People can never just have enough

Anastacia Ivanovich

Well-Known Member
Anastacia was stroling down the town, humming a little tune to herself. Well, it wasn't a little tune per say as it was the music she was dancing too at this moment in time. She was familiarizing herself with it while it was still fresh in her mind from her dance class she just finished 10 minutes ago. With her hair in a neat bun, she had no bother with the slightly strong winds that had picked up today unlike some other people who had not tied their long hair back.
Ana could only smirk at this to herself inside as laughing, she thought wouldn't be that nice if they heard. The ground became paved once more as she stepped off the last patch of grass and onto the pavement. She passed a group of boys, not bothering to notice their faces as she admired the unusually picturesque building on the other side of the road. As a result of this, she failed to notice that only yesterday had she met the boys in not so nice terms and had been threatened not to show her russian face in this area any time soon or else.
The wind picked up again and Ana readjusted her bag which held her pointe shoes, some money and her rain coat if the heavens decided to open. As she looked out for any passers by coming her way, she was knocked on the shoulder roughly. Ana nearly lost her balance for the umteenth time this week here and turned to see who it was. But she didn't get a chance to see their face as her bag was snatched from her shoulder. Ana gripped onto her bag's strap tightly, glad her reactions hadn't been too slow.
But the boy was much too strong for her and as he ran with Ana gripping onto her bag, she was jerked forward and her grip was broken. Ana smashed down to the ground, grazing the bottom of her chin, forearms and legs. She looked up and shouted after the boy, her russian accent strong. 'Hey, stop. Zat's my bag you have.' Ana didn't know what to do, dazed from falling so roughly. She could feel her chin stinging slightly and knew her tights were probably ripped at the knees and thighs. Other than that, she didn't think to pick herself up. Her thoughts were too focused on her bag. What would she tell her father when she got back to Russia.
Outfit: Here

The painful howl of a boy being kicked right in the face with a metal-tipped boot rang through the air. The bag dropped to the ground beside the boy with the now-broken nose; as he covered his face splotched with blood while screaming incoherent swear words, another kick planted itself in the boy's groin and sent the poor fellow buckling to the floor with renewed howls. "Oi, oi, didn't ya hear 'er?" Chuckling as the squatted upon the ground and patted the head of the thief in question, Vladimir Dragonski quoted, "Zats 'er bag."

Picking up the item, he stood up, nudged the boy who had taken two kicks out of the main road and into the side of the street, and then tossed the bag over to Anastacia with a grin. "Y' be careful out 'ere." He jerked a thumb at the kid. "Troubles a-brewin'!"
Anstacia watched in horror as the boy was kicked by another younger boy. She winced from the howls, covering her ears as the other guy started chuckling. He had just kicked someone? How could he ever dream of being happy like that? Ana didn't understand it but as the boy picked up her bag, the injured boy ran from the streets as spectators watched. She winced as she saw the blood and closed her eyes for a few seconds. She did not like the sight of blood. It sent her skin crawling and worse still, it made her feel dizzy sick.
The boy walked towards her and Anastacia relaized she was still on the ground. She picked herself up as quickly as she could and caught her bag in time. Holding it close to her, she regained her balance, her mind still not caught up with her eyes. She wasn't as steady as one could be when they had just fallen. She hugged her bag even closer as the boy gave her a grin. Was he even to be trusted? she questioned herself, or was he just trying to steal her bag again...
Anastacia recognized his accent immeadiately though. Maybe he was on her side after all then. Anastacia returned the smile and nodded. 'Been brewing for quite a vile,' she replied sadly. 'Zank you by ze vay' she added, referring to the bag. She ignore how the other people on the street were now looking at her. Anastacia knew she was probably a state now. Her chin was now grazed and her things had been scraped, ripping the tights and leaving bloody marks on them. Not too mention her black top was now dusty from the street.
"Ya 'ogwarts?" The Russian boy questioned as he viewed her light injuries, and then rubbed his chin and said, "Vait 'ere." Without even waiting for her reply, he ran off to a random store by the side, and returned with some ointment and a few bandages. "Don't move, aye?" He grinned as he squatted by her side and started to rub ointment on her wounds before bandaging them. "This'll sting albeit ..." He muttered as he worked.
As the Russian boy questioned her about Hogwarts, Anastacia shook her head. 'No, I am going to be joining zough zis year, so it should be ok,' she told him honestly, before smiling at him. He didn't seem so bad now than before when he had been so...vicious. Anastacia didn't like speaking or even thinking about violence much. It just reminded her of how her brother had joined the injust Russia army about a year ago and she still had not seen him once yet.
As his eyes scanned her injuries, she felt slightly uncomfortable. It was like she felt naked almost and she didn't like that feeling. Looking respectable was almost number one to her and with her in such a state and him looking at her like that, it just sent shivers up her spine. She frowned as he told her to wait here. Her eyes followed him before he was out of site. She had no idea what the store was called due to her grasp on the English language but he soon came back with white things and some bottles in his hands.
Disinfectant and bandages?? He had to be kidding? What kid her age carried things like that around? She shrugged inwardly to herself before feeling a shock of humming running up from her knees. Shocked slightly, she jumped back, her eyes wide before she noticed it was ointment he had been rubbing in.
'You bet alright,' she told him, gritting her teeth slightly to stop the tears from beginning to emerge. It stung like hell, and her never having been one for accidents did not have a very high pain threshold. She hadn't even broken one bone in her body before but she was guessing it was as bad as this. She was grateful for this boy though. If he hadn't been here, she would be recieving a full blast shouting from her father when she got back to Russi. Slowly the pain of the ointment worked down to a lulled hum as she got used to it. 'You go to Hogvarts, right?' she asked him, wondering.

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