
Thomas Smith

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2" Core - Tail of Charmed Newt
Thomas made his way around Brightstone, he was just simply wondering. He had nothing to do, homework was finished, as usual and he was just plain bored. As he walked with his hands in his pockets he started to think about that night in the forest a few weeks ago, even though he hadn't gotten hurt, Scorpius had. It still give him chills think about it, and even on the warm Spring day he shivered.

He wouldn't have entered that stupid forest if he didn't have his own anger to unleash, and it was all to do with Joceline. Well Thomas had finally decided that he wouldn't try to make nice with her anymore, she wasn't worth his time and energy anymore, and she clearly didn't want to be friends. "Next time I see her I walk on by." He muttered to himself, no matter how hard it will be he thought to himself as he continued to walk.
It was a Brightstone weekend, and even though she didn't have anything important to do there, or any friends to see Joceline Richarde was all for getting out of the Hogwarts Castle, anyone that knew her knew that she hated magic and wanted to be a muggle, so it really was quite clear why she was out of the most magical place around.

The girl's love for muggles made it understandable why she was not wearing wizarding robes and was wearing a light blue buttoned up shirt, a red bow tie, jeans shirts and white and black flats. The Slytherin was absolutely pleased with every and anything as of late because she was with Ezekiel Hamilton. The boy was so charming, and he hadn't hurt her yet, so why wouldn't she fawn over him? She was so set on the Slytherin that Joce had even forgotten about her love for Thomas, that really had never deminished, she just didn't want to be thought of as second best to some girl that really was below her.

As Joceline skipped around Brightstone Village she was singing a Janis Joplin song to herself. "I want you to come on, come on, come on, come on and take it, Take another little piece of my heart now, baby, Break another little bit of my heart now, darling, yeah..." As she sang she passed a boy and for a second her blue eyes caught his. She turned her head towards his and her eye brows rose. Is that Thomas? she asked herself.
As Thomas continued to roam aimlessly through the quiet little village, he kept his head down, thinking about his latest decision. He knew it was harsh, but he had had enough from her, he had tried over and over again to talk to her, to mend what was once a great friendship, one he hadn't wanted to loose. The fact he had lost it, more so the reason he had lost it, had led him to nolonger care about trying to fix it.

As he walked he heard a familiar voice grow stronger and stronger. He felt a lurch in his stomach, walk on he reminded himself. He quickly looked up to see if it was indeed her, he caught a glimpse of bright blue eyes and that was all he needed to reassue him of who it was. With his head down he continued to walk, determined not to be broke so easily, so soon.
It was Thomas, and he was ignoring Joceline. Such a thing had not been expected by the Slytherin, but what could she have expected? She had been so cold, so hurtful... so Gaspard. "Thomas," she called out as he walked away from her, pleading was in her tone, she desperately wanted to mend what she had broken. She walked towards him, and intercepted him just to apologize, he could do what ever he wanted with it but she needed to apologize. "I'm sorry Tommy, I.. " she trailed off weakly, and let out a loud groan, he was not going to listen to her, she could feel it, but she wished he would, she wished that she could just make things all better, but there was no way to do that and it hurt.
Thomas heard he call his name. What could she possibly want? he thought as he walked on, not really caring what she wanted to say. He was done, done listening to her hurtful words everytime he tired to approach her, to talk to her. He had had enough.

He let out a sigh as he heard her footsteps come closer, just keep walking he told himself and that's what he did. Even when she intercepted him, he walked around her, he had too. The he heard the three words he never thought he'd hear coming out of the Slytherins mouth. He stopped out of complete shook. Keeping his body turned from her he moved his head slightly, "It's a bit late for that don't you think." He said in a cold tone. He didn't want to be like this, but she had to see what it was like.
Joceline winced as Thomas snapped at her, she never wanted this, she thought it would just be easier if they ignored each other, but it seemed that he had as much trouble with it as she had. "I'm sorry," she repeated in a whisper, before tears formed in her large blue eyes. "I'm... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you," she said a little more firmly, as tears ran down her cheeks. Why was this so painful?
Thomas lowered his head again, but didn't move, he hated being this cold to Joce, who it seemed had a change of heart. But he wasn't going to keep it up for much longer, if she was sincere enough about being sorry, she would continue, and Thomas would eventually talk to her again. He heard her voice, even though it was barely a whisper.

I didn't mean to hurt you

"Well you did." He replied, still trying to be cold, but it was the truth, he had spent too long worrying over Joce and how he had hurt her. He had felt so bad, now it was Joce's turn, even if only was for a few moments longer.
Joceline winced and the tears became more fluid and free, she didn't even try to wipe them away, she was not one that could ever stop herself from crying immediately. As she cried her blue eyes became lighter, almost a cerluean blue, they always did this when she cried, and her ears turned red. "I thought.. I thought it would be easier," she admitted. In a surge of frustration she straightened her back, she didn't want to be in that stupid magazine, she didn't want to be crying in front of Thomas, she didn't want him to have the satisfaction of knowing that his coldness was working. "You know I'm sorry, there isn't anything else I can do or say," she said, in a tone that was twin to one Gaspard would use, which was ten times more cold then Thomas was, and probably ever could be to her. She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him softly. She kissed his cheek ever so softly before pulling herself away from her best friend, and turning and walking away. If he forgave her he would know where he could meet her.
Thomas lifted his head as he saw a few tears fall at his feet, Oh no, not tears he thought, almost cringing at the idea, angry he could deal with, but emotional was hard, especially after such a long distance between the two of them, he wasn't even sure what else was going on in Joce's live right now. Apart from the fact that she and Wendy had become friends, someone he had befriended himself at the beginning of the school year, but hadn't talked to her much afterward.

I thought it would be easier

"I don't understand how. The past few months have been torture for me, it was harder, definiately not easier."
He said, his tone softening very so slightly. He listened to her last words and felt her lips on his cheek and her arms around him, he returned the hug slightly, but let go just as quickly. He watched a Joce walked away. He felt sad, but a bit of him was happy, happy that there may actually be a chance now for them to become friends again.

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