Paint Me A Picture, Love

Raven Mauven

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Willow 15" Essense of Belladonna and Serpent's Fang
Raven Mirayinov was on break from Durmstrang and was glad that this year had roughly come to its end. She normally wore cute dresses and all, but it was winter here in New Zealand and she was wanting to paint a scene with snow and trees without leaves. Her emerald eyes shone with sadness after she had discovered that she did not have her family with her. They had recently lost a member, and then they had lost her aunt as well. It seemed like they were just dying off, one by one. Who was next? Raven was almost scared for her life and those around her. The female supremest walked through the harbor with her leather boots, and she set up her easel. Ever since she painted that one depressed boy, Luciano, she had gotten better at painting people. She was an artist and she loved it. Though she did not really like male much anymore. They were getting less and less appealing to her. She hated the way they acted as well. They were so full of themselves.

She preferred to be around girls and all. She had never crushed on anyone before, so she did not know which way she swung so she assumed that she was just asexual. Raven got out her paints and she started to paint a dead tree with snow in the background. Raven smiled at her painting and she set it aside as she started on another one. The winters here were not that cold, and there wasn't much coldness here, and things were just cool. Raven shrugged and she continued to paint to her heart's content. She was the only artist in her family, and she was the only one that was not claimed by someone else. Perhaps she was another Raisa, doomed to be alone, only inspired to paint. She was not inspired to be evil, despite that she was living with her father and step-mother, she was a neutral party. She did not let anyone walk all over her either. She had a venom tongue, and she knew how to use it too. That was probably why she drove people away, and she liked it like that.
Kallisto needed a fay to get out and relax so she wouldn't end up killing her parents because they were always in her face or buzzing around her likes flies. They were so overprotective at times that it was really hard to remember that they were only looking for everyone's best interest in mind and what was best for their children. But Kallisto was an adult now and she didn't want anyone to tell what she should and should do anymore. It was getting old and it made her unable to paint, play music, or any of her other creative spurs she liked to do when she wanted to relax. Chances are there would never be peace for her or anyone living in that house so the only option was to move out somewhere or somehow. Which would require buying a house and stuff, and Kallisto would not get her small sum of the fortune until the Death of one or both of her parents occurred. Kasura had left long ago so chances were that her fortune was left alone until she came back or they gave it to the remaining children that were around. Kallisto often wondered where her big sister is and if she'd come back one day. But right now she was a bit more worried on getting out as soon as possible. Which meant that she needed to get a job somewhere in New Zealand. They had amazing art classes there and thats where she was going to start the search for her older sister. She had applied to a number of jobs so the only thing she had left to hope for was getting accepted. If not she would keep trying.

Clutching her thin sweatshirt to her body she was annoyed with the fact that New Zealand had opposite Seasons that Russia did so it was confusing to travel between the two. Between her fingers was a paper bag filled with art supplies that she had purchased to last her for awhile, she always ran out of paint, canvases, sketchbooks, and all of that other awesome art stuff. After time or so of walking she stopped when she noticed what looked like someone painting. This was a calling to Kallisto and she had to go check it out. Her small frame headed over to the person before she paused. She knew exactly who this was. They had taken art classes together. "Raven Mirayinov? What are you doing out here in the middle of winter?" They were not best friends or anything but they did sit next to each other at some point so they were fairly familiar with one another. They were both also seemingly quiet and talented girls. They probably would have made amazing friends, the downside was that Raven was a bit younger and still in school. To Kallisto it didn't matter much though. Raven was cool either way.
Raven had completed the painting and she had set the canvas to the side. Being artistic and with no one to share it with in the family was almost heartbreaking. Raven was an artist, a painter and a drawer. Raven had no one to share her ideas with. Raven continued to paint, a light streak of white below her green eye and made her look like a tribal woman. Though she did not like it much or anything, she could barely feel it. Raven continued on with her work, and then she heard her name, her full name being used. Well, her middle and last name, as she ignored her first name. She did not tell anyone her first name because she hated it. Klarissa, what was her mother thinking? And now, her mother was gone, and it would be almost two years now since she died. It was still hard for Raven to get over the fact that she was an orphan. Though she had her step-mother and then she still had her father. That much she was thankful for as well as her mother's side of the family.

Slowly, her emerald green orbs landed on a figure that looked awfully familiar. Raven raised her eyebrows when the name came to her. Raven intoned, her voice laced with ice, shock as well as her Bulgarian accent playing on her tongue, "Kallisto Malkov?" Middle of winter? It felt more like Autumn to her than anything. Raven set down her brush and she had a subt;e smile grace her lips. Now there was someone she could relate to. She remembered having an art class with the girl, Kallisto. They had much fun and painted a lot as well. Raven motioned toward the tree, "Painting the scenery. It isn't very cold here, even in the winter, you know." Raven hoped that she was here like she was, either getting art supplies or coming here to paint. Painting was something that she loved so much and would do anything to paint. Raven inquired, "What brings you here to New Zealand, Kallisto?" This was a good question for them two. Raven was astounded with just how much older Kallisto appeared than her, though she was older than her. Raven just acted much older though, older than others her age.
Kallisto nodded her head gently when Raven asked it it was her. Most people found it hard to forget Kallisto because she was such a creative and talented young lady. Her looks were very soft and innocent for someone who was raised around a bunch of siblings who seemed to never want to follow the rules. Both Kasura and Lukas ended up not being able to stand their parents control and left in a fury. Neither of them had been seen and years and the last two remaining children of the Malkov's often missed the two of them and their ways of always giving them hope. If they had stayed Kallisto's parents would probably allow her to do more than just be cooped up in her room painting and reading all day. Kallisto's darkened eyes shifted so she could look at whatever the blonde girl was painting. With no words she walked over and peered at Raven's work carefully, it already looked like a piece of work that belonged in a Museum. "Well it's freezing to me, then again I don't get out much. I love your use of colors here, you've improved since I've last seen you." Kallisto commented as her eyes trailed the painting like it was a maze of colors. Sometimes she wished she was better at painting outside scenery but alas her skills were much better in painting objects and people. Sometimes she'd walk by and randomly ask people if they could pose and she could paint them. They seemed to love being painted and her work afterwards.

