Pearl Prudencia Parra,
never cared for what they do,
never cared for what they know,

never cared for what they do,
never cared for what they know,
[name] Pearl Prudencia Parra
[etymology] Pearl - In Latin Baby Names the meaning of the name Pearl is: Precious
Prudencia - Prudencia as a girl's name is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Prudencia is "caution, discretion"
Parra - Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, and Galician: from parra 'vine bower', 'trellis', a topographic name or a habitational name from any of the places named with this word
[nicknames] Pearl has no nicknames, her father will call her by pet names like sweetheart, darling, and will maybe say Pearly, but really the last one is very very rare. She doesn't really have anyone else in her life to call her a nickname but also does not desire it.
[alliance] Pearl has no loyalty, she has never had to have any, and she is not loyal to her father.
[birthdate] 2045, April; Pearl was born in April of 2045, she doesn't know anything about her birth, since her mother isn't in the picture and her father has never talked about it.
[zodiac sign] Aries
[age] eleven; Pearl is the only child of her father, since her mother isn't in the picture. She doesn't really have an exciting time with her birthday, since she's never been to school and rarely interacted with people. She has and will lie about her birthday to anyone, and the day itself, she usually gets her dad to give her what she wants or throw a big party for just her.
[gender] female
[sexual orientation] Pearl has never spent time with people long term, so has no idea what she is interested in.
[dialects] english and latin, those were the two languages that her father taught her. she's pretty awful at latin, and has never really managed to get the hang of it. Most of her work is copied from other sections. She struggles least with spoken latin, but it's a dead language so her spoken word is probably fairly weak.
[hometown] rural new zealand; Pearl lives on the north island, with a small village about 3 miles away.
[residency] rural new zealand; Pearl has never knowingly moved house
[vacation destination] having never been abroad, Pearl would want to go anywhere
[heritage] kiwi on her father's side, and she has no idea about her mother's side, only that she was a muggle.
[blood status] half blood
[blood type] O (-ve)
[children] None
[mother] unknown
[relationship with her] Pearl has never known who her mother was, there are no pictures of her in the house and no indication about who she might've been. All she knows is that her mother is muggle. She is uninterested in learning about her mother, since she's never needed her, she's never been in the picture. [etymology] Pearl - In Latin Baby Names the meaning of the name Pearl is: Precious
Prudencia - Prudencia as a girl's name is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Prudencia is "caution, discretion"
Parra - Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, and Galician: from parra 'vine bower', 'trellis', a topographic name or a habitational name from any of the places named with this word
[nicknames] Pearl has no nicknames, her father will call her by pet names like sweetheart, darling, and will maybe say Pearly, but really the last one is very very rare. She doesn't really have anyone else in her life to call her a nickname but also does not desire it.
[alliance] Pearl has no loyalty, she has never had to have any, and she is not loyal to her father.
[birthdate] 2045, April; Pearl was born in April of 2045, she doesn't know anything about her birth, since her mother isn't in the picture and her father has never talked about it.
[zodiac sign] Aries
[age] eleven; Pearl is the only child of her father, since her mother isn't in the picture. She doesn't really have an exciting time with her birthday, since she's never been to school and rarely interacted with people. She has and will lie about her birthday to anyone, and the day itself, she usually gets her dad to give her what she wants or throw a big party for just her.
[gender] female
[sexual orientation] Pearl has never spent time with people long term, so has no idea what she is interested in.
[dialects] english and latin, those were the two languages that her father taught her. she's pretty awful at latin, and has never really managed to get the hang of it. Most of her work is copied from other sections. She struggles least with spoken latin, but it's a dead language so her spoken word is probably fairly weak.
[hometown] rural new zealand; Pearl lives on the north island, with a small village about 3 miles away.
[residency] rural new zealand; Pearl has never knowingly moved house
[vacation destination] having never been abroad, Pearl would want to go anywhere
[heritage] kiwi on her father's side, and she has no idea about her mother's side, only that she was a muggle.
[blood status] half blood
[blood type] O (-ve)
[children] None
[mother] unknown
[father] Peter Parra
[Relationship with him] Pearl has a good relationship with her father, she does have him wrapped around her finger, he teaches her everything and she'll still make him do the homework he sets for her. They get along well, but do fight occasionally, Pearl can get frustrated with a lack of things to do and isn't interested in learning.
