🌹 Rose Giving Penny For Thought

Genevieve Fuentes

'Evie' 🐉
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 15 Inch Rigid Chestnut Wand with Boomslang venom Core
Evie was determined to finish her deliveries soon and wanted to find all of her recipients before the sun began to set. It was a challenge that she was taking seriously. The next person on her list was a Hufflepuff, and so using some common sense, she decided to head to the fourth floor corridor where she knew the Hufflepuff common room was. It gave her memories of her waiting for Essie, and in that moment she really hoped Essie would've been there to help her, because she would definitely have known who these people were for sure. The Gryffindor hung around the corridor, walking up and down until she noticed a younger Hufflepuff girl walk past. "Hey! Do you know anyone by the name of Penelope Marshall?" she asked, hoping she was close.
Penelope really loved this day, she quietly hoped to get at least one rose. She even more quietly hoped one of her roses would be from Emmanuel. If she got any, at least. She was walking up to the common room when she was stopped by an older girl. Penelope blinked. "Um, that's me." She said hesitantly.

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