Peaceful tranquility

Max Sanders

Well-Known Member
Birch Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Dragonstone
Max was up in the tower again,It seemed that no matter where he went the tower would always be somewhere he would go. After a few minutes he decided to play his guitar and let the peace of life take him away from all the problems he was facing. While playing Max watched the birds fly by and saw the sun starting to come up. Max knew he got up early and he was always tired in the morning but today he just wanted to watch the sun rise in the tower. The tower had a fantastic view and seemed to make everything else look that much better. He then wondered how much would change while he was here at Hogwarts, would the tower still have a great view or would it be better. He thought about this and other things he hoped would happen here. Everything around the tower usually looked nice but he thought it would probably become better with time as it goes on. So while playing his guitar Max kept on thinking peaceful thoughts,it was nice to have good thoughts for once instead of dealing with all the problems and drama that seemed to follow him.
Logan was up early today. He had barely slept last night, he had been too hot so he had given up on trying to fall asleep now and was just taking a stroll around the grounds. After about ten minutes of walking he found himself at the tower. It had been a while since he had come here and he decided that he may as well watch the sun rise while he was up.

Hopping up the stairs two at a time he started to her music. A smile crossing his face as he got to the top and saw a boy playing. "Wow you are talented, my girl friend can play the guitar too. She is pretty good to. You know you could try out for the school band thing that they have going on here." Logan said warmly as he walked beside the boy and looked out to each the sun rise. "The best view in the school." He said quietly
Max looked at this new person standing in front of him and said "Thanks,I didn't know if many people would like my music." Then he said"Im Max, Max Sanders. Its a pleasure to me you umm i didn't get your name, and yes its an excellent view." He smiled.
Logan smiled at the boy. He didnt seem like a mean kid so Logan knew that they may get on, a new friend maybe. Either way Logan was happy to talk to him, he was very sociable after all so talk was good for him. "Well i never used to be into music but like i said my girl friend plays so im into guitar and all that, im thinking of starting to play the piano, not sure." Logan looked back out the window then back to Max. "Im Logan Blackwood. Nice to meet you Max." Logan said with a smile before talking again. "So what house are you in? Im a second year Ravenclaw."
Max looked at this Logan and smiled. "Well I am a Hufflepuff First year." Max liked making new friends and this was actually a higher year so it made him feel better know that at least not all the higher years were stuck up. After a second Max said "that is good to hear about you're girlfriend. Does she got to this school too?" Max thought it would be nice to get to know Logan since he seemed very friendly.
Logan nodded at his question. He wondered if he could make an impression on the first year, be a mentor. He mentally shrugged to himself, they were thoughts for another time. For now he had to concentrate on grades Logan had enough on his plate having found out that he had a brother not so long ago. That made Logan a little brother. He found it strange after living his entire life not thinking he had a brother. "Oh urm yeah she does. She is a second year Slytherin. We started seeing each other just before our first year." He said remembering how they met, she had called his a pansy because he had been skipping. "So have you made any friends here?" Logan asked curiously
Max thought about the new friends he had. They were some very nice people and were there for him when he needed it. After a second of thinking Max said" Yes, I do have friends actually and I even have a girlfriend." Max smiled. He hoped saying he had a girlfriend would not say anything bad about him since he was not planning anything serious like the other first years till he was older. Then Max asked" So do you have any friends? I know it sounds like a stupid question but it keeps the conversation going." Max laughed.
Logan laughed slightly at the boy. Logan was glad he had friends. Logan had a fair few. "Ah dont worry i have been asked stupider things before. But yeah i have loads of friends. Im good at talking to people so i find making them easy. Im not really scared to talk to people, how else will you meet someone." Logan said with a slight shrug. "So what is you girl friend called?" He asked curiously wondering if he knew her or now
Max laughed and said" I hear you, but my girlfriend's name is Erin Lee. She is always there for me and is a great girl but of course gotta keep things going slow and not rush things, after all I am only eleven." Max laughed then said" So what is you're girlfriend's name? I probably don't know her but you never know." Max was truly liking this guy he seemed very friendly and that was always nice.
Logan nodded his head slowly as the name rang a bell. He didnt think he had met the girl but heard her name around the school. "Oh i have heard of her, dont think iv met her however. \my girl is called Lily Green. She isnt the friendliest person in the world but we met out of school so we were ok and if your normal she wouldnt really have a problem. I dont really know as i have never seen her act mean." He said with a shrug as he rubbed his face with his hands. "Tell you what im not half tired but i know if i went to bed i wouldnt be able to sleep. Last bight was just one of those nights you know." Logan groaned as he spole
Max listened and then replied"Never heard of her."Max then laughed and said"But I hear you,That is why I am out here in the tower." Max thought about how the main reason he was out here was because of not being tired, but Max had to admit to himself this was one of the first times he had ever been up this early. Then Max decided to say well if I ever meet you're girlfriend ill have to tell you how the first meeting goes, unless of course you are there at the time."Max laughed."By the way what brought you out here so early? not that I don't mind the company."
Logan laughed at the Max's statement. "Im sure that she will be fine, she is kind but she has her pride which can sometimes be an annoyance, then again that would be obvious, her being a slytherin and all." He said with a smile as he shrugged his shoulders. "Well i couldnt sleep so i decided to go for a walk to clear my head and relax so i may be able to sleep later on as i have no lessons today." Logan said truthfully. He didnt really care that his reason was his lack of sleep, it was normal for someone to not be able to sleep every now and then. "Im not usually up this early but i guess it beat tossing and turning in my bed." He said with a sigh. "So first year eh. I remember my first year, even if it was only last year." He laughed
Max laughed"Well I know first year its like I am still living it, O wait I am."Max laughed again at what he said then asked"So what is it like being a second year?"
Logan laughed along with the boy. He had a kind of funny sense of humour. "Well its like being a first year but slightly older." He said with a shrug. He didnt think it was much different. He still worked hard in lessons and he still studied hard all the time. "Well you will know soon enough. School goes really fast in my opinion any way." Logan said with a smile

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