Old School Week Painted Personality

Professor Matt Alcott-Ward

Somehow in charge | Laid back | Friendly
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Kyle)
3/2007 (55)
Matt had just picked up a new book at the library, and he was pretty pleased. He was now on his way back to his office, but as usual took a slight detour to pass all the magical portraits in on the second floor. He enjoyed chatting to them occasionally, and waved at a few in passing. They were often overlooked by students, but now that Matt had been here a while, he definitely had his favorites.
Derek was heading away from the prefects common room when he spotted his history of magic professor. "Are you alright there sir?" he wasn't sure what the man was doing though he seemed to be talking with the wall.
Ward had engaged in conversation with one of the paintings, one he could usually ask for a historical fact or two. But a voice behind him distracted him, and he looked at the boy who asked if he was alright. He recognized Derek from History of Magic. "Ah, yes. I'm alright Mr. Tahana. Was just having a conversation." He said, gesturing to the portrait.
Bada hadn't managed to find her patrol partner all day the castle was fairly large. But alas as she turned the corner she spotted the guy talking with the upper year History of Magic Professor. "Derek, hey and Hello Professor," she said greeting the two men.
Derek looked at the portrait that the professor motioned to, he had been about to reply when a younger girl joined them. Derek knew her from the prefect meetings, she was one of the new Hufflepuff prefects. "Hey," he greeted the girl casually, "Do the portraits have much to say?" he asked the professor.
The second floor was the place to be for portraits, and so it was there that Felicity often chose to be when she grew tired of her own canvas, or if once again, it had fallen from its hook. She sat enjoying a picnic in a beautiful garden landscape, and raised her glass in toast to the professor, when he was joined by some students. "I daresay you could ask us yourself!" She harumphed in response to the boy. Much to say indeed!​
Matt smiled as another student approached, another prefect. He nodded at her in greeting, then turned his attention back to Derek. "Why don't you-" but his suggestion to try talking to the portraits himself was cut off my Miss Fortune. He inclined his head. "That was going to be my suggestion." He said lightly. "They are truly interesting to speak to. It would be a shame to graduate without at least a few good conversations in unexpected places."
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Bada was surprised when Derek seemed to not know about the portraits and their knowledge. Many have been portraits for a very long time they had seen a lot more than they ever had. Though Bada had to admit she hadn't spoken to any of them here before. But her family had some portraits of ancestors that she had. "I..i was just going to ask you where we were starting tonight on patrol," she said feeling a bit weird interjecting into the conversation. "Hello Ms. Fortune," she added to the portrait on the wall with a light smile.
Derek jumped slightly at the sudden voice from the portrait. he had grown up around magic but never gotten used to it, nor did he really think they had much to say. "Kia Ora," derek said in greeting to the portrait. "Do you ever get bored of people asking you questions?" he asked it. That must be what most people did. He didn't think he would find an unexpected conversation but perhaps just an almost normal one.
Fortune flashed the professor a smile, her teeth whiter than they may have been in life. She nodded to the two students in turn, and lowered her glass. "Good evening, kia ora." She greeted in turn. "Heavens, no. Do you ever get bored of being asked questions?" She asked in turn. Many people ignored the portraits. She was barely inundated with questions. "You may ask away!" Felicity did enjoy the attention, unless that attention came from students or poltergeists who thought it quite funny to deface or meddle with the paintings. That, she could have certainly done without.​
Matt wasn't surprised the Hufflepuff had come to talk to her fellow prefect, but was pleased she also spoke to the portrait after some prompting. He chuckled softly. "I daresay portraits get more bored of being ignored, unless I'm mistaken, Miss Fortune?" He asked the painting politely. He knew that students were often in their own world, they were teenagers after all, but it was still a shame so many dismissed the paintings on the walls as mere decoration.

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