Ozias Lucius Zhefarovich

Ozias Zhefarovich

Well-Known Member
Kingswood 14 3/4" Core of Basilisk Fang
"Mother nature is a coward...

mother nature is a wh*re..."

No more presence, no more power
I did my time and I want out
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[name] Ozias Lucius Zhefarovich
[etymology] The name Ozias means God's strength, and it would give off the impression of a strong and loyal man. This is somewhat true to Ozias however there is so much more than beneath the surface. His middle name Lucius means light which would give off the impression of a a bringer of enlightenment. This is very misleading because he is not very light at all, in fact he is a very dark person. Both names are very deceiving however it would go with his character since he is very deceiving anyhow. The surname Zhefarovich comes from Bulgaria and it means powerful, dexterous, virulent enforcer which is true in the darker nature of the entire family, very few have been unaffected by this. Ozias is definitely not one of the few. In fact, he puts on a mask to seem normal, when he in fact is not.
[origin] The surname Zhefarovich originates from Romania and Bulgaria. However the heritage of Romanian has long since washed away. The Zhefarovich family are large, containing three branches, with one typically being the main branch, which is the darkest, another being the more likely to be in businesses, and the last branch being the quietest and also the more pleasant if one could consider them pleasant at all. Most of the Zhefarovich family are pure-blooded, and have laws and strict rules which they are known for, and many are either Death Eaters or associated with them. They are known for their tightness and also on how they hate muggles and anything to do with them. While allying with some other families, the Zhefarovich do control others. They are very isolated, and while some people consider them to be legendary, they are also very hostile and malevolent, and will not stop a fight until they die from it. More often than not, they keep to themselves in Bulgaria while some spread around, their main base is in a Manor where no one can access unless they know where it is, and have many other secret places. The Zhefarovich had this tradition to give into the inner dark nature, and many other traditions that if broken, one would die. While Ozias' first and middle name have been used frequently throughout the history of the Zhefarovich family, combining them for his own name is a first.
[nicknames] Ozias does not have many if any nicknames. However one would receive a weird look if they were to call him Ozzy like he had given the looks out to some others during his time in school.
[alliance] Ozias' alliance is ultimately with the powers of evil.
[birthdate] Ozias was born in the Zhefarovich manor, as the first one from the set of twins born, five minutes before Azerail, on September 13th, 2009, around two of the clock in the afternoon.
[age] He is currently twenty-seven-years-old.
[gender] Ozias is a male.
[sexual orientation] Heterosexual which means that Ozias is attracted only to the opposite sex, which is females. When it comes down to choosing whether Ozias is attracted to aesthetics or personality, it is neither. It is slightly odd for Ozias to become attracted to someone. He needs to feel drawn, find some sort of connection with someone. So he may be only attracted to chemistry, before becoming attracted to anything else.
[dialects] Ozias can speak two languages, and they are Bulgarian and English. Bulgarian was his first language, and it is the language that he prefers to speak in because it is the most comfortable for him, however he speaks English around others.
[hometown] Ozias was born in the Zhefarovich Manor, and he was raised in the Manor. Due to his mannerisms, where he lives now was the only time he had ever been outside of the Manor except for schooling.
[residency] Ozias lives in Invercargill, New Zealand; his house is large with a lake behind it where Ozias spends most of his time. He currently lives with Taralynn Vyhnal, and his twin brother Azerail Zhefarovich.
[heritage] Ozias' parents were both fully Bulgarian, making him completely Bulgarian as well.
[blood status] Ozias is a pure-blood. He does have prejudice views on those with lesser bloods, but he does not voice them.
[blood type] AB negative is Ozias' blood type. It is rumored that in his family, those with AB Positive align with the side of good, whereas AB Negative align with the side of evil. This has been proven both wrong and correct. There is a belief in Japan that a blood type would give someone good traits and bad. The good traits from this belief are cool, controlled and rational, and the bad traits are critical, indecisive and unforgiving. This is true to his character.
