Part of Your World

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Louisa Reynolds

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
hi there. i have these two characters who need plotting like i need chocolate
so please plot with them. i'm accepting pretty much any plot idea. tell me a
little bit about your character so there isn't any confusion, yah? thanks ily!
also thanks to tumblr for the images, they rock my fuschia coloured socks.

kalani ingrid mauven;

excuse the old picture but that up there is lani. she is the twin to riley mauven, a
daughter to frances and step daughter to tamas mauven. basically, she is an all-
round bamf. she went to beauxbatons and was head girl there before she went to
st. petersburg as one of the dancers in their ballet company and now she is playing
the dual role of odette and odile in the classic swan lake. so she's pretty talented and
knows it. she lives in new york city but i'm thinking that she doesn't have many friends
there because she spends so much time in russia. maybe people who have american
characters could meet up with lani and become friends because lord knows she needs
them right now. kalani is not in need of any lovers but enemies would be fun. ballerinas
tend to be somewhat self-centered so maybe someone could just dislike that about her
or something? often times lani does come off as this but it's because she doesn't like
to reveal her true feelings because she has been hurt many times and doesn't want to
be hurt again. otherwise, she's a very bright, happy young lady. come plot with her!

louisa prudence reynolds;

this is louisa, she is a twenty-two year old actress from edinburgh. currently she is
working on a movie in new zealand which she got by chance but she isn't a primary
character despite how hard she works to get those roles. she is a secondary, though,
but this is pretty much her break. before louisa worked as an extra in television or in
plays, normally as leads but in small productions, because people found her difficult
to place despite her talent. so as you could probably guess she does not have very
much money. wealth was never her goal getting into acting, she just wants to have a
role that actually means something and is significant to people. the film is a remake
of some old classic (i haven't decided which yet), one of louisa's favourites actually.
louisa has always been the black sheep from her family, partly because it isn't her
actual family and because she was a witch raised with muggles. she is also a little
strange and always has been. think of her as a mixture of "pudge" and alaska from
looking for alaska. yes, she digs last words of famous people and yes, she can seem
a little bi-polar and mysterious at times. it's really just what makes her strange self
exactly that. she was also home schooled before she ran away to hogwarts scotland
and was sorted into gryffindor. she's never been brave because she's never really
needed to be but louisa has never identified with any other house. that's all on her
personality, i think. so i guess while louisa is in new zealand she should make some
friends and such. also, i have a plot for louisa, her fiance and an ex. if anyone is
interested please post or pm me on louisa's account.
I have Katheryn Kingsley. She is a 21 year old graduate from Hogwarts New Zealand, Hufflepuff house. She lives in NYC and has since she graduated. Kat is a broadway actress. She has been starring as Ariel in The Little Mermaid for the past two years. So, she sings and acts obviously ^_^ I was thinking she could meet or have met Kalani previously at some artsy thing or another. I dunno. Let me know what you think :p
Kalani and Katheryn: I don't know Kat's personality. Would you mind telling me about it and then we can go from there?
Kat and Kalani: Katheryn is an all around sweetheart. She was a Hufflepuff so she is extremely friendly. She was a good student and prefect. Kat used to be really shy but she's come out of her shell a lot. She can be naive and too trusting which tends to back fire on her. Kat is pretty innocent, she's only had one serious boyfriend in the past who dumped her and broke her heart. She's a really talent dancer and singer, which is why she is on broadway. She didn't have many friends at HNZ. Most of her friends these days are muggles.
Kalani and Katheryn: They are pretty much opposites so I guess it could be fun to see them as friends. Maybe Kalani went to the musical and because she's a dancer she happens to know some people in the cast and Kat and Lani meet that way?

l o u i s a & d o m i n i c

Dominic is a nice guy, very genuine and sweet. A bit depressing to be around at times, but usually very jovial. He just has extreme emotions, which tend to be contagious to those around him (a good or bad thing depending on the day!). These two are both around the same age, and from Hogwarts Scotland, so it is likely that they may know each other. I love Looking for Alaska, and those are exactly the types of people that Dom is drawn to. So they could either be old friends, or maybe even exes from school? But not the one for your plot, I presume that one is for Matt/Arthur like you tweeted about. Dominic would love her hair and want to touch it often. [/creeper]

k a l a n i & d a i s y

Blondies unite! Okay, so Daisy is a quite a free-spirited, fun-loving person. She grew up on Great Barrier Island (which is kind of like an NZ hippie community lool), but has friends in New York and visits them often. She wouldn't mind Kalani's self-centeredness, in fact she would probably be like.. a co-sassy lady. That is terrible English. Anyway, I think they would make good partners-in-crime? Like bad influence friends, but in a harmless way. I believe I once plotted with Britt for Daisy to be a good friend of Amaryllis, so they could have met through her. If there's ever a Blame It on the Alcohol 2.0, invite this one.

Kalani and Daisy: It sounds like Lani and Daisy would get along famously! Maybe they met when they were kids? Maybe Lani's school took them on a trip or something there and because Kalani does what she wants she left the group and met Daisy there? Maybe they don't meet again until Amy introduces them? Also there should definitely be a BIOTA v2! Kalani and Daisy would get crunk. (Is that the right word, I honestly don't know.) xD

Louisa and Dominic: Maybe they were exes when they were just starting school. Like they had no real comprehension of the girlfriend/boyfriend thing but held hands sometimes and were just said to be dating by everyone else? They likely would've ended it in their third/fourth year because she and the Matt Smith I am requesting get together in their fifth year but she might have pulled an Alaska/Pudge with him and been like "you're cute but I love my boyfriend." And she would probably let him touch her hair. PS. picspam, yo!

l o u i s a & d o m i n i c

Yeah, I definitely think they would've been more friends than anything serious. They probably never even kissed, just hand-holding. Maybe they lost contact, but ran into each other in NZ randomly? And now they've like.. rejoined each others' Wolf Pack. Idek. xD Crackships!

k a l a n i & d a i s y

Yahh, that would be cool. Then when they met up again they'd be all "omg homegurl i know uuu". And yes, I believe 'crunk' is the correct terminology. Crazy-drunk, I think that's what it means. :p

Kalani and Daisy: I'll have to talk to Britt about another BIOTA during zee summer (or NZ winter) months.

Kalani and Katheryn: Should we roleplay them?

Louisa and Dominic: Yes. We should roleplay them? But would you mind starting it?
Alrighty, here I have my newest charrie, which I would be keen to get up and running.
Bridget is quite a sweetheart, but if anyone gets on her bad side, then its all war. She's quite attention seeking as she was quite popular in her school years (Beauxbatons). Let me know if she seems to fit either :)
Donna x
Kalani and Bridget: I'm not a hundred percent sure how Kalani and Bridget would've gotten along because they seem to be very similar. Maybe we could test out the relationship with a roleplay?

Louisa and Bridget: I'm also not certain. Do you have any suggestions?
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