[siblings] Pearl is an only child
[first wand] Straight 8 Inch Sturdy Hawthorn Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core;
Length: A short wand, usually for those with very little personality.
Style: Straight and smooth: what else is there to say?
Wood: An enigma of a wand wood, Hawthorn both heals and has a propensity for the darkest of arts: ultimately, the Hawthorn wand chooses any wizard that suits it - there may be no rhyme or reason.
Core: One of the rarest of wands cores, thestral hair is not to be taken lightly as a wand core. Thestral hair is a tricky ingredient to work with and will not just bond with any caster. This core works best for people who have faced death in the past. Because of the fears of the creature from which it comes, rumors have abounded that thestral hair wands have no allegiance to the wand’s wielder.
Flexibility: Sturdy: A solid wand for any witch or wizard - easy to use, and highly dependable.
[occupation] too young
[health status] Healthy
[allergies] Pearl has a slight allergy to mushrooms.
[first wand] Straight 8 Inch Sturdy Hawthorn Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core;
Length: A short wand, usually for those with very little personality.
Style: Straight and smooth: what else is there to say?
Wood: An enigma of a wand wood, Hawthorn both heals and has a propensity for the darkest of arts: ultimately, the Hawthorn wand chooses any wizard that suits it - there may be no rhyme or reason.
Core: One of the rarest of wands cores, thestral hair is not to be taken lightly as a wand core. Thestral hair is a tricky ingredient to work with and will not just bond with any caster. This core works best for people who have faced death in the past. Because of the fears of the creature from which it comes, rumors have abounded that thestral hair wands have no allegiance to the wand’s wielder.
Flexibility: Sturdy: A solid wand for any witch or wizard - easy to use, and highly dependable.
[occupation] too young
[health status] Healthy
[allergies] Pearl has a slight allergy to mushrooms.
forever trusting who we are,
and nothing else matters,
and nothing else matters,
[five words] self-centred, untrustworthy, liar, polite, lazy
[personality] Pearl is a very lazy and untrustworthy person, she likes getting her own way and is constantly lying to people about anything. She just doesn't really care about the consequences because she's never had any. She's not the sort of person who pays attention when being taught things. She doesn't really have a lot of social skills that don't involve her being right. Pearl will cry at the drop of a hat if it suits her. She'll rat out anyone around her.
[beliefs] doesn’t hold any religious beliefs.
[boggart] Pearl would see an unknown woman claiming she was her mother and that she had to give with her now in the muggle world
[fears] dying; pearl would very much like to live forever
[likes] pearl isn't too sure what she likes, she likes potions and herbology because that's what her dad did. She likes interacting with people because it was so rare and far between. she hasn't had too much experience of other things so she doesn't know what she'll like
[dislikes] Pearl dislikes school and homework and not getting her way. very simply, that is all
[goals] Pearl hadn't expected to go to school, she'd have lived out a boring existence at her home with her dad
[strengths] Pearl is a good liar, she's over dramatic about it, but when she wants to be she can lie well. she doesn't really get actually upset over a lot of things, as long as things go her way - which up until she went to school they always did - she's fine. She can be quite fun, and certainly has a good knack for acting and singing.
[weaknesses] Pearl is exceedingly selfish, she is always out for herself.
[magical talents] pearl doesn't know yet, she's been taught theory but has never actually done any magic, so she's very unsure.
[other talents] pearl is a good actress, which is about the strength of her talents
[patronus form] an octopus; she's a big fan of those creatures who can bend and move around so fluidly.
[personality] Pearl is a very lazy and untrustworthy person, she likes getting her own way and is constantly lying to people about anything. She just doesn't really care about the consequences because she's never had any. She's not the sort of person who pays attention when being taught things. She doesn't really have a lot of social skills that don't involve her being right. Pearl will cry at the drop of a hat if it suits her. She'll rat out anyone around her.
[beliefs] doesn’t hold any religious beliefs.
