Passing Notes

if you're from america, why didn't
you go to salem? i'm so glad i have
someone else i can ask these dumb
questions to, cuz most of the time i
feel judged for not knowing something
so "common" in the wizarding world.
i'm still trying to get used to magic
existing in general, so i don't know
anything about specifics like that!

some of my family members went to
hogwarts so my parents went with
that because we have no clue about
it. my mom is a muggle and my dad
is a squib so we have no clue about it.
why didn't you go to a school closer to
puerto rico?

what's a squib? when i got the
letter to hogwarts we figured a
boarding school in another
country would be a good idea.
not so sure about that now
but i'm adjusting. everyone
seems so nice for the most
part but maybe it's a first
year thing! after everyone
gets comfortable, will their
true colors come out? hmm

my dad's family has magic but he
doesn't. it's apparently thought of
as sort of a bad mark on the family.
especially a while back when this
voldy guy was running around i
guess?? not me. i'm pretty evil.

so he knows about magic but he
can't perform it? that must suck
i guess. seeing everyone else do
it but he can't? are my family
squibs too because i'm the only
one who knows magic? i can tell
you're evil because you're trying
to get me in trouble in professor
styx's class and punishment from
him sounds like it'll be torture!
but as established before, i am
evil too. so if i go down, you
go down with me!

my grandparents sent him away
when they figured out he was a
squib so he didn't know until my
uncle found out about him when
they were adults so it was a bit
of a shock for him. i don't think
it bothers him about the magic.
no, your family are muggles. i
think he'd probably skin us alive
and then eat it or make take our
blood out to drink. hey do you
think vampires are real? i know
that there are some creatures
that are but i never asked about

ahh i see. are you insinuating that
our dada professor is a vampire?!
lol that's hilarious. he does seem
as pale as one. after finding out
that things like poltergeists and
centaurs, and werewolves mermaids
exist, i honestly wouldn't put it
past the wizarding world to have
such monsters either.

[she scribbled over the werewolves part so hard you can't read it]

i might be. what kinda name is
styx for an actual person? it's
like calling yourself blood if you
were a vampire. he's not tricking
us though. i'm not sure they're
monsters. just styx.

hahaha! we have to keep that
secret between us though,
otherwise he'll be after us. i
swear sometimes it feels like
he can read my mind! so i try
to avoid making eye contact
with him. and wait, you're
saying vampires are not
monsters? they'd feed off of
humans!! if you get bitten
by a vampire, do you turn
into one too? or do you just
die? living in the wizarding
world is dangerous!

i don't think that's real. that would
be so dangerous! but ultimately so
cool! i hope i can read minds one
day. i just don't believe they're as
bad as everyone says. they could
get blood from the hospitals? or
maybe they don't actually need to
and that's a bad rumour started?
it's a pretty weird place but i'm
glad i actually know about it.
think of how scary it would be
to come across a vampire and
not know that they were real!

haha! it's sweet that you think
monsters are misunderstood,
but that kind of thinking is gonna
get you killed one day!! and trust
me, coming from someone who
didn't know the wizarding world
existed, it's a bit of a nasty shock,
especially coming across things
you thought weren't real! it's like
everything i read in storybooks
actually exists in this world. are
dragons real too?

i doubt one commonly sees these
sorts of people. wait you say that
like you've come across these things?
you're weird haha. i went to the pet
store and they had miniature dragons
there so i guess they are.

i'm just saying it's a bit weird realizing
all of these things you thought were
fairytales actually exist, from the good
to the bad! imagine someone like me,
being muggle-born, coming across a
dragon or...idk a giant? do those exist
too?, and not knowing they were real?
it's a huge 'culture' shock & i wish there
was a "transitioning into magic" support
group or something. and realizing that
not all things are as muggles assumed!
i mean if dragons can be kept as pets
then they must not be that dangerous
right? and poltergeists here don't seem
to be scary but rather annoying instead.
it's hard to keep up with what is real and
even then, what perceptions of these
creatures are real too. woah, this is
getting too deep!

fee fi fo fum!!! i have no clue if
giants are real. i get it. this is
such a weird way to live. well
the store owner said that they
were more like toys than actual
dragons. the ghosts are cool. i
think the weirdest part are the
paintings. they're like gifs! it is.
my head is starting to hurt from
all this insanity. class should be
ending soon. thank god!

don't mock me i'm being serious here
i'm having a midlife eleven year old crisis
and you're making fun of me! if you think your
head is starting to hurt, you have no idea what
i've been through since i found out about magic.
i'm glad this stupid class is almost over. bye.

[hella mood swing :p ]

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