Parker Greystone

Parker Greystone

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sir Dylaaaaaaaaaan!
Straight 9 Inch Unyielding Blackthorn Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
The Basics
Character's Name: Parker Samuel Greystone
Character's Birthdate: 19th August, 2026
Hometown: Manchester, England.
Blood Status: Pending
Wand: Straight 9 Inch Unyielding Blackthorn Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor

Hair: Chestnut brown. Cut shorter at the sides and back with the top of his hair flicked and moulded to the right.
Eyes: A shade of light green.
Height: 5''3
Style: Parker tends to follow trends and designer clothing, always spending ridiculous amount of money on clothes.

A Little Deeper
Personality: Parker has always been an arrogant and reckless child. Being raised by his mother after his father had passed away, Parker had always been handed everything he wanted in life. Being a lonely child had always gifted him with being the centre of attention, and coming into his teenage years that shows more then ever. He is, however, extremely loyal and trust worthy. He has an intense set of morals, and follows them religiously. Parker is always a person who can be relied upon, but will always seek to exploit things to his own benefit if given the chance.


Parker was born on a cold and miserable winters night in August 2026 in Manchester, England. His parents had been trying for years to fall pregnant, and had almost given up hope when they found out that his mother, Elizabeth, had fallen pregnant with him. When Parker was 3 years old, his father, Samuel, was killed whilst caught in the middle of a dispute between two other wizards. A spell had been aimed poorly, and Samuel had caught the brunt of it, which had thrown him from his feet and sent him into a wall on which he had cracked his head and died within seconds. Elizabeth had been distraught, moving them from Manchester, half way across the world, to New Zealand. There they had bought a house in Brightstone Village and lived ever since. Parker had always been a more charismatic child, and of course, being a lonely child meant that he had nothing but attention from a young age. As he grew older, he became more and more troublesome until finally it landed him in trouble when he had jinxed the next door neighbour for not doing as he had told him to do. His mother, always too busy running her beautician shop, never paid much mind to Parkers troublesome ways, always finding an excuse for the boy. More to be added.

Godfather: Demyx Tiberius Demon Bane
Auror / Pureblood / Gryffindor, Hogwarts
"A stern and respected man. Dedicated to his work and his study, he persisted with the Auror's throughout his earlier years, jailing many Scitorari and Death Eaters and earning himself a high reputation. Unfortunately he never married or had children, and continues to work heavily with the ministry."

Father: Samuel Frances Greystone - Deceased.
Auror / Half Blood / Gryffindor, Hogwarts
Born on the 23rd of April, 1990, Samuel Greystone had always been a hard working man. Growing up in a household that had always had little to no money, Sam had always striven to given his family a better life. Working as a Ministry Official, he had worked majority of his life, barely every taking holidays or sick days. His wife Elizabeth and son Parker were the most important things in the world to him, though he didn't show it as often as he had wanted to in his last years of life. Samuel died in March 2029 after getting caught in between who wizards who had broken into a duel, and a wrongly aimed spell had sent him flying into a wall, ending his life instantly.

Mother: Elizabeth Jane Greystone.
Witch Beautician / Half blood / Ravenclaw, Hogwarts
Born on the 12th of September, 1994, Elizabeth Greystone had been a family woman from a very young age. From the age of eleven, she had always dreamed of her amazing wedding and the family that she would one day raise. The day that Samuel had walked in to her life had been one of the happiest of her life, and every moment onwards she had cherished. The day Parker was born, nothing in this world could have made her happier. The day she had Samuel ripped away from her however, had almost destroyed her. Samuel and Elizabeth had met in Liz's first hear out of Hogwarts whilst she had been travelling around England. He had been older, and was already working for the Ministry, and she was a young girl with the world in front of her. But she had fallen so madly in love with Samuel, marrying him just two years after meeting him, that nothing would have ever meant as much to her as he did. 25 years of happy marriage, and then one day everything changed for her. Her husband, the love of her life, was gone. And suddenly it was just her and her son Parker. Moving herself and her three year old son half way across the world, she moved them to New Zealand, selling their house in England and buying one in New Zealand in Brightstone Village, along with a store along the main street. She eventually refurbished it, and turned it into a beauty parlour, working long hours to provide for herself and her son. She never ever forgot her husband though, and likely never would.

Uncle: Dante Tyrell Vrael
Quidditch Official / Pure Blood / Slytherin, Hogwarts
"A kind but withdrawn person. He was an adventurous youth but turned to alcohol and gambling at a young age and had a hard time coming back. Following in his family's footsteps, he later gave up his addictions and took a job as a Quidditch Official with the Ministry of Magic."

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