Parts of a whole :D

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Hi everyone! :D

I have some Durmstrang characters that are indeed of roleplay, they're quite new actually, so if you have any idea, I would love to listen to it. :D

Dominique-Louise Bianchi
Dominique is a 3rd year durmstrang. She's extremely caring towards those she sees as friends, to the point of getting incredibly upset when she sees a friend deliberately put themselves in harm's way. She can be quick tempered at times and she is very quick to be upset. Because of her friendly and caring nature she can become very emotional when someone dies, even a stranger. She is quite stubborn too.

Chantal Himmelreich
Chantal is a part-veela. In terms of personality, she is good-natured and caring towards her friends, but she is very clumsy. Her clumsiness may lead her to trouble most of the time, but she has a very determined spirit. She is incredibly a brave and compassionate person. She is very caring and somewhat stubborn, but she mostly appears happy and smiling. She is the type of person who easily forgets her worries and problems. At the moment, she is having some trouble with a past lover, for her ex had already moved on, yet, she still loves him.

Alois Eisler
5th year Durmstrang. Alois is a part-veela as well, being Chantal's cousin. He is candid and confident. He is well aware of his good looks and on the surface he could be seen as arrogant by some. Alois is kind by nature, yet he can be very childish at times. He is also unafraid almost to the point of recklessness. He rarely gets angry or out of control. He's a bit flirtatious around girls but the sweet and romantic demeanor he shows towards women is genuine and not a cheap put-on.

And I also some characters out of school. :D

Kier Myung-Dae
19, Kier is cool, logical and is is good with smooth-talking and charming around his peers. He is very cheerful but he also can come across as rather detached and sometimes downright threatening when he wants to. He never turns people down for help, even when their intentions are not as good as he believes. He can also be mischievous and playful at times.

Gavril Baskov
I applied him for a position in the ministry, but he's not accepted yet. Personality-wise, he is serious, reserved, independant and highly principled person. He is fair and sticks to his word, punishing everyone even if the rules are broken by only a few.

So, if you want to RP with any of them, then please do reply here, or PM me on my main account, on Alois'. Thanks in advance! :D
I can offer Phoenix as anything! She gets along beget with Boys than girls. She appears arrogant and self-conscious about her looks and thinks that hiding your emotions is safer. Although, when you get to know her, she is a kind, careless girl ;)
She is 15 and acts childish after a while and loges reading about romance.
yes, sounds good. anyways, what's he like? Personality-wise I mean :D

If you like, I actually have another male character. . He's Aldrich, he is open-minded, friendly, extremely talkative, determined, sensitive and romantic, Aldrich is one who tries to befriend a lot of people as he would always see the good in them, but in one respect, he could be really vain and arrogant too.
Well Antonio is a Doctor so he is very intelligent, but he doesn't like to show-it off too much. He's also very friendly and good fun to be around. Although he may seem a bit edgy to begin with, once he has settled down he's lovely. :)
Ok, how old is he though? And dont forget to post in I'm a jack of all trades as Alois!!
That would make sense then. Kier's family business is concerned with medicine.. :D can you start the topic? :D

Aldrich is 15 years of age..
Gavril Baskov said:

Aldrich is 15 years of age..[/color]​
Ok, that'll be good! ;)
Yeah, I'll do it ASAP!! ;)

I have:

Demetrius Van Laar Veth,
He's a 23 smooth talker who enjoys a good night out, he's playful and mischievious... He is a loyal friend as well. (He is probably going to be a DE in the future though)

Arabella Umburto
She's an 18 year old bubbly character who can be a little crazy (in a good way.) She's always laughing and loves to have fun.

Sibhan Faulkner
16 year old vauge character, she loves fun and thinks up the craziest things to do. She is a loyal friend who laughs all the time.

Sianna Piripitus
20 year old down to earth mother of three (all adopted) although she is a mother she still enjoys having a good time... She is a good friend and is nice to everyone she meets, even if they aren't nice to her.

yup let me know
Aimee Darkhart said:

I have:

Demetrius Van Laar Veth,
He's a 23 smooth talker who enjoys a good night out, he's playful and mischievious... He is a loyal friend as well. (He is probably going to be a DE in the future though)

Arabella Umburto
She's an 18 year old bubbly character who can be a little crazy (in a good way.) She's always laughing and loves to have fun.

Sibhan Faulkner
16 year old vauge character, she loves fun and thinks up the craziest things to do. She is a loyal friend who laughs all the time.

Sianna Piripitus
20 year old down to earth mother of three (all adopted) although she is a mother she still enjoys having a good time... She is a good friend and is nice to everyone she meets, even if they aren't nice to her.

yup let me know
Thanks, your characters sound great, who would you like to RP with? :r ^_^
o_O oops forgot to add that...

Kier Myung-Dae
With Arabella Umburto and/or Sibhan Faulkner and/or Sianna Piripitus

Gavril Baskov
With Demetrius and/or Sianna

That's probably the best... xD

Aimee Darkhart said:
o_O oops forgot to add that...

Kier Myung-Dae
With Arabella Umburto and/or Sibhan Faulkner and/or Sianna Piripitus

Gavril Baskov
With Demetrius and/or Sianna

That's probably the best... xD

Kier& the three sounds good, which one would you like to start with?

And about Gavril, I think that it' cool if he RP with Sianna, he was supposed to have this son who was currently attending hogwarts, though he wasn't quite sure who that was, after all, all that he was to that was a donor.

It would be quite good with Demetrius as well, for if the application was approved, Gavril would be an auror, quite ironic if a death eater and an auror had become friends, isn't it? :r
If he's Dymetris father he might need to be a little older but than again he was a donor :r (expect them to meet one day) :wub:
haha.. I miscalculated his age.. :shy: but then I passed an auror application stating that he was 26.. , got to change it somehow then.. :r
haha.. I miscalculated his age.. :shy: but then I passed an auror application stating that he was 26.. , got to change it somehow then.. :r
It's alright :) He can be like 28-30, he's just a donor xD

I'm really busy. And I have a writers-block now so can you make the thread?

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