"I'm only here to pick up some Art Supplies and I'm job hunting. I need a way to make some money so I can get out on my own." Kallisto fiddled with the paper shopping bag that she had been holding for the past half hour. If Raven so desired she could stick around a little and show her what she had bought. Maybe they could go grab a bite to eat and stuff too but that would be up to Raven and if she wanted Kallisto to stick around. She didn't know if students in school would really like to be seen with creepy older kids and stuff.
Raven did not know how tight Kallisto’s life was, and only knew of her own family’s traditions. She only knew of her own, and how tight things were with having a Patriarch for a father, and a Matriarch for a mother now passed. She was not heir to any of the family’s either. She did not know where her place in her families. She just wondered from place to place, painting and trying to find herself. But she had found herself as an artist, nothing else. She was not too prejudice. She was not too fashionable. She was her own person, unlike a lot in her school. It was almost disappointing. People were too cliché in her mind. Raven stepped to the side to allow Kallisto to observe her work. Raven laughed softly, “It isn’t cold at all. You must be used to warmer temperatures.” Raven paused for a moment, and she stared at her painting, her hand upon her chin to observe. “I had to improve since art classes. I would love to see your work, Kallisto!” It seemed like their painting objects and all were vise versa. She sucked at people and moving objects. She was best at sceneries. Raven added some red and orange to the pink sky, making it more realistic.

She rose up to her full height, which was something taller than an average female, and she had received it from her father’s family. Raven pointed out, “I can show you some art places, and as for job hunting, I wish I could help you.” Raven was not native here, and only came here when she wanted to paint some gorgeous sceneries. Strange that she only wanted to spend time with females. She found females a lot more fun, a lot prettier, and just appealing. Raven looked older, and her long legs attracted many men, but she brushed them off. Raven knew what it was like to want to move out and all. Raven started to put her things away, and she gave the older girl a light smile, “Actually, I think I want to shop for some more red paint. I am about out. We can go together, perhaps?” Raven could just hope that the older girl would not mind. She was turning sixteen soon anyway.
Kallisto couldn't answered Raven when she told her that she was probably used to warmer weather and that it wasn't cold at all. She wasn't sure what she could say other than that she was a very sheltered child and barely went outside to actually experience the weather properly. Part of her was always sort of embarrassed to tell other people how sheltered her parents forced her to be. It was a wonder that all their children weren't completely insane and out of it like Lukas seemed to be by the time that he left, he even ended up getting so bad that he had murdered the woman he was supposed to marry. Kasura hadn't done anything weird like he had, just got up, packed some of her belongings and left. It's been about eleven years since anyone had seen from her. "You could probably sell this art actually. I can show you some of my work sometime, though I will tell you now that some of it is...a little weird." Kallisto tried to paint exactly what she was feeling and seeing inside and sometimes that got a little weird. Like after her older sister left home and Kallisto was reminded of her one day she did this very melancholy painting of an unknown figure walking away into the dark. Everyone who ever looked at it described it as lonely and dark. It wasn't like Kallisto was trying to do it like that but thats how it ended up and it was still one of her all time favorite paintings. For some reason she really liked to draw sad people or figures, the darker colors were more fun to mess with. Plus to her she saw the world as a much darker place then people tried to make it seem.

"Don't worry, if worse comes to worse I can always try boarding somewhere or getting a job at a restaurant. Even if I prefer not to. But I'd love to go get some more paint with you, it'd give me an excuse not to head home." Kallisto shook her bag in her hand and smiled softly. As long as she lived with her parents she could use their money for everything. So chances are once she headed down there she would indulge in even more art supplies. She had an entire room covered with supplies but always seemed to find another color she wanted or another brush she liked better. Kallisto often ran out too. Going out with someone she sort of knew maybe would also give her the chance to make a friend and get to know people a little bit better. Sometimes she was really lonely, Raven seemed like a sweet bit sophisticated girl anyhow.
Raven did not notice that Kallisto did not comment on her own statement and naturally assumed that she was right in the end. Raven always thought of herself as right, no matter the circumstances, but then again, she was naturally like that anyway. Raven packed her art supplies away in one single tap of her wand. They were magical and all they needed was a tap to put themselves away, so she was not using magic outside of school technically. Her paintings were priceless to Raven, and though Kallisto was more of a sad and dark painter, Raven was more of a colorful person. Naturally, opposites attract. Raven laughed, "I could never sell my paintings. They are all too close to me actually. But I would love to see your pieces of art one day. I am a sucker for paintings." That was all that she really had to say on that matter. She was always so loving when it came to paintings. Raven seemed to appreciate more and more of Kallisto. She was an artist like she was. And being a female was just for the better for them, actually.

Raven wrinkled her nose at the thought of working in a restaurant. That would just be horrible! She could never imagine it at all. Raven packed her things up in her bag, and put it around her shoulder. She smiled at the older girl that she had once taken art classes with. "When something opens up, you will know it is for you when you go for it," said Raven wisely. She actually had no idea when she would be able to work, but it won't be until she was out of school. But the older girl had accepted her invitation, and for a moment, Raven thought that she would be crushed if she had rejected her. Raven dismissed it. "Could you apparate me there? I don't know how to do that yet... But we should be learning this upcoming here though!" Needless to say, Raven was excited about learning to apparate from place to place.

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