[boggart] Pearl would see an unknown woman claiming she was her mother and that she had to give with her now in the muggle world
[fears] dying; pearl would very much like to live forever
[likes] pearl isn't too sure what she likes, she likes potions and herbology because that's what her dad did. She likes interacting with people because it was so rare and far between. she hasn't had too much experience of other things so she doesn't know what she'll like
[dislikes] Pearl dislikes school and homework and not getting her way. very simply, that is all
[goals] Pearl hadn't expected to go to school, she'd have lived out a boring existence at her home with her dad
[strengths] Pearl is a good liar, she's over dramatic about it, but when she wants to be she can lie well. she doesn't really get actually upset over a lot of things, as long as things go her way - which up until she went to school they always did - she's fine. She can be quite fun, and certainly has a good knack for acting and singing.
[weaknesses] Pearl is exceedingly selfish, she is always out for herself.
[magical talents] pearl doesn't know yet, she's been taught theory but has never actually done any magic, so she's very unsure.
[other talents] pearl is a good actress, which is about the strength of her talents
[patronus form] an octopus; she's a big fan of those creatures who can bend and move around so fluidly.
never opened myself this way,
life is ours, we live it our way,
[relationship status] single
[whom/when] n/a
[past relationships]None
[first kiss] n/a
[other kisses]
[innocence] too young
[Living together] still lives with her father[whom/when] n/a
[past relationships]None
[first kiss] n/a
[other kisses]
[innocence] too young
[children together] too young
[pets together] too young
[relationship with in-laws] too young
[most beautiful thing about them] too young
[favourite thing about them] too young
[proposal] too young
[married] too young
[thoughts at wedding] too young
[wedding outfit] too young
all these words I don't just say,
and nothing else matters,
[playby] maisie peters
[ages used] In use currently
[former playby] n/a
[natural hair] shoulder length brown hair, with a forehead covering fringe
[hair modifications] none; too young
[eyes] light blue eyes
[height] slightly smaller than most her age
[weight] she has always eaten well, very little meat in her diet and lots of home grown vegetables. she does love chocolate but she remains petite
[complexion] pearl is quite pale despite spending a lot of time outside
[scars] Pearl has no scars
[smile] Pearl has a very false smile, she's always looking to get something, so she is rarely truly genuinely smiling.
[body build] Pearl has a petite body, given her good diet, and lots of cycling trips into the village.
[body modifications] she has no body modifications
[dominant hand] right handed
[style] Pearl has a colourful sense of style, but her clothes are usually second hand, and thus do look slightly old. She has never been one to care about the latest fashion, but does have clothes she prefers over others. She is quite a casual dresser, a lot of her second hand clothes are her father's old clothes, so are a little shapeless on her, but she's never minded.
[ages used] In use currently
[former playby] n/a
[natural hair] shoulder length brown hair, with a forehead covering fringe
[hair modifications] none; too young
[eyes] light blue eyes
[height] slightly smaller than most her age
[weight] she has always eaten well, very little meat in her diet and lots of home grown vegetables. she does love chocolate but she remains petite
[complexion] pearl is quite pale despite spending a lot of time outside
[scars] Pearl has no scars
[smile] Pearl has a very false smile, she's always looking to get something, so she is rarely truly genuinely smiling.
[body build] Pearl has a petite body, given her good diet, and lots of cycling trips into the village.
[body modifications] she has no body modifications
[dominant hand] right handed
[style] Pearl has a colourful sense of style, but her clothes are usually second hand, and thus do look slightly old. She has never been one to care about the latest fashion, but does have clothes she prefers over others. She is quite a casual dresser, a lot of her second hand clothes are her father's old clothes, so are a little shapeless on her, but she's never minded.
trust I seek and I find in you,
every day for us something new,
every day for us something new,
[previous school] None, Pearl has never been to a traditional school, she's always been homeschooled by her dad
[house] n/a
[special titles and awards] none, since it wasn't a real school
[extracurricular activities] none, since it was not a real school
[favorite subject] Pearl liked history the most, because she could sleep best through it.
[best subject] she's always had a knack for potions but hates all the work associated with it.
[loathed subject] latin, she has never been good at languages
[worst subject] again, latin
[grade average] didn't have grades
[year of graduation] can't graduate as its not a normal school.
