Peace and Quiet

Lilyanna Hope

asperger's syndrome | beaux astronomy prof
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Sturdy Walnut Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
School was starting to become a little overwhelming for Lilyanna. Classes hadn't even started yet but she knew that out of everything classes weren't the thing that was going to stress her out the most. In fact, it was the large number of people that Lilyanna saw everyday that was freaking her out. She wanted to rid them all somehow so she could never see them again. At times she felt a little claustrophobic with the amount of people but if she wanted to have a good education then she will have to put up with it. Too many times she had wished to go to another school but unfortunately she was unsure whether or not it would be much different. They were all magical and full of too many people. Anyway, Hogwarts was the only school Lilyanna knew that had houses so at least she was put into her own group of people and separated from most of the idiots. That was probably the best thing about this school but not even that could satisfy Lilyanna to a good enough extent.

With her favourite book clutched tightly against her stomach (she still hadn't let go of it since she arrived) she made her way down the second floor corridor, hoping to find somewhere where she could get away from all the mass crowds of people. She knew that it probably wasn't best to hide away from all of her problems but that was what she was going to do until she had hopefully convinced her parents enough to move her to another school. But from the looks of it homeschooling was probably the best option. Her eyes scanned every door she walked past as she made her way down the corridor. She still wasn't sure about her way around the school and was trying to map up something in her head. Unfortunately, it really wasn't coming together.

She stopped abruptly when she saw a half open door. The room beyond didn't look at all occupied and had seemed to be that of an abandoned classroom. Cautiously, she opened it all the way and smiled at the empty room. Tables and chairs lay all over the room and it looked like someone hadn't taught in it for a very long time. Walking over to a desk at the back of the room she sat down and proceeded to continue reading her book in silence. Hopefully this was going to be Lilyanna's place of peace from now on.
Freya personally couldn't wait for classes to get started soon. Having been homeschooled she had never been really sure of how normal schools would teach their students, let alone how things would be at Hogwarts where most classes required a bit more than just a book. That was one of the others things she was more than excited about: learning all sorts of things about magic and even though she knew she could never learn everything there was to know, she wished she could. Of course her mother had thought her multiple things about it, but she had always told her daughter that she had to learn the rest of it when she got to go to Hogwarts.

Having been to the library earlier that day Freya had spend quite some time back in her dorm, trying to decided on which of the books she would read first. After a while the girl had finally decided on which book to read but sadly for her the common room wasn't the best place to start reading it, seeing as it was fairly crowded in there at that time. Finding herself walking out of the room and into the hallway she started wandering around the castle, looking for a spot where she could just quietly sit and read in peace. Walking down stairs and through hallways there were only two things on the girls' mind. One, she hadn't found any spot that seemed to suit yet and two, she was hoping that she wouldn't get lost. After all she had only been at the castle for a few days and wasn't too familiar with everything yet.

Passing door after door and peaking in to get a look everytime she did so the first year hufflepuff made her way to the castle, untill she finally seemed to have found an empty room. It looked like it hadn't been used in a while and Freya carefully stepped closer, pushing the door open a bit more, causing it to make some creaking sounds. Looking into the room from the doorway she noticed that there was in act someone in the room and it wasn't as empty as she figured it to be. "I-I'm sorry." The girl bit her lip as she looked up at the girl sitting there, hoping the creaking of the door hadn't disturbed her to much.​
Lilyanna was startled as she heard someone entering the room. She jumped, thinking it was a professor until she saw a student that didn't look too much older than her. She seemed like she was looking for a quiet place to read too and Lilyanna hesitated before speaking up. "Oh, I guess you could come join me but sit over there." she said, gesturing to the other side of the room. She hadn't done something that nice in ages but she knew the girl was just as innocent as her. After all, it felt good doing something nice for someone she didn't know. If the girl talked too much then Lilyanna would kick her out. After all, Lilyanna found the room first and for now she was in charge of it.

"Do you agree that this school is too crowded?" she asked randomly, starting a small poll in her head. She would ask people this question from now on and would bring the results home to her parents during Christmas holidays in hopes that they would consider her moving schools. Well, to her father anyway. Her mother was always working during Christmas and barely ever happened to see her during spring and summer when the animals would be out. She worked as a magizoologist and always brought them a souvenir when she came home for her winter holidays. One time she brought her and her sister back a giant dragon tooth and it still sits on their fireplace. Lilyanna hated not being able to see her that much but she loved her job and seeing her coming home happy was probably the best part about it.
Vex had just finished with painting yet another interesting factoid of his day on Headmistress Ava's wall, and he was on the search to further amend his entry. It had been a slow day for him, with only spending a little time in the forest and the grounds. The non-being felt that the castle had been neglected - it needed a little fixing. By far too quiet for him, and as it was only the beginning of the year, he had so much work to do, and so much time to enjoy doing it.