[wand] The wand that chose Ozias is the Kingwood 14 3/4" Core of Basilisk Fang. The Kingwood that was made into his wand is a powerful wood that is neutral, though combined with the right core, can make it a light wand or a dark wand. Kingwood is treasured for its strength and protective properties. This wood is an excellent healing wood, closely tied with willpower. The Basilisk Fang in the wood gives it a boost of power, and it is a rare ingredient common in pure-blood families and ties with someone that buds with the Dark Arts. This wand will not yield for anyone else, and will backfire on someone.
[occupation] Ozias is a professional Quidditch player that plays seeker for the Transylvania team.
[health status] He is perfectly healthy.
[allergies] Ozias only has a mild allergy to pet dander.
[pet] Ozias finds it useless to have pets so he does not have one.
I pray for death, by the hour
So effusive - Fade - It doesn't cut
[five words] Dark, Twisted, Silent, Mysterious, Deceitful
[personality] Ozias is deep, sometimes to the point of confusing his own family members with his actions and riddles. Ozias is dark, twisted, but not many will be able to see much of it as he keeps it covered as well as being silent which adds the mystery to him. Ozias prefers not to talk, seeing that words do not matter much to him. His sayings are intense, have multiple meanings, and his thoughts are exactly the same. Ozias is constantly under the influence of the dark family that he was born into, and will often strike out without warning. It is extremely hard to get him angry to the point where it would be obvious to his expression, but it is easy to get on his nerves. Ozias however does not like change, and he will look tense, often uncomfortable when something does in fact change. Ozias is also very loyal, and would do anything his family asked of him to do, including the darkest of deeds. Ozias is not known for having physical violence, but he can be pushed to that. It is somewhat hard to ever really connect with Ozias on a personal level.
[beliefs] Ozias believes that everything dies, one way or another.
[boggart] This is currently unknown, even to him because he thinks he does not fear anything.
[fears] The only known and confirmed fear that Ozias currently has is change, and how he hates it.
[likes] Ozias tends to like to learn new things even after he had graduated school. He loves to learn anything that most people would have issues with, and he adores to go out on a boat in the middle of a lake or the ocean. He will often spend more time out on the water than on the land itself. Ozias also likes to do dark deeds, and see new ways on how much it takes to have a human die. He also enjoys Quidditch as the seeker, and he enjoys flying.
[dislikes]Ozias despises drinking and anything that is alcohol or smoking based. He also cannot stand anything that can do something to the body that is not natural, and that includes healing. Ozias is not the biggest prankster in the world, and he does not tolerate childish behavior well. He absolutely hates loud noises, as he tends to tune out crowds when he is playing in a match. Ozias also cannot stand hypocrites. He does everything in his power to prove them wrong, even if it kills them.
[goals] To find the perfect balance between darkness and pleasure.
[good habits] Ozias tends to remain healthy, and that includes his day routine of certain foods and exercises.
[bad habits] Ozias will judge people based on their first appearance, and it takes him a long time to even get over the first impression. Ozias will often take out a blade and mess around with it on his hand while someone is talking, indicating he is bored.
[strengths] Ozias' strength comes in many things, mostly in his strength of his mind over his magic. Ozias' mind can do many things, such as hold information, use logic to twist things around, and to deceive others into thinking what he wants them to think about him. Ozias is one to get physical with his anger, but it is rare to ever see him strike out at someone unless it was something that was considered large enough to be unnecessary. He will not use weapons on people unless he needs to do something with them. Ozias tends to know what people will do before they will even do it. He has a strong power in Dark Arts, and in Charms. His potions and Transfiguration spells are up there, but not nearly as much. Ozias will examine things to the point of every fine detail and outcome before he would act on it. He will often use his words to confuse people. He is a supreme flyer, as he is a seeker for his team. He can play other positions, but his keen eyesight helps him out greatly not just in Quidditch but in other aspects as well.
[weaknesses] It would be hard to find Ozias' weaknesses, but alas, like every other human he has them. From flying around, he has developed something wrong with his right wrist but he does not let it bother him. It can harm him however. Ozias is rather weak to emotions, because he does not feel the majority of them over how he was raised, so he would not be able to comfort someone like a regular person would, which in turn drives other people away. He dwells on what he believes is real, which often, is not. He has completely fallen to the Dark Arts, and it has his mind twisted into a way that cannot be twisted back. Ozias hates getting help, so he won't let anyone touch him unless he knows them for a long time. This in turn can kill him. With his stubbornness, he refuses to go to the healers for anything at all, and prefers to take care of things himself. He cannot empathize with anyone, and he will lose people like that. He is also horrible at Arithmancy, and can be led into not doing something important. Someone could lie to him, and he would believe it to a certain extent.
