Paris Excursion

December Daniels

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Straight 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Ebony Wand with Vampire Blood Core
Ever since her mother left December had travelled a lot with her Dad as he went from one assignment to another. Her favourite by far was the one that had led them to Paris. Even for someone like December who was never comfortable in a crowd, Paris was still a magical city to walk around. Having been in Paris for close to a month December had gotten to know the city pretty well and had even picked up some of the language though she would get strange looks whenever she tried to use it in one of the many shops she went into. One of the things December loved most about Paris was the coffee, there was something about it that made it taste better than any she had had anywhere else.

One of her favourite locations was a little coffee cart in the middle of the town square in the shadow of the Eiffel tower. December grabbed a mocha latte from the stand and went to sit on one of the many benches that faced outwards towards the shops. December sat, legs crossed sipping at her coffee watching people go by, wondering who they were, what their lives were like and if any of them were like her.
Dallben hadn't exactly wanted to find himself in Paris, it wasn't his favourite city and he despised the language, he hadn't bothered to even trying to learn it, he just muddled through in his thick northern welsh accent. It was just frustrating that at least once a year, the durmstrang teen was dragged to this awful city so that his mother could go shopping and enjoy the fact her roots were in this country. The teen sighed heavily at the fact it was this day that he to spend in this city, and promptly upon apparating in the city the teen had been left to his own devices in the city, and with nothing better to do, Dallben had headed for the tourist attractions.

It was why with a fresh cup of tea in his hand, the teen had found himself at the foot of the ever busy eiffel tower, he couldn't understand why muggles felt the need to build such buildings, such structures, to him it just didn't make sense. Dallben would deal with it though as he took a sip of his tea and sat down at a bench, noticing that on the other side of the bench sat a girl about his age. Dallben put on his best, charming smile and coughed a little to get her attention, "Hi there, I'm Dallben," he made the assumption as he began speaking in his welsh accent that she would understand his english.​
The last thing December expected was company. She was in her own little world on that bench, starring up at the Eiffel tower, watching the lights twinkle, listening to the constant chatter in various different languages. The sudden interruption of her bubble left the girl feeling awkward and nervous. As she always felt when someone new began talking to her. December had a problem with people, it wasn't that she didn't like them, usually they didn't like her. The teenager didn't handle conversation well and it often made her come across as rude and would often cost the girl friends, but that played into her hands.

December rubbed her hands on her skirt, whenever she was around someone she suddenly became subconscious about what to do with her hands. She would often rub them on her clothes or together or just generally figit with them. Eventually, she pulled her eyes up to meet the gaze of the boy who had sat on the bench beside her and was now introducing himself. December knew how she would sound before she even opened her mouth, "Errrr, hi, umm, I'm December," She smiled weakly at the boy as she was suddenly overcome with a feeling of nausea.

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