People are needed !

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Alex Blade

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
So hey everyone! :r

I am in need of some people to kind of .. push Alex in the direction of a Dark Wizard, in order for him to want to become a Death Eater when he is older, as to go ahead with what I have had in store for Alex. xD

So yeah, basically I need some friends who will help him realise he wants to be a dark wizard, and some enemies to do the same. Maybe even a love interest that will want him to as well.

Alex doesn't have a final as of yet.

- Zach
Uhm, maybe. =))
I'm not sure about whether or not a younger student would be able to influence Alex.
Well I was planning on making her a DE any way so we could try atleast.
What about Leah as a mentor? Or even Sienna? She's on her way to being a DE...
I don't want like, a current Death Eater, I want someone that is more Alex's age.
Tell me about Sienna, please.
I have Lykke Wu.
3rd year slytherin. She's...really mean... and wants to be a death eater when she's older.
She could kinda help help by showing him how to do stuff :p erm.. yeah..
lemme know what you think and we can see what to do xD
Pheebz, I think that might be able to work out.
Would you be able to start something, or would you like me too?
Could you please? It's my birthday and i has alot going on. Ill reply to it asap :) Can you put in common room or Great hall please. I has idea for ether :p thank you
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