The poltergeist decided to follow a young female student as she went wandering through, opening door after door but not appearing to be doing anything entertaining. He floated into the abandoned classroom after her, invisible, and looked around. What a wonderful place to play his trumpets. It was quiet and secluded - everything King said - and these two girls were so little, they probably weren't doing anything important. After all, nothing was more important than his own entertainment. He was somewhat deflated when his trumpet-time was interrupted by the darker haired girl. Well then.

Becoming visible once more, the non-being grinned wildly at the girls, his orange eyes narrowing. "Oh yes, much too crowded!" he replied, tipping his kettle to the brunette. He floated closer to her, cross-legged and upside-down. "Perhaps then, you should go? You take up too much space, oh yes. You should leave." And with that, he punctuated his displeasure by sticking his tongue out and blowing loud, obnoxious raspberries in her face.
"Thanks." Freya smiled and nodded as the girl told her she could join her in the room, if she was to sit on the other side of it. Walking over to the other side of the room the first year Hufflepuff sat herself down on one of the chairs and placed her book on top of the desk next to her. Looking around for a bit she could now fully see how bad the room looked, it looked like it hadn't just only not been used in a while it also looked as if no one had actually taken care of it as well. Opening her book on the right page Freya started reading from where she left off last time she had been reading. Wanting to say something, but not wanting to bother the other girl at the same time she stayed quiet, that was untill the other girl said something herself. "I don't think it's that bad." She shrugged, "I think it's something you'll get used to after a while."

Freya had spoken the truth, or at least what she believed to be truth. She had to admit she wasn't used to being surrounded by some many people, which led her to not be sure of when a place was too crowded. She didn't think the castle was that bad though, there was plenty of space and she hadn't really been bothered by the amount of people there yet. Before the other girl could even respond something, or someone, appeared out of nowhere, agreeing that it was indeed far too crowded in the castle. Looking at the what most probably was a ghost, unless there was another word to describe something like that, Freya put down her book to put her full attention to what was happening in the room.
Lilyanna was glad that the girl wasn't talking very much and only talked when Lilyanna had asked her a question. Unfortunately, Lilyanna didn't quite agree with her though. Crowds were definitely something Lily couldn't handle and she doubted she'd ever get used to it. The girl probably had a special power or something and was somehow able to block all of the people out which Lilyanna had slightly appreciated. Maybe she could learn a thing or two from her? For now, Lilyanna's poll was 1:1, including Lilyanna's opinion so it didn't look like she was losing. After all, she wasn't going to tell anyone about it other than her parents if it came down to it.

Before Lilyanna was able to get back into her reading some sort of ghost floated towards her. He seemed to already be in the room before Lilyanna even arrived but even then he could have floated through the wall or something when she wasn't looking. Perhaps this was his room and he wanted her to get out? Whatever it was, she was shocked when the thing started talking to her, unsure of what to say. Yes, Lilyanna had agreed wholeheartedly with his opinion which now made the poll 1:2 in Lilyanna's favour. The whole point of asking the question was so she could leave the school.

"I agree!" she exclaimed, politely smiling at the ghost. "But I don't take up too much space. In fact, I'm only a small first year. How on earth could I take up so much space? Nonetheless, I appreciate your input and I shall leave as soon as I can. Or if I can..." She trailed off, unsure what else to say. The ghost was going about it impolitely but she ignored the raspberries and simply left it be. It was obvious that he didn't have many manners at all and Lilyanna didn't feel like teaching him them when this was supposed to be her reading time.
He felt as if he were being ignored. Vex didn't particularly like being ignored. No matter how genial the girl was being, the poltergeist would never be satisfied, as she was by no means reacting how he felt she should. A large, not very friendly grin consumed his face. The non-being was far too bored to go about being friendly to a couple of firsties that, whilst as new to the school as he was, had no idea what they were dealing with. If the green one wanted a reason to leave the school, Vex was quite sure he could finagle it.

Bouncing back to the centre of the room, he brought a trumpet to his lips and began playing it. It was out of tune, very loud, and reverberated through the room. He was by no means a virtuoso of the instrument (or anything, at that), but the broken music was Heaven to the being of chaos' ears, and so he only continued, occasionally entering the personal space of both the occupants to scream the trumpet into their ears.

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