[loyalties] His loyalties rest to his family.
[magical talents] Where Ozias has talents in magic are very reclusive since he does not use magic that often at all. Ozias is excellent in charms and transfiguration, but his most notable abilities rest in the Dark Arts, making potions for those purposes when he feels the need. He can apparate anywhere he pleases, however he prefers to fly a broomstick when it comes to long distanced traveling. His talents in flying exceeds his brother's, but he struggles to perform the patronus charm. He prefers to use nonverbal magic, and his wandless magic is slowly improving.
[other talents] Ozias is highly intelligent, and he can sing rather well, same as Azerail however his skills are somewhat different. Ozias is very gifted in combat with weapons, from his native weapons and foreign, including guns and blades. Ozias can also cover his tracks exceedingly well, and can meditate for hours upon hours without interruption. He can write poetry, often too deep for others to understand. He can read and retain information very easily.
[patronus form] His patronus form is a wolf.
[annoyances] Ozias is somewhat difficult to annoy, however things will annoy him regardless. When something happens to him by someone else's doing that should not happen will leave him annoyed. He often gets annoyed by someone that keeps on talking and talking to him. Anything alcohol related gets on his nerves as well, or rather the behavior that follows.
Cut another smile into me, into me is all you are
The soul is not so vibrant
[chinese year] Being born in 2009, makes Ozias an Ox. People born in the Year of the Ox are patient, speak little, and inspire confidence in others. They tend, however, to be eccentric, and bigoted, and they anger easily. They have fierce tempers and although they speak little, when they do they are quite eloquent. Ox people are mentally and physically alert. Generally easy-going, they can be remarkably stubborn, and they hate to fail or be opposed. They are most compatible with Snake, Rooster, and Rat people.
[zodiac sign] Ozias' zodiac sign is the Virgo, the Virgin. Being a Virgo makes him modest, shy, meticulous, reliable, practical, diligent, intelligent and analytic which all fits in well with her character. On the downside, it also makes him fussy and a worrier, overcritical, harsh, perfectionist and conservative. What a Virgo likes are health foods, lists, hygiene, order and wholesomeness while they dislike hazards to health, anything sordid, sloppy workers, squalor and being uncertain. All of these tie in perfectly with Ozias' attitude and personality. The choice colors for a Virgo are green and dark brown, both of which are worn rarely by Ozias. The starstone for a Virgo is the Sardonyx.
[mutable sign] A Virgo is a mutable sign, and a person that is associated with this sign is associated with adaptability, service-providing and expansion. This is true to his character.
[interpersonal sign] Also being a Virgo makes someone principally aware of and concerned with social and societal concerns. This is not so much true to his character.
[planet] The planet that rules the Virgin is Mercury. Under the influence of the planet, one would have a computer like memory that allows you to be able to assimilate a large amount of information and then present it to the masses in a more understandable manner. They are very good at expressing this type of thing but when it comes to something close to their heart, such as love or compassion, they find it hard to let the other person know and can thus appear to be aloof and cold They also can be argumentative, critical, nervous and tense and if they do not make a special effort to overcome these they will lose many friends and loved ones throughout their lifetime without a clue as to why. Though the good qualities are industrious, methodical, humane and loving while they can also be critical, petty, self-centered and picky.
[element] Being a Virgo, Ozias' element is Earth. An emphasis on this element indicate a practical, cautious, and pragmatic approach to life. In the majority of cases there is the need to build solid, 'real' material success, for example, home and career succeess. Earthy people may benefit from connecting to the earth element via gardening, pottery, facial mud packs. Long range planning and the determination to succeed are strong traits for this element, as is melancholy, greed and fear if taken too far. A person with a lack of earth may find it difficult to live in the 'real' world and to keep themselves grounded. Their expectations in general may be a little unrealistic. Ozias fits this rather strong, and some of his most prominent traits are truthful, straight-forward, sensitive, just, upright and virtuous in dealings with other people with the downside of being aggressive to some point though it is hidden, egocentric, suspicious, controlled, non-caring and thinking he is never wrong.
