- Messages
- 30
- OOC First Name
- Rosie
- Wand
- rigid 12 hornbeam wand essence of unicorn hair
- Age
- 10/2034
paisley rebecca phillips

Name: Paisley Rebecca Phillips
Name meaning:
[ul][li] Paisley (PAYS-lee) means "church"</LI>
[li] Rebecca (reh-BEH-kuh) means "tied".
[li] Phillips (PHIL-lips) means "loving". [/li][/ul]
Place of Birth: Wellington, New Zealand
Current residence: Wellington, New Zealand
Nickname/Alias: Pay, P
Age: Eleven
Birthday: October 10, 2033
Nationality: New Zealander
Blood Status: Half Blood, because of magical ancestry
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Not Looking
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Element: Air
Planet: Venus
Education: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry, New Zealand
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Hogwarts Year: Year 1
Hogwarts Titles:
Occupation: Student
Wand: Straight 12" Inch Rigid Hornbeam Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
[ul][li]Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
[li]Style: Straight and smooth: what else is there to say?
[li]Wood: Hornbeam wands are often found with wizards and witches having what can be best described as an obsession - a single all-consuming focus in life. Adapting to its owner quickly, it will not work well for other people and will sometimes not perform spells which are counter to its owner's character.
[li]Core: The animal is known for its healing qualities and unbridled beauty, so it is no surprise that wands with unicorn hair are particularly successful at performing healing spells. Wands with this core bond with their first caster, making wands with this core not good as hand-me-downs. These wands are useful with charms and transfigurations.
<LI>[li]Flexibility: A rigid wand is difficult to control and sometimes broken under little force, but powerful in a fight.
Play By: Barbie Ferreira
Height: 150 cm
Weight: 66 kg
Hair: Waist-length, wavy, dark brown
Complexion: Fair
Eyes: Dark brown
Special Features: Paisley has stretch marks along her hip region.
Allergies: Seasonal
Dominant Hand: Left
Five words to describe Paisley: Defiant, idle, comical, forgetful, adventuresome.
Likes: Cinematography, adventures, storybooks, the only books she will read; hour-long naps, snacks, dogs!
Dislikes: Kiss-asses, arithmetic, homework, boredom, vomit
Secret: She is on a watchlist for on-set diabetes because of her weight.
Goals: To find her purpose
Fears: Santa Claus
Strengths: Decisiveness, works well under pressure, exams, social skills
Weaknesses: Sloth, forgetfulness, lack of motivation, tardiness, defiance
Erised: To obtain the throne by pulling a sword from stone, like in Arthurian folk tales; symbolism for being chosen
Boggart: Santa Claus
Patronus: Gold Retriever
First kiss:
First crush:
Background: Paisley Phillips, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, was born in Wellington, New Zealand. Her parents, whom co-owned a private law firm, provided for she and brother. The couple had an unconventional parenting style, in which they treated their children like trainees---as 'preparation for the real world, with real people, with real issues.'
In other words, her parents did not allow their children to believe in anything.
The product of this, is Paisley. For the last eleven years of her adolescent life, she has been told that magic does not exist. Wizards and witches are a bunch of bologna. Yet she has been invited to attend a school of witchcraft and wizardry?
Paisley struggles to separate what is real and what is not.
Name: ------ Phillips (35) Relation: Father Blood Status: Muggle | Name: ------- Phillips (37) Relation: Mother Blood Status: Squib | Name: Mason Phillips (8) Relation: Brother Blood Status: Muggle |