Bare with me :)
"Ι see. So danger is a strong aphrodisiac for you." he guessed, judging from her own narration about her school years. He was able to figure that out without having to learn that she used to be a daredevil back at school. They way she moved and her hazel eyes, were saying more than her words about her.
"I start to feel like a geek next to you. I was too decent, teachers were refering to me as the good guy." he said as she pressed against him and he placed his arm around her waist. He smiled when she offered her skills to help his brother with flying. He was going to say to her that his brother would appreciate such a kind assistance since he was more into quidditch than him, but he was interrupted by someone else. A younger guy had interrupted them, wearing a sarcastic smile that Leonzio didn't like at all, making his blue eyes narrow. It seemed like the two of them, knew each other. An ex-boyfriend or just an old fling? Whichever the case, Leonzio didn't like his way and the tone of his voice. "Yes, we actually were before interrupting us. Who are you?" he asked fearless the young guy, waiting from him or Kida to enlighten him with his identity.
He could say that the guy in front of him had drunk a couple more drinks and that alcohol had taken over.
"Is not your bussiness. Obviously someone that respects her more than you do." he replied to him in the same way, as the distance between them was dangerously closing. Leonzio usually wasn't tolerating such a behaviour but he was hardly holding himself because of Kida. He didn't want to start a fight but he was surely going to defend himself and his company if he had to.
Kida was about to respond to Leo about him feeling like a Geek compared to her wild side but was cut off by another voice, she wasn't sure if she was going to ignore them but Leo responded so she looked, 'Icarus' she said softly as she took half a step back from Leo, 'The name might be similar Icarus but no he is not my father, My Father is over 50 and a Muggle.' she said as she looked back at Leo trying to give him an apologetic look. Kida sighed 'Leo this is Icarus, Icarus this is Leo' she said introducing them even though it probably wouldn't make a difference anyway.
The Brunette could feel the tension between the two boys and she fliched very slightly 'Icarus, go home, You're Drunk' she said trying to put some meaning and force into her words 'Send me an Owl in the Morning or something when you're thinking straight' she said as she took a step closer to Icarus and put her hand on his chest.
Kida could feel her heart pounding rapidly and she took a short quick breath. 'Leo, I'm sorry about this' she said as she looked over her shoulder. Kida wanted to curse Icarus something bad for what he was doing but half of her wanted to forgive him and she didn't know why.

The Young Witch pushed Icarus on the chest lightly 'Go Home' she said before turning around and walking back over to Leo and taking his hand and pulling him towards the dance floor once more 'Im so sorry Leo.' she said softly 'Icarus and i had just started what could have been a great relationship but when i told him about Scarlet he ran off' she said not making eye contact with Leo 'He hasn't talked to me since' she said and she looked up at Leo with a bit of hope before grabbing his wrist and pulling it around her lower back and throwing her arms over his shoulders pulling herself into him once more. 'Lets just forget about him and Enjoy the night' she added hoping to try pull it back together.
Kida's mind was racing, she was feeling conflicted and slightly confused, she though Icarus might have found someone else now, not a girl with a Baby.

Kida glanced back to where Icarus was...

OOCOut of Character:
Ding Ding, Round One :p
Icarus didn't pick the name of the man in front of him. His was blinded from his jealousy. He kept wondering while Kida was advising him to go home, how she could move on in such a short period of time. He was feeling like an idiot for letting her infiltrating his thoughts when she obviously didn't care anymore about him.
He wasn't used to lose however and he was going to claim her from his rival. He got a glimpse of hope when she placed her hand on his chest. He believed that next she was going to leave with him, giving to them a second chance, a moment to talk to solve their misunderstanding and dump the other man. When she pushed him, he felt like a child being punished for his mischief and looked at her hurted as she walked away with him.
He glared for a moment at them, mostly at the man who was touching her and then he darted towards them once more. "You are coming with me. We have to talk." he didn't wait for her response and took her hand, trying to take her away from him and find a spot where they could talk. He was determined to fix what have broken between them and that was going to happen away from him. He was getting sick of seeing her with him and he was feeling an unjustifiable anger. He didn't know for how long he could keep his temper if that man was going to stay around.
Apparently, the two of them had some history. The guy looked a mess, he had probably drank too much and that was why Leonzio was tolerating his behaviour. He wasn't sure if that was his habit or he was in that situation because of Kida. It was true that women could build up a man but also tear him down.
Kida looked compassionate towards him. Leonzio could feel that she was feeling something about him, deep inside her. He looked confused, that was sure. He thought of letting them actually talk but Kida didn't show that she was in the right mood to chat with Icarus.

