Open paddle, paddle, slip, slip, splash

Ivy Cullen

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Curly 12 1/2 Inch Swishy Ivy Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
13 (08/2050)
it was October. and the weather was starting to warm up. Ivy was glad. it wasn't like she lived cooped up in the castle all winter, quidditch was an all season sport after all. but there were only so many places to hang out in the castle. and only so many times could you play exploding solitaire before you were at serious risk of singing your hair.
Today after class, the third year had headed to the dorm to deposit her bags and get changed before picking up a sketch pad, a small ball that was charmed to bunch off any surface and bounce back to the thrower, and apple, and a small chocolate bar put them in a tote. not sure what the afternoon would bring she was sure she was ready for it. she then almost ran down the stairs and out into the grounds. The weather was surprisingly warm for this time of the year and she made her way over to the lake, the sparkles of the water drawing her in like a magpie. she reached a tree on the edge that rumour had it her mum had loved as a kid to the extent that she had named willow after it. and the tree that Linden had fallen for Casper under. Maybe some of its magic would wear off on her, maybe she would actually make a proper friend here. she sat down pulled off her socks and shoes before making her way towards the edge of the lake. The grass is soft between her toes. She stepped out onto a rock and then onto another, then one just under the surface. The water was icy. Then one more rock, one more step. and her foot slipped on some algae she tried to right herself and let out a bit of a shout before she lost her ballence and landed with a splash in the water.
Warmth. Above, warmth - light. Warmer days coming back. Swimming away from the shoal - not too far, but far. Further than usual. Exploring, warmer waters. No more ice - want to look. Want to see. Too far away now - but surface so close. Already here - might as well. Just a peek. Quickly - see four arms above the surface? Quiet in the cold times, but maybe now? Surface. Far from shore, but not too far. Close enough to see. SEE! Head out of water - see one! On the shore? So funny looking! Arms on the bottom instead of tail! Wrapped in nets! Big bundle of kelp on head? Closer? Already too far - already surface - might as well? Just a little closer, moving slow, only eyes out of water. SUDDEN! HIDE!!!! SUDDEN!!!!!!!!!!

...Wait. Just under surface. Nothing attacking. Should really go back - shoal missing? But already here. Want to see - sudden. Already here. Might as well. Further away now - only eyes! Stay low! Stay safe! Looking - four arms in water now? Careful, careful, just watch, stay low, watch the four arms. Should go back - already here. Watch. Stay low. Might as well...........
Ivy was drenched. from head to toe after her sudden dip. She sat up spluttering and coughing blinking and rubbing water from her eyes hoping that no one saw her. how embarrassing would that be if someone saw her fall over in the lake. it would be especially embarrassing if the someone who sw her was one of the chasers on the team who didn't like her. who had a grudge against her just because she had been chosen for the team. she looked around again the thought of the older girl using it against her in their next training. she couldn't see anyone. but why did she had the distinct impression of being watched. "Hello" she called before looking back towards the lawn. there were a few people over there but too far away to be paying her any attention. "Is anyone there" she said again quieter this time looking over the edge of the lake to the rock then back the other way. had she hit her head? was she going mad? she was sure someone was watching her. or was she really just being paranoid.
Noises! Calling out! Four arms language - choppy, dancing sounds. Should go back! Find the shoal! Far, too far! But - not moving. Want to see. Just a little - little closer. Eyes out of water - just the eyes! Peek! Peek to see - four arms looking, looking at lake. Saw? Heard? Should go back! Go back! But want to see... peeking out, small and quiet...
Naveen usually spent most of his time outside in the gardens or tending to his portion of the Wild Patch but today he was out by the lake for a walk to try and clear his head. Some of his plants weren't doing well and he wasn't sure why they were struggling even though he had done everything right. He saw a girl from his year, he was pretty sure her name was Ivy and remembered her from scouts meetings. He gasped when he saw her slip but he ducked behind a near by tree so she wouldn't see him and know that he saw her. He spared a glance around the tree and looked out towards the water and saw something move. "W-watch out!" he shouted. "There's some-" Naveen hesitated. It almost looked like a person but they looked...wrong. "Something in the water!" he finally spit out as he stumbled a few steps closer to where she was sitting in the water.
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Ivy looked around glancing at the lake. "Hello" she called again then thinking of something she switched using one of the few words her aunt Aspen had taught her Hello" she said again this time from the language of centaurs and the forests unaware if it was understood. she thought she saw something half out of the water an impossibly long way out. but before she could look again. and see what it was. A voice behind her made her jump. She turned around and saw Naveen there where she was sure he hadn't been there before. "Hey NaveenYes. there is something in the lake all right." she said pausing a second for the punch line "a slightly soggy, well more like soaking, Ivy" she said.
Two of them! Danger! Should go back! Four arms shouting now! Pull head back underwater! Should hide! Should go back! Watch quiet now, stay under the water, blurry shapes above surface. Safe under water, four arms need air, can't come down. Watch from under water, blurry four arms shouting now. Should go back, but just watch. Just a little longer...
Naveen made it a few more stumbling steps before whatever he had seen in the water seemed to disappear in the blink of an eye. He stopped half way between the trees and where Ivy sat in the water blinking furiously. What was that? When he was finally able to pull his eyes away from the surface of the lake he glanced and Ivy and frowned at her answer. "No no, there was something out there." he said emphasizing his words carefully. But the water was calm now and it all felt like a trick of his mind. He stood there slack jawed for a moment more before realizing Ivy was in fact soaking wet. "Oh, here let me help you." he added before going to her side to offer his hand.

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