
Rory Tiernay

Well-Known Member
It had been a long few weeks for the young Irish girl. Not quite knowing what exactly to make of life on her own, Rory had been struggling to find her own identity amid the bustling halls of Hogwarts. Finally, it came to the point where she just needed a break, a chance to sit and think away from everything. Wandering out of the castle, she merely followed her feet, letting them aimlessly lead her. Finally, she arrived at the cliffs, a place that reminded her slightly of home. Sitting on the edge, she simply closed her eyes and let her mind wander where it may.
Shaylah was sat against a rock wit her guitar when she saw another girl come and sit not too far away. She recognised the girl from a few of her classes. Shaylah was all for making friends with Slytherins so she walked over to the girl and sat ext to her. "I don't believe we've met. My name's Shaylah." She held her hand out to the girl.
Rory opened her eyes at the sound of approaching footsteps and looked towards the source of the sound. She was slightly shocked that the girl chose to just sit down right next to her, but decided she didn't really mind that much. She needed friends.

She graced the girl with one of her crooked half smiles before taking her hand. "You're right, we haven't. I'm Rory, Rory Tiernay. An before you ask, the accents from Ireland, same as me." she said, eyes shining with silent laughter at her own joke, which, granted, she had stolen from an old movie.
Shaylah grinned when Rory introduced herself. "I'm from Scotland but I have an English accent because it's the only one I ever heard when I was younger." Shaylah had never made friends whilst living in Scotland. Everyone there were muggles and there was no way she was going to talk to anyone with muggle blood. Shay only had one friend before moving to New Zealand and they hadn't seen each other in four years.
"Yeah, I suppose we are." Shaylah grinned. "Well, were. My dad moved me to New Zealand the second I got my letter from Hogwarts."
Rory's eyes widened slightly at the other girls statement. "Wow, that's a big move. Do'you miss Scottland? An is it just you and you're da then? That is, if you don't mind me askin, if thats too personal just ignore the question" She said, trying to get to know this other Slytherin a little bit better.
"No, it's fine." Shaylah grinned. She had talked about her past quite a bit since moving to NZ so she was used to it now. "I didn't like it in Scotland at all. For the ten years I lived there, I had one friend and she lived in Romania so we hardly ever saw each other. The last time I saw her I was seven." Shaylah smiled at the thought of Ivana. "I am definitely very close with my dad. He is my only family so he is the only person who's always been there for me when I need someone."
Rory nodded as Shaylah talked about Scotland, "Wow, that really sucks! I came from a super tiny town were everyone knew everybody else's buisness, so there were basically built in friends from the time I was born" she explained laughing. "Must be nice being so close to your dad" Rory smiled "I can't imagine what thats like though, I'm the youngest sibling of eight! We're lucky if we even recognize each other, its insane!" Rory said jokingly before continuing, "Well, I hope you like it here better than Scottland at least. Made many friends yet?"
"It was quite a large area but everyone there were muggles and I've never got on well with muggles or muggleborns." Shaylah grinned at the thought of her secret friendship with Lily. "I'd love to have a big family but living with just my dad is kinda cool. I don't think I'd be so close to him if there were other people around." Shaylah had spent a lot of time with her dad. "Yeah. I love New Zealand. It's loads more fun. Plus I have made lots of friends here so I definitely fit in more." She looked at Rory. "What about you??"

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