🌹 Rose Giving Petals for armour

Linden Kinnek

His Snowflake ❄️ Magizoologist 🦡
OOC First Name
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
🏳️‍🌈Cas, 🏳️‍🌈Gay🏳️‍🌈
Curly 12.5" Flexible Chestnut with Mermaid Scale Core
23 (05/2039)
Rose day was hard to track people down but some people were easier to find than others. Linden hoped that this would be an easy find. the first places to look for Professor Corrins was in her classroom or office. he had passed the charms room and found it empty so he stopped the next door down the charms hallway and knocked. "'scuse Professor corrins. Do you have a minute" he called hoping that he would get a reply and that the room was not also empty.

@Professor Mallory Corrins
Mallory was humming softly, going over her lesson plans, when someone spoke from her door. She looked up, and with a flick of her wrist, the door opened. She smiled. "Why, hello Linden. Do come in," She motioned to one of the chairs across from her desk, setting her parchments down. "How can I help you?"
Linden was supprised when the professor remembered his name. It had been a while since he had had her and he hadn’t really worked that hard in her classes just scraping by with passes. He walked inside towards the desk hello professor I have a rose for you. It seems even as a professor you can’t escape the flowers he said smiling as he handed the yellow flower over.

Happy Valentine's Day!


@Professor Misha Haden
Mallory chuckled at Lindens words, taking the rose from him and peeking at the note. She smiled warmly, waving a hand to conjure up a vase and slipping the rose inside. "It's from Professor Haden, its very sweet," She smiled at Linden. "Would you like to sit and rest a bit? I have tea and biscuits, and two cats that will undoubtedly climb on you if you settle onto the couch there," She offered, nodding to the leather couch against the wall by the door. There were several throw pillows and a soft blanket draped over the back. Amara was currently asleep, curled around Maxim, who had raised his head to study their visitor with inquisitive eyes.

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