He followed her as she guided him back to the dance floor, glancing over his shoulder as if he wasn't feeling comfortable turning his back on the guy. He listened to her, explaining what have happened between her and Icarus. If he was also nineteen like Kida, he couldn't blame her. It was quite natural for an amateur, nineteen year old guy to freak out when he would find that his girlfriend, who's also nineteen is already a mother. Perhaps, he had thought of it and now wanted to apologize but maybe it was too late. Kida seemed that she wanted to enjoy the night with him and Leonzio wasn't going to spoil her plans.
"Don't apologize. I can understand. I-" he was interrupted once more, as he was placing his arm on her waist. Icarus seemed determined to talk with Kida right now as he grabbed her hand and guided her away from him. Leonzio was really patient but since the guy couldn't listen to words, he was going to defend Kida in a more physical way. "I thought she told you to go home." he snapped and pushed him slightly, away from Kida. He was drunk and he could hurt her unintentionally. That was something that he wasn't letting to happen.
Kida smiled at Leo when he told her not to Apologize but the moment was ruined when a hand was on her wrist and tugged her in one Direction, she almost stumbeled with the force. Leo shoved Icarus and she stumbeled slightly but managed to shake her wrist Free, Kida brushed her hair out of her face and was about to snap at Icarus. Kida bit her lip, She knew that she didn't need protection, She was rather capable of taking almost anyone down with her martial arts training, but she rather not intimidate people with the knowledge, Kida Quickly stepped in and put her hands on Leo's Chest and tried to push him away, She pushed herself closer to him. 'Leo, just leave it' she said as she tried to get him to back away.

Kida suddenly felt a tug towards Icarus, she hadn't checked on him when he was shoved to see if he had fallen or not, Kida looked over her shoulder and looked for Icarus 'Leo, stay here, i'll make him go home.' she said trying to keep the peace, but she knew if would be hopeless, who could stop two red blooded males from fighting. Kida walked over to Icarus and hissed at him 'Icarus go home...' she said, her voice changed slightly 'Please Icarus' she added softly as she ran one hand through her hair and turned around again. She didn't know Icarus for that long, she wasn't sure if he was one for making stupid decisions, Hopefully neither of them brought their wands out and started waving them around, Allthough Transfiguring them into miniture statues was a good idea, she wasn't going to do it.

Kida was back infront of Leo and she placed her hand in his and tried to pull him further into crowed of people, some heads were turned but most didn't seem to notice.
The shove he received was the drop that spilled the glass. He didn't fall down but he was pushed back. Icarus chuckled as he was trying to keep his fury under control, bitting his lower lip and clenching his fists.
He had lowered his head as he was trying to calm himself, taking deep breaths. However, Kida was making things worse. Her persistance for him to leave was building his own persistance and he was determined to insist. It was no longer just for her. His ego was hurt and he was going to fight back the other man. When she turned her back on him to return back to Leonzio, his nostrils flared, sending a stabbing glare towards them. He followed her but this time he didn't reach for her. Instead, his fist full of pumping veins was sent right on the auror's face.
People started noticing that something was going wrong with the trio. The pricktion between him and the young man, was escalating exponentially. He thought that by pushing him away, he would have taken the hind and he would walk away. He hoped that he won't insist furthermore. He didn't want to start a fight in a crowded bar. He felt Kida's hand in his and hesitated. He glared back at Icarus but then he followed the girl, still having an eye for him. He was expecting him to charge at them, at any moment.

He was going to suggest to Kida to leave. Her ex-boyfriend or whatever he was, seemed not really eager to listen to her words. But then he paused, listening for any movement. The whisper of a footstep to his left was distinct in the background, indolent, slow song . He turned and felt his face, his cheek, connected with hard knuckles that swished past his nose. He clenched his zygomatic with his hand, recovering from the surprise attack. It was going to leave him a bruize but at that moment, he really didn't care. He responded by running into his rival, lashing out blindly, finally losing his patience.
Kida thought that maybe Icarus would get the hint and go home leaving them to finish the night, but of course he didn't, she stumbled slightly and dropped Leo's hand which she instantly regretted when he charged for Icarus. The heads were all watching now and she could feel her heart in her ears. Kida watched silently for a moment not knowing what to do. Was she to pull them off each other.. If she could manage, when she was younger she could pull her two cousins off each other, they were both slow starters in growing tall, but this was two grown men. Kida briefly thought about the idea of having two guys fight over her but she shook her head, now wasn't the time to be thinking that way.

The brunette didn't want to pull her wand out do she decided to do it the muggle way, kida walked over to them 'Boys, stop it!' she snapped hoping they would listen, Kida took a deep breath and tried to calm herself so she didny accidently slip into Her Animagus form. Kida lunged forward and grabbed onto Icarus' shoulders and tried to pull him away, hoping Icarus would be drunk and more plyable.
Kida's hair fell infront of her face making it hard for her to see what Leo was doing.
If she couldn't stop this she didn't know what she could do.

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