Passed Torch

Odette Madison

👑Macaws Beater | Healing | Adopted | 2049 Grad 🦢
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
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Straight 15 1/2 Inch Flexible Rosewood Wand with Veela Hair Core
2/2031 (31)
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Dear Odette,

It almost seems as if I haven't been at Hogwarts in ages, even though it hasn't even been a year yet. It's weird having graduated, but for some reason I still can't help but think about school. How are things going there? Are you keeping up with classes considering it's your OWL year now? I hope you're enjoying the new position as Quidditch Captain, and I wouldn't be surprised if you got prefect too. Hopefully it doesn't put too much of a burden on you, because from what I know of you, you can do it. It takes patience, but I can assure you it's worth it.

Are you winning at Quidditch? What's the new line-up for the team? I wish I could be there to cheer you on. Playing Quidditch with people I don't know is a bit daunting, and I would do anything to be back on the Slytherin team playing with people I know. Hopefully I'll feel a bit more comfortable soon.

Hope you're doing well,
Love Char xx
Letter said:
Hey Charlotte,

I have to admit I was surprised you were writing to me, but thank you for your letter, it was very nice. I should also thank you for trusting me enough to name me Captain after you, it was really unexpected but I have been happy to do it. My classes are fine, pretty much, but I didn't get prefect. Honestly, I don't mind, I think it may have been too much on top of everything else. I'd much rather be Captain.

Unfortunately, we haven't had the best year in Quidditch. I'm sorry to say we lost our first few matches, but we did just win our final one against Hufflepuff. Third place isn't great, but it isn't dead last either. It's more difficult than I imagined, being in charge. I think you being here to cheer us on would really have helped us, you were always a very positive and encouraging influence on the team. I haven't figured out how to do that yet. Asaiah dropped out, so he's no longer on the team, and Lestat didn't show up for try-outs. Jasmine Wolfe, Rory Fergusson and Sara Benivieni are the chasers, myself and Liam Waldgrave are the beaters, Leda Layton (third year) is the new seeker and Hayden is still the keeper. As alternates we still have Antonio, but he's been joined by Sapphire Michaels. I don't think you'd know her, she was a first year when you graduated. But she's very dedicated and talented, I let her play one match and she did great.

I'm sorry to say I'm not sure which team you're playing for, which one is it? I'm sure it's very daunting, though. I'm considering trying out for professional Quidditch after I graduate, but I'm not sure yet. When did you know you wanted to do that? How are things besides that? Again, I'm very happy you wrote to me. Sorry for not writing you first, but I didn't want to tell you about only lost matches. After how well this last one went, I'm more confident that we will be able to win the cup next year.

Thank you for believing in me, I'll continue to try my best.


I'm glad my letter surprised you. I was wondering how you would take it considering we never spoke much outside of Quidditch, but it's good to hear you're doing well. You're very much welcome for the position as captain. I'm surprised you didn't get prefect, but I suppose Styx knows what he's doing. Who ended up getting the position? I don't know the people in your year but I'm sure it was a tough decision anyway.

Sorry to hear about Quidditch, but congratulations on your first win! 3rd place is excellent considering it's your first time as captain and the new people on the team. You just have to look at the bright side of things, and maybe be a little bit patient, but I'm sure you'll get there in no time. It took me a little bit to warm up to being captain too, and I was just lucky I started out as co-captain with someone older and more experienced at first.

It's good to hear you gave Liam the full position since Asaiah has left. He really deserves it, and is quite a dedicated player. The line-up looks good but it sucks that Lestat didn't show up and you had to find a new seeker. That would have been hard, but she seems to be doing pretty good so far with her first catch, and at this rate, she could go on to do well. Just keep putting together practices and believing in everyone and I'm confident you can get the cup in no time.

I'm playing for Holyhead Harpies. It's weird playing with older people, especially considering there are no guys on the team. It's located in Wales though which is good because my extended family live there and so I get to see them more often. Professional Quidditch is good, but I feel like it's going to take a while for me to get used to. I'm still not used to being out of school and not having to do any classes yet, but it's much more freeing having my own choice now. I'm not sure how I got into doing Professional Quidditch - I guess I just didn't want to leave the sport behind. I still work part-time at Ollivander's though, so I'm still around. What other things were you thinking of doing when you leave school? There's lots of different options.

Not much has happened with me lately, but my best friend got engaged not too long ago, so I'm looking forward to help plan her wedding. It's weird seeing everyone grow up.

I'm glad things are well. Keep up the good work,
Char xxx
Letter said:

I got into too much trouble to get prefect, and I really don't mind it. Professor Styx presumably has his reasons for picking people. Hayley Elridge got it instead, which was a bit of a surprise because she isn't exactly a model student herself. But it really doesn't matter at this point. I would rather focus my time and attention on Quidditch anyway. How did you ever do both?

I suppose third place isn't that bad, but it wasn't what I wanted. I guess I had some naive hopes of going straight to the top, even with so many new players. Do you have any tips for me? I feel like the chasers aren't really pulling their weight, but I don't know a lot about that position so it's hard for me to give them good advice. No one is graduating this year, thankfully, so hopefully there won't be any too dramatic changes on the team now. At least for a year.

I'm glad you think Liam was the right choice. I think the other alternate Antonio is a bit annoyed, but Liam simply did better. I do have to watch him carefully though, I fear he might make girls on the team uncomfortable by flirting with them. But I warned him about that, so hopefully it'll be okay. Leda is quite good, and I'll definitely try my best to have her practice as much as possible. I hope we gain an alternate seeker next year, just because they seem to get knocked out a lot.

Playing for the Harpies must be a dream, though I can also understand how it would be weird. Though I think no guys might be a good thing, I always have the feeling the girls listen to me more. But maybe that's just because some of the guys on the team are older than me. It must be difficult to get used to something new entirely after school. I'm glad that's still a few years off for me, though with the way they go on and on about the OWLs you'd think I'm graduating next week. I'm not really sure what else I want to do after Hogwarts, honestly. I don't think the ministry is the right fit for me, but I'm not sure what other options there are. I have a part-time job at Quality Quidditch Supplies, so maybe I can just stick around there until I find something else.

It's weird to think you have friends getting engaged while here at Hogwarts its a small miracle if anyone dates for longer than three months. I guess growing up after Hogwarts goes pretty fast.

Thanks for writing me again, it's nice to hear from you

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