
Shaylah Rouge

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Taneaka [main]
15" Ebony and Raven Feather

Here's the deal. My mum's been sent to jail for absolutely no reason at all (Here's a link for more information). Me and my family really want her back and what I'd like you guys to do is sign a petition to get her out. We're struggling without her and me and my sisters need our mum back. Please help.


I'm signing once I get on a pc Tin :hug: don't you think I forget :D
Thanks guys. You have no idea how much this means to me. xx
Joined, however is there a link to the actuall petition so Icould sign. This is just dumb....completely unlawful.
Yeah it's on the first post if you click the word petition.
I've joined. I find the whole case ridiculous. What woman would make this kind of thing up? That's a very bad part on the police's side.
Praying for the best Taneka, please let me know how it's all going.

Hey Taneaka, I signed. How terribly aweful, you must feel.
Signed it Tin. : )
Wow, Jailed for wasting the Police's 'Time'? Seriously... That's bs. I'm in. :)
OMG!! Thanks guys. The petitions looking great. :hug:
OK guys, we have a release date (at last). 21st October is when she's coming out. :D
Shaylah Rouge said:
OK guys, we have a release date (at last). 21st October is when she's coming out. :D
Awesome! I bet you can't wait till then.

It is a shame she is still in jail, but I'm pleased she's getting out soon-ish :woot:
I'm counting down the days till she's back. I can't wait. :D
It's just ridiculous that she's in jail still. Just for wasting police's time, how's that wasting it?
God only knows. There's not really much that we can do about it now. I'm just glad she's nearly out.
Yikes, she's still in jail? Flip, what a waste of money and time.
Praying for you Tin.
Oh, Tin! I didn't know this happened, I'm so sorry, I'll sign right away!

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