phyllis a crumple

full name phyllis agatha crumplebottom
nickname fatty
birth date august 13
blood status muggleborn
relationship single loking
color anything that looks like a muffun
food muffuns [and donuts]
diet evrytthing particularly muffuns [and donuts]
desirec occupation baker
haelth ststua morbidly obese
haircolor muffun brown [or donuts in some lights]
hairstyle muffun otp
eyecolour blue
height tall
build large
st7yle none
distinguishing feature gianr hairy mole
personality prefers muffuns to people but if someone were to speadk to her the would se she a good person
hometon gore
wand no
patronyus form rhuino
mamory donut flavoured muffuns
boggart burnt muffun
animagus mouse
mirror of erased bikini boddyy
interests muffuns
special abilities baking

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