[birthstone] His birthstone is the noble Sapphire. The sapphire has been linked with faith and purity, as well as foresight. It was thought that the stronger the sparkle of the gem, the more faithful and honest the wearer
My artifice won't recognize me, you won't find me... anymore
The reckoning - The sickening
[martial status] Ozias is currently single, and he is not looking for anyone right now. Relationships are pretty far from his mind.
[whom] N/A
[innocence] On February 9th, 2029, Azerail and Taralynn ended up sleeping together. Though Ozias also ended up joining later on the same night, just out of curiosity.
[turn ons] Blood, being out in the ocean, chemistry
[turn offs] About everything else...
[aphrodisiacs] Blood and the smell of the ocean
[the perfect female] Ozias does not have the perfect female in mind, at all.
[the perfect date] Nor does he have a preferred date.
Post-traumatic war machines, the pessimists still won't believe
Packaging subversion, pseudo sacrosanct perversion
[playby] Jared Joseph Leto
[natural hair] Ozias' natural hair is a dark brown, rivaling black. It is thick, but not too think, and it is also rather straight. It is soft when he uses the right shampoo and conditioner. He also lets it grow to his shoulders. He keeps it trimmed and cut in layers.
[hair modifications] There is only one hair modification that he has grown to use, and that is keeping the bottom layer of his hair a shockingly bright red, almost the color of blood if not brighter.
[eyes] His eyes are a liquid silver that seem to darken to onyx when he is in a bad mood as well as in the light. One would see that he is very cold and distant, and something that lurked beneath that would rival something sinister. He tends to hide the darker nature of his eyes, which can be seen when he is around common people. His glares are not to be taken lightly. The meaning of the color of his eyes are riches, changeability, mysticism, and wisdom.
[height] With his genes, he gets from his father's side of the family, he stands above average. They have many tall women and even taller men, and Ozias is no exception. He stands at a height of six feet and seven and a fourth inches.
[weight] With his muscles and very large bone structure, Ozias weighs at a good two hundred and thirty pounds.
[complexion] His skin is nearly white, like an ivory hue or porcelain, and the feel of it is soft, and natural. Ozias hardly has any markings on his skin such as on his face (when it is not covered in blood). It is smooth also to the touch.
[scars] Ozias has a scar on his side from where he was in a bad accident during Quidditch, where his own ribs became his worst enemy. It looks like he were clawed by a werewolf.
[birthmark] A crescent moon on the left side of the neck.
[smile] Ozias will smile on occasion, but most of the time it seems forced, if not eerie.
[body build] Tall and built, but almost slender as well yet he carries himself like a normal being, as silent as can be.
[body modifications] He currently has a tongue ring in, and he also has a tattoo which is the Zhefarovich symbol that covers his entire back.
[dominant hand] He is ambidextrous, which means he can use his wand in both of his hands, as well as anything else.
[style] Ozias' style is rather dark, which means that he refuses to wear anything bright like white or red. He is seen most often wearing black robes, but when he goes out on the water he wears jeans and a black shirt with thick boots. His style has never changed, and it likely will never change as well because of the way he is.
Throw away my past mistakes, It's all I can to feel
Go drill your deserts - Go dig your graves
[school] Ozias attended Durmstrang Institute all seven years of his schooling.
[special titles and awards] When Ozias was in his fifth year, he earned the Prefect title, but that was it.
[extracurricular activities] He refused to attend anything with others.
[favorite subject] Dark Arts
[best subject] Dark Arts
[loathed subject] Arithmancy
[worst subject] Astronomy
[favorite professor] The Dark Arts professor
[loathed professor] The Charms professor
[grade average] Outstanding
[owl grades]
Potions: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Charms: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
History of Magic: Acceptable; Exam: Exceeding Expectations
Dark Arts: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Transfiguration: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Astronomy: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Herbology: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Exceeding Expectations
Arithmancy: Poor; Exam: Dreadful
Ancient Runes: Acceptable; Exam: Poor