[house] n/a
[special titles and awards] none, since it wasn't a real school
[extracurricular activities] none, since it was not a real school
[favorite subject] Pearl liked history the most, because she could sleep best through it.
[best subject] she's always had a knack for potions but hates all the work associated with it.
[loathed subject] latin, she has never been good at languages
[worst subject] again, latin
[grade average] didn't have grades
[year of graduation] can't graduate as its not a normal school.
open mind for a different view,
and nothing else matters,
and nothing else matters,
[school] Hogwarts New Zealand
[house] slytherin
[sorting post]
Pearl had been surprised that her father would send her to school. She'd never gone to a school before, had never really been outside of her local area. She had never needed to, her dad was always home and he always taught her everything. She had been surprised to be sent to school, and too surprised to try and do anything about it. So, here she now found herself, in amongst of group of people from all over the place to be sorted. She wasn't that eager to spend time with some of them, they just seemed boring, and others looked interesting. Pearl had always thought that school could be fun, there were so many people to interact with so many stories she could tell about herself. But time would tell as to where she might end up with it. Pearl had never thought she was coming to this school, so she had never bothered to learn about it, she truly was coming into this blind, she also didn't go to another school, so it wasn't like she had anything to compare it.
Pearl followed the class, making sure she was right up front. The headmistress spoke, giving a very interesting speech about what they weren't allowed to do, and then a hat began singing. She was a little impressed, she was sure that her dad could do better, both in hat creation and singing. But Pearl did listen along. The song eventually came to an end and the names were called. She thought it was simply unfair that so many people when before her, her father was the worst for his surname being Parra, she should complain to him, get him to change the name to Aara or something, though of course it was too late now. She'd certainly pretend in her first letter to him that she had been invited to go first. But eventually Pearl's name was called. She stepped forward proudly, holding her head high and marched with purpose to the stool. Pearl felt the hat be placed on her head and forced a falsely polite greeting to the hat.
"You know how to seek out and use your resources well. You'll surely develop this skill and more as a...Slytherin!"
[special titles and awards] none yet, having just joined the school.
[extracurricular activities]
[Yearbook Pictures] [house] slytherin
[sorting post]
Pearl had been surprised that her father would send her to school. She'd never gone to a school before, had never really been outside of her local area. She had never needed to, her dad was always home and he always taught her everything. She had been surprised to be sent to school, and too surprised to try and do anything about it. So, here she now found herself, in amongst of group of people from all over the place to be sorted. She wasn't that eager to spend time with some of them, they just seemed boring, and others looked interesting. Pearl had always thought that school could be fun, there were so many people to interact with so many stories she could tell about herself. But time would tell as to where she might end up with it. Pearl had never thought she was coming to this school, so she had never bothered to learn about it, she truly was coming into this blind, she also didn't go to another school, so it wasn't like she had anything to compare it.
Pearl followed the class, making sure she was right up front. The headmistress spoke, giving a very interesting speech about what they weren't allowed to do, and then a hat began singing. She was a little impressed, she was sure that her dad could do better, both in hat creation and singing. But Pearl did listen along. The song eventually came to an end and the names were called. She thought it was simply unfair that so many people when before her, her father was the worst for his surname being Parra, she should complain to him, get him to change the name to Aara or something, though of course it was too late now. She'd certainly pretend in her first letter to him that she had been invited to go first. But eventually Pearl's name was called. She stepped forward proudly, holding her head high and marched with purpose to the stool. Pearl felt the hat be placed on her head and forced a falsely polite greeting to the hat.
"You know how to seek out and use your resources well. You'll surely develop this skill and more as a...Slytherin!"
[special titles and awards] none yet, having just joined the school.
[extracurricular activities]
[Yuleball Pictures]
[valentines pictures]
[halloween pictures]
[favorite subject]
[best subject]
[loathed subject]
[worst subject]
[grade average] P
[apparition] too young
[year of graduation] too young
[graduation post] too young[best subject]
[loathed subject]
[worst subject]
[grade average] P
[apparition] too young
[year of graduation] too young
so close, no matter how far,
couldn't be much more from the heart,
Code: Made by Kaitlyn.
All quotes from nothing else matters by dreamdnvr
Influenced by: Zoey and Jessye
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