- Messages
- 38,714
- OOC First Name
- Pattycakes!
- Sexual Orientation
- Hetrosexual
- Wand
- Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Tail Hair of a Male Unicorn | Willow Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Gold Dust
- Age
- 3/2009

Full Name:
Patricia Rogers
Birth Date:
March, 18 2009
Current Age:
12 Years old
Basic Appearance:
Brown eyes, Brown hair, slim and medium height
Gerard and Anne Rogers
Siblings, if any:
2 brothers, Chris(topher) - 24 and Joseph(Joe) - 21
Pets, if any:
1 cat, Tiger
Area of Residence:
Magherafelt, Co. Derry, Nothern Ireland
Blood status:
(If your character is a sorted student

Hogwarts House (And why): Hufflepuff, because I am kind and caring
Best school subjects (And why): Astronomy(My brother got me interested in it) and History of Magic
(As a muggleborn I like to learn about the things I missed out on)
Worst school subjects (And why): Not really anything yet
(all characters

What would their Patronus be?
A Phoenix - shows strength
What would their Boggart be?
Me and everyone I love dead!!
What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one)
Owl - for the freedom of been able to fly away when I want too and it's the sign of wisdom
What would you see in the Mirror of Erised?
I would see me as Prefect/Head Girl and Quidditch Captain
What memory could they use to create a Patronus?
When I got chose for the Quidditch Team
Write an example roleplay by your character:
Patricia woke up, as though she had been given a shock. She heard the post come through the door. "They're hear!" She thought. Patricia got out of her bed and ran down the stairs to the front door to she a letter addressed to her. Although it didn't look like what she expected, nevertheless she ripped it open.
As she read in amazement and slightly confused her parents came though the door, "Well how did you do?" Her mother asked. You see that morning like many other children her age were waking up to their 11+ results, to see if they had got into their high school of chioce. "Well?" Both her parents said when she didn't reply. "Mum, what's this?" Patricia said as she passed the letter to her parents.
After reading it for the millionth time over they came into the conclusion that it must of been a joke as there was no return address of stamp.
So after a few days Patricia was still wondering why she hadn't received her results, and after ringing the educational board on numerous occasions, with the same answer. "We are sorry Miss Rogers but we have no records of receiving any exam from your previous school, therefore we cannot let you go to any high school." Disappointed, that she couldn't go to high school with her friends she accepted that she will have to resit the exam at the end of the year with the rest of pupils.
One day, Patricia received another letter, must like the one she received over a week ago, stating that, after not hearing any news of her acceptance, they were sending a representative to her house later that day, to speak with her and her family about her attending their school. So not expecting anyone to come, Patricia went about with her normal routine.
At 2:30 that day a knock came to the door, her mother went to answer it, after a moment or two her mum came in with a man she had never seen before, "Patricia, this is Mrs. Collins, she is her to talk to you about the letter you received?
After half an hour of Mrs. Collins explaining to Patricia and her family about Hogwarts and the whole wizarding world and about every question imaginable answered Patricia and her family decided she was going to Hogwarts. As Mrs. Collins was leaving she said that she will be at King's Cross to show Patricia where she was to go the following week.
The night before she left Patricia had a few of her friends and the rest of her family over to her house to have a going away party, as she had decided to say she was going to a boarding school in New Zealand. That night Patricia lay on her bed, half nervous half excited. She couldn't believe she was going to a magical school, she had always had a keen interest in everything magical.
The next day after she had said goodbye to everyone and Mrs. Collins had escorted her to the door of train. As she started walking up the corridor looking at everyone and seeing the odd glimpse of magic, it had finally sunk in, "I'm going to Hogwarts!"