[newt grades]
Potions: Outstanding; Exam: Exceeding Expectations
Charms: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Dark Arts: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Transfiguration: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Herbology: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Outstanding

[graduated] June of 2028

-----Too be continued on the next post
"Let my weapons be your children...

let my armies be your damned..."

Try to suffer on in silence, try to stop me if you can
Then fill your mouth with all the money you will save
<FONT font="times new roman"><SIZE size="50">


[mother] Liyla Cateline Mirayinov
[born] December 7th, 1966
[died] October 31st, 2024
[blood status] Pure-blood
[title] Matriarch of the Mirayinov Family
[heritage] Bulgarian
[occupation] Unemployed
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Slytherin Alumni, Prefect and Head Girl
[playby] Rachelle Lefevre
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn and Jessye


[father] Asparuh Gavril Zhefarovich III
[born] October 31st, 1949
[blood status] Pure-blood
[ability] Legilimency
[title] Patriarch of the Zhefarovich Family
[heritage] Bulgarian
[seeing] Danielle Axelle Lefevre-Zhefarovich
[occupation] Retired; Death Eater
[education] Durmstrang Alumni, Prefect and Head Boy
[playby] Julian Sands
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[step-mother] Danielle Axelle Lefevre-Zhefarovich
[born] December 2nd, 1951
[blood status] Pure-blood
[ability] Occlumency
[title] Head of the Lefevre Family; Ranee of the Zhefarovich Family
[heritage] French
[seeing] Asparuh Gavrill Zhefarovich III
[occupation] Unemployed; Death Eater
[education] Durmstrang Alumni, Prefect and Head Girl
[playby] Emilia Clarke
[roleplayer] Jessye


[older half-brother] Kalif Ivaylo Styx
[born] October 31st, 1972
[blood status] Pure-blood
[ability] Legilimency
[title] Head of the Zhefarovich Family
[heritage] 1/2 French, 1/2 Bulgarian
[seeing] Nicolette Arin Hensel-Styx
[occupation] Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor at Hogwarts New Zealand, Slytherin Head of House; Former Death Eater
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Slytherin Alumni, Prefect and Head Boy
[playby] Rhys Ifans
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[older half-sister-in-law] Nicolette Arin Hensel-Styx
[born] February 2nd, 1973
[ability] Animagus; White cat
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] Russian
[seeing] Kalif Ivaylo Styx
[occupation] Unemployed; Former Death Eater
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Slytherin Alumni, Prefect
[playby] Diane Kruger
[roleplayer] Jessye


[older half-brother] Prodan Vassil Zhefarovich
[born] May 25th, 1984
[blood status] Pure-blood
[title] Clandestian of the Zhefarovich Family
[heritage] Bulgarian
[occupation] Retired
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[playby] Jared Padalecki
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[older brother] Axel Lastor Zhefarovich
[born] November 25th, 1993
[blood status] Pure-blood
[title] Viscount of the Zhefarovich Family
[heritage] Bulgarian
[occupation] Potions Professor in Hogwarts New Zealand
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Slytherin Alumni, Prefect
[playby] Alexander Skarsgard
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[older brother] Benjamen Tenebrion Zhefarovich
[born] November 25th, 1993
[blood status] Pure-blood
[title] Nefarious Savant of the Zhefarovich Family
[heritage] Bulgarian
[occupation] Potions Dealer; Scitorari
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Ravenclaw Alumni, Prefect and Head Boy
[playby] Alexander Skarsgard
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[older brother] Chavdar Lenov Zhefarovich
[born] November 25th, 1993
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] Bulgarian
[occupation] Potions Shop Owner
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[playby] Cam Gigandet
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[older sister] Nataliia Mirela Dragonov-Snow
[born] March 14th, 2000
[blood status] Pure-blood
[title] Margrave of the Zhefarovich Family
[heritage] Bulgarian
[occupation] Unemployed
[education] Beauxbatons Alumni
[playby] Angela Lindvall
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[younger brother] Azerail Lucas Zhefarovich
[born] September 9th, 2009
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] Bulgarian
[seeing] Taralynn Sage Vyhnal
[occupation] Saint Mungo's Healer
[education] Hogwarts New Zealand; Slytherin Alumni, Prefect and Head Boy
[playby] Jared Leto
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[younger sister] Raven Riona Zhefarovich
[born] July 13th, 2010
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] Bulgarian
[occupation] Owner of Eeylops Owl Emporium
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[playby] Emma Roberts
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[younger half-brother] Ivaylo Salazar Zhefarovich-Dolohov
[born] August 2nd, 2024
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 British, 1/2 Bulgarian
[education] Hogwarts New Zealand; Slytherin
[playby] Joseph Morgan
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[younger brother] Asparuh Gavril Zhefarovich IV
[born] October 31st, 2024
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] Bulgarian
[playby] Allan Hyde
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[younger half-brother] Virgil Antoninus Zhefarovich
[born] July 1st, 2026
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 French, 1/2 Bulgarian
[playby] Devon Sawa
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[younger half-brother] Astaroth Dante Zhefarovich
[born] July 1st, 2026
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 French, 1/2 Bulgarian
[playby] Devon Sawa
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[younger half-sister] Bellatrix Inanna Zhefarovich
[born] May 7th, 2027
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 French, 1/2 Bulgarian
[playby] Daria Zhemkova
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[younger half-sister] Seira Raisa Zhefarovich
[born] May 7th, 2027
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 French, 1/2 Bulgarian
[playby] Claire Holt
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn
My ghosts have found their way back home
Sinking in, getting smaller again
Ozias was born from Asparuh Zhefarovich III and Liyla Mirayinov as the older twin, however he was not given up as soon as Azerail was. Asparuh had managed to keep him from the wretched woman that wanted to keep sending off their children to be raised by other people. Ozias was kept in the Zhefarovich Manor with his own room, being tutored with the other children under Rayna's wing. There they were taught the morals, which are truthfully backward before they would go off with schooling. Ozias was one of the quieter boys when he learned with the others, reading what he could. Ozias grew up aware that he was a twin, but he was somewhat affected that he would not be able to find him. Ozias continued to learn with the other family members, but growing close with none of them in particular. He learned so much under Rayna, thinking of her as a mother opposed to someone else. He was being taught with Shanaos Zhefarovich the Third, her son. It was not long before the two developed a bond even though the two were vaguely different, and he was a year older. Ozias figured that he would go off in Durmstrang but that never happened, as he had chosen to remain home-schooled. During this time, Ozias got to know some of the other families that his own mingled with. Ozias was starting to wonder what school he would go to, and if he would be going to be home-schooled as well. He did not care either way. When he became eleven, he was accepted into Durmstrang, where his father approved for him to go to. He was able to go out and get the supplies he needed and before he knew it, Ozias was off to Durmstrang, having a feeling that he would not like it there because of how many people that went there. After he was settled on the way to Durmstrang, he met someone that he did not think existed, but his little sister that happened to be in the same year as he named Raven. Ozias felt the connection, and they stuck together through the school. While Ozias was not at all into the school, he learned quickly that the world was full of morons.

While Ozias refused to be within anyone's presence for too long, his mysterious attitude soon landed him in the middle of so many others that wanted to be his friend. He just did not want it. He had someone close to him and that was enough for him. When he reached his fifth year, his strength in academics and not getting in trouble landed him the Prefect badge. Raven did not get it but she did not seem to care. Ozias did not think anything of it, but instead he continued on learning, and dropped quite a few classes after the OWLs so that he had more free time. He helped out Raven when he felt like he needed to. It was not long until the two of them graduated, and Ozias had heard that he was going to be able to meet his twin brother. After he had gotten onto the Transylvania team as their seeker, Ozias made his first kill after fully giving in to the Dark Arts. He was ready to meet Azerail. The moment that he did, he was covered in blood, and the two became closer than he and Raven ever were, understanding one and another to an extreme level even though Ozias knew that Azerail was uneasy around him, possibly due to his upbringing. The two decided to move out, with their father's permission, only if they stay together. It was around this time when Azerail got his last name changed as well. Ozias had a feeling that in order to convert Azerail, he would have to be around him. Ozias and Azerail did not mind that, and they were soon found a place in New Zealand, where they met Taralynn Vyhnal, a girl that ended up being their roommate. Months passed, and the roommate agreement was broken when they slept together. Ozias continues to sleep with Taralynn just because he doesn't have anything else to do. He then meets a girl that could be a potential ally named Amycus Thoreau. However she was much younger than he. After she left, he spent some time thinking about her, before she was forgotten for the most part. That is, until he sees her again in the same place before he was going to go sailing on his boat.
"I have every right to kill my own...

I am something now that never could exist..."

My anguish conquers all, pay the price and watch me fall
I'm Done! It has begun, I'm not the only one!

"Supposedly" Saying Good-Bye
So, Can We Afford This?
Before I Fall
Ocean Eyes</FONT></SIZE>
You utter waste of tired flesh, it doesn't matter if you can't progress
And the reign will kill us all...throw ourselves against the wall

<SIZE size="50"><FONT font="times new roman">Code: Made by me, Kaitlyn.
Lyrics: Dark red - This Cold Black by Slipknot; Gray - Psychosocial by Slipknot
Influenced by: Zoey and Jessye​

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